Smell of Regret

Onika's POV
Later that week

It's been a tough few days, especially for the kids. I'm getting them a grievance counselor soon and hopefully they'll explain what happened. I've been trying to pull myself together for them but the image of his lifeless body is stuck in my head.

I haven't really spoke to bey because how can I look at her the same after that. She even acted as if nothing happened. I'm not sure how the kids feel about her but I just want us to get away from all this chaos. I was even thinking about us taking a break and I mean for real this time.

But in the meantime im going to the store to get my babies some food in this house, everyone was sleeping still so I went alone. I needed the alone time to clear my head anyways. I went to Starbucks first to get me a bagel and sum ice coffee. I was so interested in the new cups I ended up bumping into someone.

"Oh I am so so sorry"

"You're good baby" she smiled.

"Alright, I really didn't mean to" I picked up the cups that dropped and she helped.

Once we were done we both looked up making eye contact. I noticed how beautiful she was not like a pretty like a FINE. She chuckled at me staring at her.

"Oh sorry" I nervously laughed.

She chuckled. "You say sorry a lot"


"My name Kehlani" she cut me off, she put her hand out for me to shake.

"I -im Onika"

"Onika. A name just as beautiful as you" she held my hand looking into my eyes.

"Thank you"

"I would love to talk to you more can we sit or?"

"Well actually this is supposed to be a quick run"

" I understand. Can I get your number and maybe link up another time" she got a lil closer to me touching my hand again.

"Oh um.. we'll you should know I'm in a relationship"

"I'm not asking to date you mama I mean I wouldn't pass up the opportunity but I'm jus tryn get to know you"

"Well alright then" I gave her my number and nearly forgot my bagel. She laughed at me then left out and I stood there smiling like an idiot.

Anyways I went to grocery store and started to pick out food and the whole time i was there I had this weird feeling. My phone started ringing it was bey.


"I- d*mn I can't get a hi"

"Hi bey. Do you need anything?"

"Yea three things actually"

I rolled my eyes.


"First where are you"

"The store"

"Ok and I'm hungry"

"Well I'm at the store getting food now"

"Last thing is I miss you so hurry up so we cuddle"

Usually I would smile at that but was I just disgusted with the person she is.

"Ok bye"

"I love you"

"Love you too" I hung up. Then she texted me, I threw my head back in irritation.

Beybey🐝💕: 'love you'??

Beybey🐝💕: what's wrong with you? I thought we were good??

:im okay.

Beybey🐝💕: you're not but ok.

Beybey🐝💕: not finna argue or beg you.

:I didn't ask you to?

Beybey🐝💕: bye Onika.


Well I knew it was too good to be true. She hasn't changed. It's sucks because I see so much potential in her and I really do love her but it's gets tiring. I rung the stuff up then walked towards the car looking at me and beys messages. Next thing I know there's a bag over my head and I'm being grabbed.

I tried to fight whoever off as much as possible but the person punched me so hard I past out.

Hours later

I woke up inside a unfamiliar on the floor chained. The room reeked of  a smell I couldn't identify I looked around and saw I was in a puddle of my own blood. I gagged. I could hardly move my weak body. I looked and saw most of my clothes were off and my body was covered in either scars or dried blood. My head was banging and my sight was going in and out.

I sat there for hours crying and asking God why. I guess my kidnapper heard all of my crying and opened the door. When I looked up to my surprise I saw my mother and two unknown men. One was looking at me like he wanted to swallow me whole.


"Hello Onika"

"Whyy? Why did you do this to your own daughter how could you hate me this much"

"Oh shut the h*ll up I'm tired of you acting innocent you are a WHORE"

"I told you I'm not!"

She slapped me with a chain leaving a stinging feeling across my cheek.

"Yes you are and that's all you'll ever be." She spit in my face. I just sat there in cried cus what else could I do.

"Stop the tears you weren't crying when you slept with my husband. Your own father you should be ashamed of yourself!"

"You should be ashamed of yourself! I told you that man RAPED ME"

"SHUT UP" she kicked me in my face. "It's like a pattern with you first my husband then a group of men? You slut! Mine as well keep the train going right?" She brought in the man.

"No no pleasee" I cried as he was coming closer to me.

"Good bye Onika" she walked out.

The man whispered in my ear I couldn't even focus on what he was saying. Nothing was louder than my cries. He pushed my legs ripped my panties from my skin. He grabbed my waist shoving his penis inside me. He thrusted his dick in and out slamming into me and indulging with no remorse for me. I cried harder at the sight of him touching all over me.

Once he was done with me I physically could not produce anymore tears. I felt sick and disgusting. But most importantly hurt and betrayed by my own mother. I couldn't move my legs so I just sat their with my head hanging down. I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to the sound of gunshots then the door busted open I jumped. The person came closer to me pulling off their mask, it was bey. I couldn't form the words all I could do is look at her and she knew. She gave me clothes and helped me stand up. We walked through the dark warehouse with gunshots flying off at every corner.

She ended up giving me a gun I looked at her with a scared face. We kept walking until we ran into my mother and the two men bey shot the men and the rest coming up and ordered me to shot my mother. I stood there with shaken hands. Even after all this lady put me through I couldn't bring myself to kill her. Or to kill anyone.


"She doesn't have the balls to do it. Onika give the gun to mother"

"Onika shoot"

"Now Onika"

I started crying at their commands.


"Wow you're so pathetic just pull the trigger Onika" my mother taunted me. "You'll never be nothing not even a killer now put the gun down"



I back up a little.

"Shoot Onika"


I pulled the trigger. I watched her body fall and blood start to pour out. I dropped the gun looking at my hands. I'm no better than any of them.

"Good job baby you did the right thing"

I didn't feel like I did. The whole ride back she was acting normal like none of this happened. All I could do was stare into blank space replaying the gunshots and her body dropping. Tears could no longer come out. I was completely numb.
