
Natsu's P.O.V.
It was hard to imagine how Erza would react. We feel it. We've all felt it since the day Lucy disappeared, now it's just more apparent. The feeling of a gapping hole dragging all the energy from us. But we all smiled. Because half of her stood in front of us.
Porliusika was giving her a basic check up. "Do you have enough energy to open one of you keys dear?" Nashi nodded. "We need to talk to Loki."
Nashi didn't look thrilled but she did what Porliusika told her to anyway. She pulled out her keys then, "Open gate of the lion!" She yelled. Everyone watched in amazement how graceful she was. Feeling Lucy's magic was almost soothing. "Leo!"
Out of thin air came Loki. He looked as shinny as I remember. He was so well dressed and so poised that he almost looked out of place. "Hiya Natsu," he smiled. "Your looking pretty shabby old pal," he sneered.
"Bite me," I grouch back.
"Nice to see you too," he laughed.
"Enough you two, we need to figure out how to help her," she glared at Loki. "Can you tell me anything about this? Can you tell me is she was diagnosed with anything?"
"All I know is she is overflowing with magic power," he said putting his hand on Nashi's head. "She passes out for periods of time. Sometimes longer then others. That's another reason why we needed to come back," he looked at Jellal and Erza. "We were hoping Jellal knew something that could help. Did Ultier ever talk about how she was treated because we suspect she suffered from the same thing."
Jellal thought. "The only thing I remember her saying about it was saying it was unbearable. She didn't like to talk about such things. She didn't want to make excuses for what she had done. I contacted Meldy to inform her that I had returned, whether Ultier conversed with her more about it in not sure."
I looked at Nashi who was staring at me. She looked down nervously when I caught her eye. There was I time after Lucy left that I freaked out. I though I had forgotten what she looked like. I have the suckiest memory in the world, and because of that I was afraid I would forget her. Forget her smile. Forget the way she got so mad when we "invaded her personal space." I laughed to myself, probably looking rude in a serious situation.
"What are you laughing at?" Grey asked.
"Sorry," I smiled. "Thinking about Lucy is all."
"Oh," Grey said. I knew they didn't want to think about her. The more we thought the more it hurt.
I looked at a Nashi who looked at her feet. I could tell by how stiff she was she was doing all she could in her head not to cry. I know. I've done it more times then I could count in the past fourteen years. "I'm sorry," she whimpered. "It's my fault. She hurt you because of me," all eyes were on her. I would have done anything to make all their stairs go away. To make her feel less uncomfortable in that moment. But she didn't seem to notice, she was to focused on blaming herself like I did for so many years. "I can't be here. I don't want to hurt you like she did."
"Hey," I said kneeling next to her. She refused to look up in fear of crying. "Look at me." Slowly and carefully she lifted her head and looked into my eyes. "Nashi the only way you could possibly hurt me, is if you leave." She smiled nervously. "Let's go for a walk," I said standing on my feet.
"I don't think that's-" Loki started.
"She'll be fine," Porliusika said. "Her energy is returning quickly."
Loki still looked unsure. I could tell he had become very protective over Nashi. "Didn't you hear the scary nurse lady?" Sting laughed. "Nashi will be fine. Besides Natsu's with her, what could possibly go wrong."
"Have you met Natsu?" Loki murmured.

"Was my mom a good wizard?" Nashi asked as we walked through the town.
"Your mother was one of the most amazing wizards I've ever met," I said.
"Are you sure your not being a little bias?" she smiled.
"Maybe a little," I admit with a chuckle. "But she has saved not only me, but also the guild many time."
"She knew she was sick," she muttered.
"My mom," she answered. "She knew she was sick. I read about it in one of her journals. That's one of the reasons why she left. She didn't want to burden the guild."
"Burden us how?" I wonder aloud. "The guild spent years looking for her."
"She knew that watching her die and not being able to do anything about it would kill you guys," she said. "It just took longer to take effect after she had me. She wanted to go back. But she was always scared. She knew she had hurt you and she didn't know if you could ever forgive her."
Tears where drizzling down her face so once again I knelt next to her. The sun was going down and the air was starting to get cooler. I pulled my scarf from around my neck and placed it around her. "Do you forgive her?" I asked wiping the tears off of Nashi's warm skin.
"What?" She muttered pressing her face into the scarf to wipe the rest of her tears away.
"Do you forgive your mother, for everything?" I asked.
She thought for a moment. "I didn't think I would. I thought I would be angry for the rest of my life, but I'm not. I'm happy. I'm happy to be with you daddy!" As she said that she hugged me. Not the sad hug she had given me before, but a warm hug that seemed to wrap me in her presents.
