
Cana's P.O.V.
"Why the hell do I have to tell her?" I snarl. I had just woken up from a nice nap when all this shit happened. I have to admit, it's hard to keep cool at a time like this. I think about all we went through and I continued to ask myself why she had left. I have this aching feeling in my heart, like some part of me is missing. "Why don't you do it?" I snap at Gajeel. "Are you scared of her or something?"
"No," he said quickly. "She's just ganna loose it and I don't want to be in the crosshairs."
"Ugh," he pisses me off. "You such a baby!"
"Am not!"
"Are to!"
"Do you want to go!?!?"
"Let's go!"
"Both of you... KNOCK IT OF!!" It was Leavy who stood in the middle of us. Her eyes where still swollen from her tears. "I know this is a lot! We can't... loose our heads." She hid her face so we wouldn't see the endless amount of tears that fell from her eyes.
Levy leaned her head on Gajeel who did his best to look emotionless. My legs felt weak and I gave up. I allowed myself to fall to the floor and just sit in misery. Mira ran towards me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Levy's right," I looked up at her. Her eyes were watery but she plastered her usual giddy smile.
That's when we heard it. The loud clinching of her armer. At our door stood Erza and behind her Jellal. Once seeing the look on my face she knew something was wrong. "Erza," I said lifting myself from the floor. I couldn't do it. I felt sick. "Gajeel has something he wants to tell you."

Grey's P.O.V.
"What's going on?" I stamper. "What happened to her!?!?"
"Give me you hand," Loke said.
Before I could ask anything he grabbed my arm and placed it on Nashi's head. I pulled back in pain. The heat that was coming off of her was horrendous. No human should be able to endure those temperatures. It was like placing my bare hand into one of Natsu's flames.
"What the hell?"
"Use your ice," Sting said. His eyes still glued on Nashi. I put my hand near her head allowing my hand to cool. Slowly Nashi fluttered her eyes open. Her breath was short with tired looking eyes.
Loke let out a sigh of relief. I placed my hand on her forehead again. She was still extremely warm, but not as bad as before. "Don't worry. She's naturally warmer than people."
I allowed myself to breath. I fell back and landed with my legs crossed next to Nashi who sat up not saying a word. She seemed to be blushing from embarrassment. "I'm sorry," she whispered looking down allowing her hair to fall in her face. "I know I'm a pain."
"Oh no," I said doing my best to smile. "That's not it at all." I ran my fingers through my hair trying to think of what to say to her. "Your just amazing is all."
That's it. I couldn't let anything happen to this child. The child of two of my best friends. As fragile as she looks is no doubt the strongest kid I've met. No doubt from her parents. But also coming from them is the constant doubt in themselves. "I can't go back to Fairy Tail."
"What?" I snap.
"I can't," she whimpered.
"Nashi what's going on?" Sting said lifting her to her feet. "You acting strange."
"Mommy hurt him," she whimpered. I noticed that she was still shaky. Probably still not in her right mentality. "She hurt all of them. I can't go back. I..." she began to get faint again and felt back. Luckily I was still on the ground prepared to catch her, "I can't go back," she breathed.

Erza's P.O.V.
The second I walked though the guild doors I felt a cool air wash over me. "Erza," Cana said to looking directly at me. I could tell by the sound of her voice something was wrong. "Gajeel has something to tell you." Gajeel got stiff and glared at her.
"What's going on?" My voice cracked with a bit a fear. Do u really want to know?
"Fine," Gajeel took a breath. "It's about Lucy." Lucy! "She's um... she."
"She died," Mirajane interrupted.
"Lucy..." I said out loud. Everyone looked as if they were on edge unsure if how I would react. Hell I didn't even know how I was supposed to react. "No," I mumbled. Wait. Why would he call her Lucy. He would always call her stupid names like bunny girl. "No this is cruel," I looked at Mira who refused to look up at me as if she were in pain.
I even saw tears roll down Cana's face. Impossible. No this couldn't happen. I wouldn't let it. I felt Jellal's hand on my shoulder that felt as weak as glass. "But something else happened," it was Cana's shaky voice this time. They all new if Jellal wasn't there I would be breaking everything in the guild. "Lucy," it hurt even to watch Cana say her name. "She had a daughter."
Words were leaving peoples mouth but I couldn't rap my head over what they were saying. "Erza," Jellal said sternly. "Erza put your sword down!"
I didn't even realize what I was doing. A sword had appeared in my hand and I began to quake in anger. I made it go away and quickly got myself together. "I'm sorry," I whispered. My eyes were closed because I was afraid if I opened them tears would fall.
"It's ok," Levy said raping her arms around me. "It's going to be ok."

Natsu and Wendy were the first to return along with Porliusika. When Natsu saw me he looked uncomfortable and nerves. Wendy looked lost in thought next to him. Thankful for what Levy had done for me I did the same for Natsu. At first he didn't react. "I'm sorry," I knew this hurt Natsu more then any of us.
Down the road I saw Gray walking towards the guild. Next to him was Sting and on his back was a small frail looking child with strawberry pink hair. Natsu scratched the back of his head nervously. It was Jellal who said it not me. My jaw was to far dropped. "I don't believe it," he said. "It seems the dragon has a daughter."
