
Onika's POV
That same night

So turns out that light was just the doctor checking my eyes to see if I'm conscious or not. I'm surprised I am I thought the lord was ready to take me.

"Ma'am, miss can you hear me?"

I nodded while trying to focus my eyes.

"Good, can you tell me your name"

"O-Onika" I said weirdly

"That's a beautiful a name, can you count to five for me"

"What's happening" I watched the room spinning out of place.

"I'm going to help you but I need you to count to five for me"

"Ok.. one..t two...three.. f fourrr..."I felt my breathing slowly down "fiv"

"Onika stay with me ok?"


"You got this"

"I I can't breathe"

"GRAB THE AIR TUBE" she yelled to the other doctors. "Ok you should be fine now, I'm going to let you see your wife before your x ray and surgery"

"Wha- what" I didn't know what I was more concerned about the surgery or my 'wife'?

Of course the crazy b*tch walked in the room with flowers, balloons, and a teddy bear acting like she ain't the reason I'm in this d*mn bed.

"Hi baby"

Words couldn't leave my mouth to cuss her out but I definitely mugged her.

"I'll give you two some privacy" the doctors quickly left out.

"Baby I know I was wrong I'm sorry I just want you to feel better"

I just looked at her and blew my breath. I don't give a d*mn about her sorry or the gifts I can't feel my heart or legs.

"Onika please speak to me, I got you gifts"

"Beyoncé please just go"

"N-no I I love you we can't be apart I'm sorry please"

She stood up coming closer to the bed, I'm not taking no more chances with her so I clicked the button for the doctors to come back in.



"Alright we'll be back to update you Mrs. Maraj"

"Huh" I gave the doctor a confused look.

"Oh not you your wife sweetie"

I blew my breath I don't feel like explaining to this lady that that's not my wife just an insane person. Beyoncé Maraj... that sh*t dont even sound right.

After hours of surgery and X-rays they took me back to my original room and for some reason Bey was still sitting there after I told her a** to leave.

"Alright so it is clear to me that your wife" ugh I rolled my eyes internally. "Spinal cord is serverally injured and pushed out of place, the other doctors and I believe it's a sprain and will hopefully heal itself"


"Um yes but I'm sending you to a physical therapist for a month and you must wear a back brace until it is pushed back into its correct position. You may feel pain in your chest or lungs and numbness in your legs but the nurse out front will give you pain medicine for that. Any questions?"

"What happens if it doesn't heal properly or at all"

"Well you probably won't be able to stand or sit up"


"Yes but let's not be pessimistic here, definitely try not to hurt your back again because it will completely be pushed out of place and you won't be able to stand up at all"


"Well you're free to go home"

WHAT? I basically broke my back and all she's giving me is medicine and a d*mn back brace??

Week later

Well me breaking my back ain't stop sh*t I still moved into my own house finally and my mom was dropping off my daughter next week. I don't know how ima do anything for her with a broken back h*ll I can't even stand up without a back brace.

Bey and Ari been a big help. Again I told Bey to f*ck off but she insisted and I wasn't gon fight with her. This physical therapy been a life saver tho it definitely relieved a lot of pain in my back and the guy is super cute. Don't let bey find out tho cus then all h*ll would break lose.

I haven't been speaking to her much but she definitely been around doing everything in her power and kissing my a**. I don't know what im going to do about that situation especially since my daughter is coming.

And to make matters worse my mother is staying down here my first week with her to make sure the living space is 'adequate enough for her grandchild' but hey maybe she'll help around here.

Oh d*mn I definitely can't let bey unstable a** be around her but how the h*ll am I going to keep her away from me for a week. She already made a copy of my key after I specifically told her not. Lord how the h*ll is she going to act around my mother and child?!

And my mother is the most judgmental unsympathetic woman on this earth so I know she ain't gon like me being with bey and oh goshhhh when I have to explain how I broke my back ugh that woman is stressing me out already. And I know she gon tell the whole church when she goes back home, sh*t she might even drag me back with her.

Although I'm forever a trini girl I can't go back, it would just be moving backwards. I came here to get a better education and job but somehow just ended up getting pregnant, drugged, and meeting three psychos. My luck huh?

"Onika so I know you have a kid that's coming and um I brought some stuff for her" she had a bunch of bags full of baby stuff, clothes, bottles, and toys.

"Aww bey" she makes it so hard to be mad at her. I never told her I had a kid coming but knowing her stalker a** I'm sure she found out on her own "this is really sweet but she's not a baby baby she's 5"

"Oh well um-"

Although it literally pains me to hug her I did. She's so sweet sometimes and she is right I can be a little ungrateful.

"Thanks bey"

"Yea I just want to make a good first impression cus kids are pretty tough and I want her to be comfortable and like it here.

"I appreciate your effort"

" I know she's into to pink stuff and animals so I got her a bunch of stuff"

"aww bey..wait how do you know what she into"

"Just look at the stuff Onika" I looked through the stuff it was all so cute. "Can I help you decorate her room"

"Yea sure but you'll be doing must of the work"

"That's fine" she started putting stuff up in the room while I laid on the chair. "So what's her name"


"Cute. What's she like"

"She's so sweet and shy, she doesn't cause any trouble, she likes to read book, play with stuffed animals, color, swing on the swings, her favorite animal is a giraffe, and she's so smart."

"She sounds like a good kid"

"Yea she's perfect"

"So um why don't she stay out here with you" well d*mn bey.

"It's just..I don't know. I know I should be a better mother Im just scared I guess" i looked down.

"Of what"

"I don't know...ruining her? I mean I don't know how to be a mother and she doesn't have a dad so that's even more pressure on top of my mother telling me I'm not good enough and I feel like I disappoint her cus I don't know what I'm doing"

"Well none of us really knows what we're doing we're just..taking it day by day and learning it as we go. All that matters is you try. Even when it gets hard." Did the delirious person just give good advice?

"Well why don't pink live with you?"

She chuckled. "Her name is Blue and I would love for her to live with me I see her every time I can but her mother and apparently my family think it's best if she didn't so."

"Why didn't you ever tell me you had a kid"

"Well you never asked about her...or me"

I sighed because she was right. Everything has been about me I never asked why she's like this or tried to find out. I was raised to mind your business but maybe I should've asked.

"You're right I'm sorry"

"Yea" I watched her face dropped. Aw my beybey.

We talked some more and eventually she was done, I looked really nice I hope Ariah likes it. We ordered food cus I obviously can't cook no more, and well I stopped being mad at Bey.
