short chapterย  warning!!!


Y/n sighed and walked down the school hallways, a few things were bothering her.

MORE LIKE A FEW PEOPLE! All day the council has been following her around, being total bone heads and not even say anything! They literally just watched her and pretended like they were doing something else.

Y/n groaned and stamped her foot once she caught them off guard. "What is UP WITH YOU GUYS? You have been following me all day like lost puppies. Spill." She glared, and the boys had to admit, they found it cute.

"Well, since that Alex boy sent his sickly love to you on Valentine's Day, we're just making sure no one else gets the same idea." Kaito spoke up, everyone else but Alex nodding.

Y/n forgot about what she was at them about and started to think. 'I haven't seen Dimitri in ages...'

"Y/n? Y/N!" Ryo waved his hand in front of her face, growing frustrated now.

"YES?" Y/n stood upright and saluted, then awkwardly scratched her head and pretended as if she hadn't done anything.

"Did you even hear what we were saying?" Kai raised a brow and spoke in his soft, eerie voice.

"No." Y/n admitted and started with a blank expression, her long eyelashes batting.

"Well, there's a new student. Dimitri's enemy. We have to keep him away from Dimitri as much as we can..." Ryo sighed and glanced over to Daniel.

Daniel nodded and adjusted his red scarf then smiled, "his name is Kane. Kane D'Amore," he paused then sighed, "he's around 6'3."

Daniel looked over to Kaito and they both held up a picture of him. Y/n was shocked. 'oh fuck he's kinda cute oops,' she thought

Y/n was just there like: ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ˜ณ

"Y/n stop dreaming about him. I swear, he has a small-" Ryo was cut off by kaito's hand planted on his mouth

"Okay, I think that's en- WAIT, OH EM GEE, GUYS! THAT'S HIM!" Kaito yelled. AND HE WAS RIGHT.

The sexy beast strode in, all smexy and totally peng nd drool worthy.

He was followed by two bulky men, who looked to be going through mid-life crises. One was bald, but had a beard shaped like a triangle but was braided at the bottom, whiled the other had a full on Afro but was split in the middle by a huge bald patch looking thing, like someone had just grabbed a shaver and ran it over the top of his head.

It was like looking at Cinderella and the ugly step sisters if they were real...and guys. Of course y/n was princess charming.

Y/n was so busy thinking about him, she didn't realise he was walking towards her sexily.

He gently chuckled and set his large hands on her dainty shoulders, rubbing circles with his thumbs. "Hey beautiful." He crouched slightly and whispered into her ear...

HAH. TOO BAD SHE WAS DREAMING. That didn't actually happen.

But he was walking over.

"Move." He said in this stupid hot, sexy, attractive, peng, beautiful, smexy, COCKY, asshole voice.

"Sorry!" Y/n squealed and moved back.

The council was twitching and they kept clenching their fists.

Y/n sighed and turned to them, smiling now. Her smile was with more than Kane's sexy body though. The boys smiled back, their hard gaze softening.

"He's a handful." She sweat-dropped and chuckled.

"Well, I'm gonna head up to the roof, catch you guys later!" Y/n ran upstairs, and eventually slowed down half way.

She heard footsteps, which was strange. No one ever came up to the roof? No one not on the council anyway.

Y/n looked down the stair way, spotting a head of long black hair.

Then the glint of a gun.

Then *his* purple eyes.

He had looked up.

She could see the grim, evil look on his face. She was genuinely afraid and started running up the stairs and reached the top.

She attempted to open the metal door leading to the roof, but to her dismay, it was locked. She almost cried but held it back then went into a metal locker, quickly closing it.








Then the footsteps grew quieter, and quieter, until they stopped. The cocking of a gun was heard.



They filled her ears, but they weren't hers.
