Chapter 2

I stayed inside for a couple of days now... Until Nichole made me get food. Ugh, I should have known that she would be too lazy to get off of that fat butt she has. Once again she was drunk. But surprisingly she did not try to pummel me with her glass bottles. That was actually the best thing about today... Scratch that. Nobody tried to mentally abuse me today! Trust me, it may not be that big to you, but us victims to the bullies, they hurt us... In so many ways that are unexplained.

I muttered a few cuss words, but I kept going down the stairs and I asked Nicole for some money. "Hey Nichole can I have some money?" She staggered towards me, her face neutral, with a hint of *cough cough retardation cough, cough* relaxation. I braced myself and waited for some kind of pain to come upon me. "Heeere. Getttt someth-th-th-thing good to eattt." Rolling my eyes, I waited until she sat back down in front of the TV. I swear if she thinks she can get somebody to love her because of her 'womanly charms' (which she doesn't have), she's gonna have to get off that lazy butt of hers, exercise and drop the drinks. Maybe then I can have a father, a mother... a family. Plus it'll be good for her health, not that I really care for her. Hey, she doesn't care for me, I don't care for her. Simple. Sorry, I get side-tracked really easily...

So, I put on black leggings, with a grey hoodie saying 'I'm ready!'. My hair, already in a braid, was left alone. I put on my trademark Vans and walked out the door with the wad of cash I had. I went through the backyard, not wanting to go through the humiliation I was put into last week. But of course there is this invisible force not wanting to let me be for a little bit! Adam and his hounds were right there, loitering around my yard. Adam smirked, his greyish-blue eyes shining with evil. I tried to open the back door, but obviously! it had the auto-lock thing my mom decided to install, when I was younger that decided to work just now. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? Little dyslexic Vanessa going somewhere?" For some reason, I heard a voice in my head, like always, to fight back. I never did listen to it. But today, I just had this impulse, like something else was controlling me.

"Well. I was, but then I saw your ugly face. It kinda sours up the scenery, you know?" Oh my god... What did I just do! I was starting to sweat in my the palm of my hand, but I did nothing to diminish this new found confidence. Its like a drug, making me watch whats happen as it does its  'magic'. Adams face contorts into a look of anger, before going back to its unusual look of calmness. "Why, this is a little bit too cocky for my taste. Tone it down will ya?" I did something, which now that I think about it, say a lot.

I shook my head.

After two seconds, he is up in my face, his breath going ragged from anger. "What did you just say, ADHD?" I gulped, but I quickly regained myslef and said "I won't let you and your hounds do whatever you want to me. I am also a human. So, Adam, please let me down, or so help me, I will gut you like a fish." Wow... I do NOT know where this new found confidence is from! Maybe I will take the voice in my head's advice from now on! It was funny though. Usually, a voice your head means your insane, and they push you to do horrible and life threatening things. I mean, me life could be out on a limb right now, but I love this new burst of confidence rush inside of me. 

Adam's face turned so red, I swear I though he was going to POP! his head. I was surprised steam wasn't coming out of his ears by now. "Well, Vanessa, I thought I was going to go easy on you. But you asked for it!" Pretending to sigh, he discreetly got ready to make me to pulp. His hounds looked at me like I was raw meat and Adam was their master, who was ready to give bark out orders. I faked a sigh, swelling with confidence. "Well...? What are you waiting for? Come at me bro!" I cannot BELIEVE that came out of my mouth! Well, by now, a decent sized crowd has began to form. I swear, this happens, like every single week. Except now, it'll be a real show.



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