ch. 7 You should've...


I lay on my side, looking at the ceiling. Mark lays on his stomach, facing me with his feet kicking the air. He can't stop looking at me, and the other way around. 

We're both in thought, just wanting each other badly.  I rest my head on my hand, looking in his tiny, dreamy brown eyes, which I can barely see.

I hear some footsteps on the stairs. Mark turns around, wanting to hide in case it's someone else, but I stop him, "It's probably Jack" I whisper to Mark. Before Mark can say something, the door is being pushed open. 

My eyes widen when I see Kimberley standing in the doorframe. I quickly grab Mark and push him under the pillow, holding him in my fist for a few seconds, to make sure he stays there. 

Mark yells from under the pillow with his high voice, "Ouch! Watch it!" He yells at me. Kimberley looks at me with a puzzling look, "What was that?" She asks. I shake my head nervously, wanting to act it off, "nothing" I simply say.

Kimberley crosses her arms, not believing me, "I hear something. I'm not crazy" She says in a bitchy tone. I sigh, "Kimberley, why are you here actually?" I ask annoyed. 

Kim walks over to me after sighing. She wants to sit on the pillow, but I quickly sit in her way, so that she won't kill Mark. I just look at her.  "What are you doing?" She asks. 

I shrug my shoulders before she sighs again and sits down on the end of my bed.  "(Y/N), I came here to apologize. I don't want to be in a fight with you, you helped me when me and my dad moved in. You were there for me mom.." She swallows her words, tearing up. 

I rub her back, "It's okay, I know what you mean"  I say, calming her. Kim wipes a tear away from her cheek while nodding. 

Mark's POV

I look at them from under the pillow, trying to breathe as quiet as possible, getting some oxygen. I didn't know Kim doesn't have a mother anymore....I feel bad for her. 

But that's not everything I'm worrying about. The one thing that's on my head right now, is hoping that Kimberley doesn't see me. If Kimberley sees me, she'll probably laugh, bring me somewhere else, away from (Y/N). 

After Kim has cached her breath, she starts to talk again, "I'm so sorry for going crazy like that" She says. I look at (Y/N) from behind, seeing her nod, "It's okay" She says. 

Kim clears her throat, " I should just accept that Jack is interested in you, and not me" She says. I sigh annoyed, but soft to myself. (Y/N) chuckles confused, and a little nervous, "Kim, you still don't get it...." (Y/N) says. 'yeah, explain it to that bitch'


Kimberley looks at me, not believing or fully understanding what I say, "What do you mean?" She asks confused, letting her arms rest on the bed. 

I chuckle, "Jack and I...." I start, but Kim cuts me off, "You don't have to repeat it, (Y/N). It's still hard for me, that my best friend is with my crush...." She says, tears building up in her eyes. 

I sigh, getting a little annoyed. I start to rub her back again, watching her as she wipes her tears away. "You won't let me finish.....just let me finish talking, Kim. " I say, almost begging. 

Kim looks at me with sadness in her eyes, "hm?" She asks, wanting an explanation. I give her a warm smile, "Look....Jack and I are great friends and all." I say. Kimberley lets her head hang low again, sobbing in her hands. 

I lift her chin up, forcing her to look at me, "But we're not together" I say. Kimberley wipes away her tears, "R-really?" She asks, stuttering a little. 

I nod with confident, "Yeah, don't worry about it" I say, "I actually have someone else already" I say, looking away, trying to hide my slight blush on my cheeks. Kim chuckles a little, "who's the lucky guy?" She asks. 

I smile at her, "he lives in another town...." I lie. It's the best lie I can make up right now. "So, when is he coming over?" Kimberley asks. I chuckle, "well, he's closer than you think, but you won't see him for probably the next week" I say. 

Kimberley crosses her arms, "yeah, did you hide him under your pillow?" She asks, reaching randomly for my pillow. I don't want Kim to discover Mark, so I slap the pillow, hoping that I haven't hit Mark, but of course I did. 

"ouch! fuck!" Mark yells. Kim pulls her hand back while looking shocked at my pillow. I squeeze my eyes shut pressing my teeth together,  hoping this isn't happening. In the mean time, Kim reaches for the pillow, seeing the mini-man laying there, covering his stomach where I've probably hit him. 

I turn around to see Kimberley looking with wide eyes at Mark, then at me. She stands up, "What the fuck!?" She says, wanting to walk away, but I see Jack standing in the doorframe, not letting her through. 'Thank god, Jack is here.'

Mark stands up with his hands in the air, "Yes! I'm a mini-man!!! Make a painting, it lasts longer!" He yells with his high voice, sounding angry.  Kimberley chuckles slightly at the small man on my bed. 

Mark turns around and sits down with his legs crossed. Kim kneels down next to my bed, holding out her hand, "come here, little guy" She says like she's talking to a dog. 

I hear a loud sigh coming from Mark while he stand up and looks at Kim with his arms crossed, "I'm not an animal, you bitch!" He says. Kimberley looks shocked at him, "I'm sorry" She says, laying a hand on her chest. 

I roll my eyes, then I look down at Mark, "I'm so, so sorry Mark. I was too late." I say, hanging my head low. I feel  a small weight on my finger. I open my eyes to see Mark standing between my fingers, "It's okay, it's less worse than I thought" He says, smiling at me. 

Mark turns around to look at Kimberley after I give him a warm smile. Kim holds out her pink, wanting to 'shake hands' with Mark, "I'm Kimberley, but call me Kim" She says politely, "I know" Mark answers , not giving a single fuck. 

Kimberley sighs and sits down on her butt, her legs falling asleep. "so" Kim starts. "tell me" She says, her hands laying open on her knees. 

I chuckle, "Tell you what?" I ask. Kimberley smiles, while gesturing a hand at Mark, "This isn't normal, tell me how it happened" She says. 

Mark sighs, "I'M RIGHT HERE!" He yells as loud as he can with his cute voice. Kim smiles in way as if saying, 'fuck you'. 

Jack settles down close next to me on the bed, "Mark is in a little bit of an argue with a wizard" Jack says, looking at me playfully. I blush a little and look away, 'no, why am I blushing? What is Jack doing? what am I doing!?' . 

Kimberley suddenly gives me a dangerous look, but then smiles sweetly at Jack like a little schoolgirl, helpless in love with her teacher or something, "Can you tell me more?" She asks, trying to sound seductive, but it's not really working. 

I roll my eyes, 'damn she's beginning to get on my nerves' I think as I try not to let her know that my hate for her is growing at the moment. I don't like the way she looks at Jack. 

Jack shakes his head, "No, we want to keep that private" He explains. I raise one eyebrow at Kim, 'zero- one for me' I think before looking at Jack, smiling at him. 

Mark sighs again, "okay can she leave now?" He asks, looking at me. "Hey, I'm right here" Kim says annoyed. Then Mark gives her that same, 'fuck you' look. I chuckle a little and look at Kim, "please, Kim, we gotta do some stuff" I say calmly. 

Kimberley sighs, "okay, I'll leave now" She says while standing up. "Finally" I hear Mark mumble to himself. Suddenly, Kim bents over Mark, "Hey little mini-man, I could just pick you up, right here and now. I could just trow you against the wall, no one here to stop me" She says. 

Jack and I clear out throats at the same time. I raise my hand. "We are" Jack says from behind me. Kim looks up at us, and walks away, "What ever" She mumbles while walking at the door. 

Before closing the bedroom door behind her, she winks at Jack, which makes me feel sick. 'Why am I even getting jealous like that? I don't even like Jack' I think as I wait for Kimberley to leave. 

I look at Mark when I hear him sigh, "What's wrong?" I ask sweetly. Mark sits on my bed with his legs crossed, his head resting on his hands, "I don't like her....nor trust her" he says. 

I chuckle with a sigh, "She's gone now..." I say, not wanting to admit that  I don't like her that much anymore either. Mark could use it against me. 

Mark sighs, "she will come back...until she's banged Jack" Mark says. I hear Jack burst out into a fit of laughter,  "then she will always come back" He laughs. I chuckle, I don't know why,  in relief. 

 Mark lets himself fall on his back from his sitting position, and stretches his legs while arching his back, "It's not funny...." Mark says. "okay Mark, it's clear, I know you don't like her" I say. 

Mark looks at me with a blank expression, "yeah, whatever" He says. I suddenly get really annoyed by Mark, "Mark, stop acting annoying like that" I say. 

I hear Mark chuckling in a way, saying, 'are you serious?', "I'm acting annoying? YOU are!!" He says, letting me hear his voice getting louder. I lift my hands up, "What the fuck am I doing!?" I say, talking a bit louder too, even though there's no need for it. 

I feel Jack getting in a more comfy spot on my bed behind me, "guys..." He says softly. "You're just getting annoying! And Kim knows about this, because of YOU!!" Mark says, pointing at himself. 

I look at him in shock, 'did he actually say that?' I think as I just feel m heart break, 'how can he say that!?' I think again. I feel Jack starting to rub my back, "Guys..." he says, talking  a bit louder than before. 

I shake my head at Mark, "It wasn't my fault, you should've shut your mouth!" I say, feeling actual rage building up side me.  Mark chuckles again, not believing what he's hearing, "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE PUNCHED ME WITH FULL FORCE!!" He screams at the top of his lungs. 

Jack groans annoyed behind me, "Guys, STOP IT!!" He says. I look down at my legs, laying on the bed. "Don't you guys see what's going on here?" Jack asks, lifting his hands. 

I take a quick look at Mark, then I look at Jack, every one of us staying quiet for a moment. "This is Chadwick's work. This is the test. " Jack says. 

I look at Mark, who's nodding at Jack. I smile, "Yeah....I'm sorry" I say, hanging my head low. Mark scoops closer to my hand, hugging my thumb.

Mark's POV

I understand that I have to keep calm now. (Y/N) and I can make it through this stupid test.  I know that I have to keep quiet now, I have to try, not to think of what happened. 

But something in my head, this little voice just wants to yell at her so bad. I look at her sweet, sweet smile, trying to forget about our arguing. But this voice in my head, just telling me to talk to her. 

I hold my head with my hands, "Oh my god, I can't handle this!" I yell, without thinking. (Y/N) and Jack look concerned at me, "Mark, are you okay?" (Y?N) asks. 

This voice in my head, sounding like my voice, the beautiful, smooth, deep voice I once had, tells me to yell at (Y/N), 'Mark...hey Mark....she's a bitch. she betrayed you! Now that stupid bitch named Kim knows about you. And it's HER fault. You can't just let (Y/N) get away with this....DO SOMETHING! DO SOMETHING!!!'


"MARK!!" He yells, way louder than me, since I'm like three inches tall. I look up, releasing my head. I see only Jack sitting on the bed, looking down at me. I look around the room, seeing the bedroom door opened, and (Y/N) nowhere. 

Jack shakes his head, "Was he there again?" Jack asks. I nod, " I can't help it , Jack...." I say. Jack nods, "I know you can't,  Mark. But you gotta learn how to control it" He says. 

I no my head, "yeah, I know....But I still gotta figure out how" I say. Jack nods at me, "indeed. And you gotta make it through this week, after that, you can be with (Y/N) for as long as you want" Jack explains, motivating me. 

I chuckle and smile at myself, "can't wait..." I mumble to myself. 
