Percy x Mavis


Though sadly Percy and Mavis didn't interact so much on both Model and CGI era, I still think their friendship is rather... interesting? and I can see some chemistry happening between those two as well. In the episode "Toby's Tightrope", Percy seemed to be rather attentive and supportive towards Mavis, even trying to cheer her up when she was upset. Ofc he did get angry at her after that but it was bc she was calling Toby a fusspot. Now to Mavis, she was also assuring to Percy and in result Percy was enthusiastic to meet up with her (Talking about the ep "Percy's Parcel"). Either way their relationship is very underrated and I wished it was more explored in the series, as in: making them work together and have more interaction.

Do I ship them? I ship Percy with someone else, but I do like this ship tho. 😌🖤💚✨

Rate: 8/10
