Thomas x Gordon


Well fuck- Y'know I shipped those two at some point- 😳

Okay so, I have to say those two are underrated. Like, a lot.
Gordon may have acted like a total jerk towards Thomas, but we all know that's just his way of being, and there were times when it was shown he deeply cared about Thomas. And Thomas.. he pissed the shit out of him, but again, just his way of being; Cheeky, and annoying. Out of the romantic topic, their alliance was mostly put onto focus on S1 and S4, which is unfortunate because it showed their friendship is memorable and deep, and it clearly deserved more screentime. After S7 their dynamic was pretty much thrown into forgetfulness...
Now into the romantic topic, Thomas and Gordon could work if portrayed right, because due to the worsening of their persona's portrayal in the past seasons, this ship would be considered toxic pretty fast. So bare this in mind: In CGI their friendship is kinda dull, but in the Model Series, there's more to it than what we see in the eye.

Now this ship would be considered incest since Gordon is now Thomas' dad- BUT HEY, FUCK THE REBOOT! 😃🖕

Do I ship them? I used to, I'm guilty as charged. I still read some crack fanfics between those two once in a while but it's just for shits and giggles.

Rate: 8,6/10
