Chapter 9

~Time skip brought to you by Nico's shadow travel~

Nico and I hung out for a while, me hoping to find out more about him. But I found myself doing all the talking. I told him about my family, my past, basically my entire life. But when I finished, he just stayed quiet. I was staring to get angered. I told him my life and he says nothing? I wanted to strangle him and say, "Why. The. F***. Aren't. You. Answering me!?!?" But I didn't do that. Instead, I softly nudged him and said," Hey... Are you OK? You've been, ah, quiet." Nico then just got up and murmured something like," Uh, I needa go and, uh, do something." He then just walked out of the room. When he left, I thought about what I could've done wrong. 'Sweetie, I think you lost your first best friend...' said B.C. Then I heard, 'Well, good riddance. He was so gloomy, though he would've been a good change in our regular routine.' from D.C. I rolled my eyes, and longingly looked in the direction that Nico went in. But I think B.C. was right... I may have just lost my best friend...

Nico's POV:

I had to leave quickly. What Vanessa just said... It bothered me. I asked myself why it bothered me so much, but I couldn't think of any answers. But I felt bad for her. I thought I had it bad, but I now realize how harsh life has treated her. I didn't want to hear anymore about her life because it brought so much sadness. I guess I did have an answer. Usually, I wouldn't give a damn about others. But for some reason, she just has my sympathy.

I feel bad for leaving her there, confused. I know it was wrong, but I felt so upset. I walked back to the house, slamming my bedroom door behind me. I looked through my stuff, trying to find.... Aha! My Hades figurine. What no one else knows is that somehow, Bianca wrote a 'note' for me. I always look at it when I feel like its necessary. It reads, 'In the end you will always be loved. Especially by me.' I run my fingers over the note. Its a reminder for me.

I sighed, thinking how what I did was not a good thing. I got up and got out of my room. Percy was in the living room, watching some TV, and I made a huge mistake of telling him I'm going to see Vanessa. I guess he was bored and wanted to talk to someone. He's even willing to talk to me! He casually walked over to me, and slung his arm over my shoulder. I am annoyingly shorter than Percy, but I managed to shove him arm off. "Uh, Percy I need to go to Vanessa." He smirked and said, "You are pretty chummy with that Vanessa girl...." I scoffed. "And am I not allowed to?" He shook his head and said, "No, no. I meant that you are finally being friendly towards another human being. I am just.... happy, I guess." He gave me a smile and a pat on my back. If I were a different person, I would've blushed madly at his touch, but now I just act like I somewhat hate him. I gently shoved him away, and walked towards the door. "Don'y say anything to anyone else, okay?" I said to Percy. He nodded, and the second I turned around, I heard him make kissing noises. He doesn't even know half of it.

I have a feeling that the talk we had had a deeper meaning than I originally thought.



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