Oliver x Duck


Okay so.... if you already read this chap before, you'll realize it is gonna be different as I gave it some editing. A follower of mine informed me some stuff about this ship, and bc of that, I'm gonna lay down my now revamped opinion towards it.
Prior to the editing, I've said that this ship made some sense bc Oliver and Duck did seem to have a nice bonding, on both Model Series and CGI *mostly on CGI* when they returned and they had more interaction. Though they'd have some potential, I'm afraid to say that this wouldn't work bc that ship is incest. Oliver and Duck are cousins, it's on the official Fandom site. They don't belong to the same class but they were built by the same ppl, which makes them have a family connection. Given this fact, that ship wouldn't just be wrong, but also overrated as it's so popular on the fandom.

Do I ship them? I've never seen them together like that for a start, and now after that, I don't like this ship as a whole.

Rate: 3/10
