
Gray's P.O.V.
He wouldn't look at her. The resemblance between them almost frightened everyone in the guild. They both slouched on the seats and avoided looking at one another. Master read the note over and over again. Reading and re-reading the words written by one of his children. He bit his lip to keep from crying. We all did. Some like Leavy and Wendy couldn't hold back the tears.
It was like we had lost her all over again. The only thing that kept a lot of us from crying was the replication of Natsu and Lucy that was sitting right I don't of us. "I'm guessing you guys knew my mom?" That was the first time any of us heard he speak. He voice was weak and slightly annoyed. The way Lucy's voice got when we hovered around her.
"Yes," the master answered. "This was her guild. She disappeared fourteen years ago."
"Now you know why," she muttered still keeping her gaze down. "She was humiliated by me."
"Nashi, I'm sure that's not true!" Mirajane's soothing voice scolded.
"Master, Natsu," I say in a worried tone. "I need to talk to you." I pulled them aside and told them what I saw. How she had both the magic of her mother and her father. She had overflowing magic powers, just as Ulteir had when she was a child.
"She's mastered the keys and dragon slayer magic?" Master asked amazed looking at the young girl who hid her eyes from everyone in the room.
"You must be tired," Wendy smiled, her eyes still puffy from tears. "Let's go clean you up in the bathhouse." Nashi seemed to trust Wendy enough to allow her to show her the way to the bathhouse.
"That shouldn't be possible," Macarav sighed looking back at the letter. "That little girls been through a lot. I don't even know someone who could treat something like that. I could talk to Porliusika, but I doubt she would know much more than I do. She can from a generation of celestial wizards, so the keys must have come instinctively to her, but having your gene in her expands her power limits."
"But what about my kids," I wondered allowed. "I have Demon slayer magic, and their fine."
"I don't know the specifics," Macarav said now scratching his head. "But when a child from two wizards are born, they learn the magic that comes more naturally. With Nashi, dragon slayer magic was natural, but she was so exposed to celestial spirit magic. She's such a natural wizard, she could almost learn any magic. She's very powerful, but for being so young her body could give out with all the magic power flowing through her veins."
I saw the worried look in Natsu's eyes, "and you said Porliusika might know what to do with her?"
"I wouldn't depend on it," Macarav murmured, "but yes it's a start."
"Let's start their then," Natsu finally said staring at her feet.

Nashi's P.O.V.
Why would Uncle Sting tell me to come here. He said this would be the best place for me to end up. Uncle Sting isn't my real Uncle, I just call him that because he's the only person other than my mother that's ever been in my life. He told me to come here. The place where my mother had met so many people and made so many friends. The place where she was ever truly herself.
I don't get it. All there people look at me like a kicked puppy. When I first learned this was the place my mother loved to be I became excited to meet some of my mothers old friends, then I saw him. The man with my hair and the scaly white scarf. I dropped the letter into the nice girl's hands and bolted. Uncle Sting had told me about him. My mother never would. He told me about adventures that he and my mother had had together.
My mother told me stories of the adventures she experienced while at this place as well. She just never told me anything about my father though. A guild built on the foundation of family. Apparently being Lucy's daughter is a big deal here. The girl with long, dark, blue hair took me to the bathhouse and lent me some of her clothes. Her name is Wendy. We sat down in the guild hall as she began to braid my hair.
I looked at my father (I don't really feel comfortable calling him that yet) who was talking to the man who had chased me down. I think I heard people call him Gray. He's an amazing wizards. My mother had mentioned a lot of these names in front of me before. She had also told me stories of adventure she had experienced here.
A small, blue exceed made his way into the room, confused by the murmurs. He went over to the men talking. His appearance reminded me a lot of Lector and Frosh, uncle Rough's exceed. He wore a green back pack and he looked naturally happy even when his back was turned to me.
"Who is that?" I ask Wendy who was still braiding my thick hair.
She looked up and smiled at the cat. "That's Happy."
"Happy?" I ask. "As in, that's his name?"
Wendy nodded with a giggle. "Suits him well, doesn't it?"
I soon realized this was the first time that I had laughed since my mother had died. Since the day uncle Sting told me to come here. It's been a month since a smile has crossed my face, the irony that it happened here, in the place that my mother was herself and fell in love. His eyes almost doubled in size when he saw me. "Why does everyone look at me like that?" I mumble. I don't know why I asked. I know the answer, it's because I'm Natsu and Lucy's daughter.
"Don't take it personally," she said finishing my braid, and putting it on my left shoulder. "We loved Lucy, and losing her was one of the hardest things this guild went through in a long time, especially for your fa... I mean Natsu. He thought it was his fault that she left."
"It wasn't," I snap under my breath. "It was my fault. She left because she was humiliated by me."
"Don't say that Nashi," Wendy said quickly. "It isn't like that."
I couldn't stand it anymore. Looking at them. The feeling in the pit of my stomach that wouldn't go away. "Where's the Saber Tooth guild from here?"
Wendy gave me a confused look. "Why?"
"Never mind," I grouch. "I'll find it myself." I wanted to find uncle Sting. Him and Uncle Rough are the only friends I need. I turned around and sprinted out of the guild.
"Nashi!" My father called. But I didn't stop and I heard someone hold him back. That's what I thought. They don't want anything to do with me. Nobody does.
