Tears of a Dragon

Natsu's P.O.V.
I didn't even mean to come here. It's like my feet took their own path. I looked up at the building, as if to be waiting for her to come out yelling at me. "Ow," Nashi's cry snapped me out of my daydream. "Dad your crushing my hand. Dad!"
"Huh," I looked down. My right hand was enclosed in a tight fist, same with my left, but in my left I held Nashi's hand. I pulled my hand away apologizing quickly.
"What is this place?" she said rubbing her hand.
I rubbed the back of my head. "This is where your mother used to live," I said with a croaky voice. That's when it hit me. The memories. Those god damn memories were the only things that kept me going for so long. Thinking about Lucy's smile. The way she would freak out all the time.
I laughed a little to myself out of reflex. "What?" Nashi asked looking up at me. "Why is this place so important?"
I only shook my head. This was just the last place I saw her. I said to myself. "It's just..." I said unsure of how to put it. "A lot happened here."
"Oh," she still looked confused. "I wish she would have come here with me. I wish she didn't get sick."
"Yeah," I agreed without really paying attention.
"Then we would have been able to be a family!" I looked down at her. Her eyes were closed but the brightest smile I had ever seen was plastered on her beautiful face. I couldn't help but smile back.
"That would be amazing," I said with a smile. "But we need to be thankful for the family that we have now."
"Yeah," she leaned her head on me. "I found you and the guild. I miss my mom a lot but I'm glad I found Fairy Tail."
"I'm happy you found your way here to," I said. I looked up at the building again. "Are you ready to go back home?" I asked with my eyes remaining on the building.
"Yes," she said shifting her feet nervously on the ground. My eyes still not looking at her. "Are you?"
I quickly look down and laugh. It's amazing how much she reminds me of Lucy. She's smart and kind with hints of shyness and awkwardness.
Out of nowhere she grabbed her head and began to whine. "Nashi," I said down kneeing next to her. "Nashi what's wrong?"
"Nu-" she said shaking her head. "Nothing I'm fine."
"Nash-" before I could even finish her name she managed to collapse. Her movements took long enough so that I was able to catch her before she hit the ground. She wasn't heavy at all so I carried her in my arms and ran her back to the guild.
Her breathing was faint and her body was starting to get overheated yet she shivered as if she where cold. "Come on, Nashi," I whispered. "You'll be fine just hold on."

Grey's P.O.V.
The doors bursted open soon after Erza and I got back. She promised me she would talk to Jellal. I had just sat down at the bar. "Help!" Natsu's voice was frantic. Nashi was in his arms and my heart sank. She was passed out but she didn't look the same as before.
If it's possible she looked paler then before. And the heat coming off over her was so hot that one could almost make out the heat waves coming off her body.
"Take her to the infirmary!" Porliusika said sternly. Natsu looked frazzled but quickly went up the stairs. I followed behind them making sure no one else followed. I gave her some ice when she asked them she yelled for us to get out. At first Natsu was apprehensive, but I was able to push him out of the room to Porliusika could do her job.
We sat in the lounge for a long time. He wouldn't stop walking back and forth which made me anxious. Each minute felt longer then the last and people whispered to one another unsure of what else to do. Natsu didn't seem to notice. His eyes where glued on the infirmary door.
After about twenty minutes she came out. Everyone starred at her unsure of what she would say. "Natsu, you and you alone may go sit with your daughter, but nothing else. She needs her rest."
I bit of joy pressed on Natsu's face. But I could tell by the tone of Porliusika's voice and the way she presented her statement that there was something else. As I suspected once she was sure Natsu was in the infirmary she went and sat next to Macarav who was conveniently sitting right next to me. "The child isn't doing well at all," she whispered rather loudly. But most of the guild was muttering to themselves about what had happened. "I'd honestly be surprised if she survived the night."
Macarav's face was as blank as mine. Porliusika left the bar. "I suppose you heard that," he muttered looking at my glass. It was then that I realized I had completely frozen it. I let go of it quickly and looked down in anger. "We have to be prepared to be there for Natsu. Go sit up there with him. Just incase."
"Yes Master," I said in a monotone voice.
I walked into the room silently, but not silent enough for Natsu's ears. He was asleep on the chair next to Nashi's bed until he had heard my footsteps. He gave me a small wave. I could make myself wave back. "I think I'm going to go home for tonight. I think she's safe here," he whispered.
"Ok," is all I could say back.
He knelt down to kiss her forehead, but after he did that, he stopped. She was still. To still. Her chest wasn't elevating like it was before and she wasn't shaking. Natsu slowly and carefully grabbed her wrist, then dropped her arm to the side of the bed. That's when I felt the ripping on the inside of my chest. He put his hand near her noose then finally stopped. "She's not breathing," he hiccuped.
"Why isn't she breathing?!?" His body was engulfed with flames and his fists where tightened with rage. I got my hands cool and pulled him away from Nashi's bed. "Don't touch me!" He snared.
"Natsu stop!"
"Why isn't she breathing!?!?" He screeched in tears then fell back to the floor. The first one to reach the room was Erza. She got one look at Nashi in the bed and fell to the floor rapping her arms around Natsu.
No one could sleep that night. We were all haunted. By Natsu's cries. The tears of someone so strong. The brokenness of a dragon.
