Chapter 15- Part ONE

  Just as Chiron announced that, the kids around me, with the exception of Nico, moved away from me, a scared, disgusted look painted upon their face, "Vanessa, Nico, you come with me to the Big House?" Nico and I exchanged glanced. "Uh, sure...?" I trailed off. Inside, Chiron said the most insulting thing ever.

"You're not supposed to be even born." Well. "Uh, your not supposed to be alive. And yet, here you are." I said, defending myself. "Chiron shook his head. "No no. It's not that. Chaos is not supposed to make demigods, or whatever his children are called." I thought over that and said, "Well, why not? I mean, isn't Chaos just as obliged to go out and have someone to love just like the gods?" Nico butted in. "Yeah! I mean, Chaos would be bored without any variety in his life." I nodded my head in agreement. Chiron sighed. "It's not that. Chaos has no human form. The only was he can have children is by possessing a human he wished to have a child with. And he can't because he bound by the laws. The child will be too powerful. But oddly enough, you weren't found- or killed- earlier."

My eyes, along with Nico's widened. "Wha- Why? I am so confused. So your telling me that I am the most powerful demigod child ever, but I haven't been killed in my early life. Okay, Nico, please come take a walk with me." He nodded and we walked out of the Big House. "Hey, do you think it was rude to walk out like that?" I asked. He shrugged and said, "It's something I would've done." I sighed and hugged myself. "Are you cold?" Nico asked. I shook my head. "I'm just... thinking. Like, all this has happened in such a short time. My mom was cured of alcoholism all of a sudden. You became my best friend. I realize that I'm a demigod. Then I find out that I'm a daughter of Chaos. Instead of having a fresh start, I am still going to be treated like an outcast. But I guess it's better in some way. I can only hope that you won't leave me like the others." Nico smiled and gave me a side-hug. "You can always count on me."  
