ch. 19 sweetest thing


I sigh happy in relief. Finally, my suitcase is unpacked. I sit down on the bed that Mark and I share. The first night was surprisingly quiet.

I thought Mark would immediately jump on me as soon we entered the bedroom yesterday, but he didn't. Not at all. He went straight to bed after telling me where I could sleep.

And I understand, I was really tired myself. I could finally sleep without any stress for the first time in forever.

I walk downstairs, to see Mark and Jack, chatting about something and already finishing their breakfast, "Couldn't wait for me, hungry animals?" I joke as I walk to the kitchen. "Couldn't wake up earlier, sleeping beauty?" Mark chuckles.

I smile to myself as I get myself a bowl of cereal and milk, something Mark told me yesterday to try out. I sit down at the table, putting the bowl in front of me. "You'll love it" Jack says.

Mark chuckles, "Just as much as you love me" He smiles sweetly at me. I chuckle and put a spoon full of the cereal with some milk, "well, here goes nothing" I say before bringing the spoon to my mouth and tasting the cereal.

My eyes widen from the sudden, sweet taste, "oh my god!" I say. Jack and Mark smile at me, "called it" They both say.

I swallow another spoon full, "I don't love it as much as I love Mark though" I say. "yeah, that's impossible" Mark says with a chuckle.

The smile on my face just can't grow any bigger. "I'm so happy it's all over now. Mark is his normal size again, Chadwick is in the past too, everything is awesome!!" I think out loud while enjoying my first cereal.

I don't look directly at them, but I can see Jack turning his head to Mark in the corner of my eyes. Mark's face looks like he is in deep thoughts about something not so awesome.

When I look up at Mark, wanting to see what his exact face expression is, he looks up at me and smiles, though I think it's a fake smile. I decide to just let it go and finish my breakfast.

I stan up, walk to the kitchen and put the bowl in the sink. "I'm gonna take a shower if you don't mind" I say, already halfway up the stairs. "Okay!" I hear Mark yell from behind me.

I walk into the bathroom, and look at the shower. Mark told me to just turn that thing, and it will get warm after a few seconds. I turn the shower on and strip off my clothes in the mean time.

I feel with my hand if the water is warm, and my eyes widen in amazement. I step into the shower and let the warm water hit my skin. This is my official, first shower, and I love it.

Goosebumps rise all over my body as I feel the warm water stream down my body from head to toe. It feels amazing. I feel like never stepping out. After all those cold-water baths, this is the best way to wash myself.

I see some bottles standing in the shower. I grab one of them that says, 'shampoo+conditioner for him'. I look at the other bottles, 'body lotion for him' from Playboy, and Axe. I decide not to put them on, since I don't want to smell like a guy.

Even though I think that kind of stuff for guys smells better than the stuff for women. After like half an hour of just standing in the shower with mostly my eyes closed, enjoying the warm water, I turn off the shower, and step out.

I grab a huge towel from one of the cabins in the bathroom, and dry myself with it. I put on clothes and get out of the bathroom. I walk downstairs, but stop when I'm halfway down them.

I listen to Mark and Jack talking, "But what do I do?" I hear Mark say, "I can't hurt her like that. We can't hurt her like that. And we can't hurt ourselves like that, I'm just to in love with her" Mark explains.

I sit on the stairs, listening at their conversation. I'm happy they didn't heard me, because they probably wouldn't tell me what they're talking about right now.

"I know, man. But if you miss your family so much, why not go back to them? I did this for her in the first place. Your family is still in that old house of hers, and you sold it!" Jack says.

I tilt my head, as if they were talking to me, and I wanted an explanation. I just want to walk up to them and ask what they're talking about.

Suddenly, it's quiet. too quiet. They let silence do the talking as I just sit on the stairs, wanting them to continue their conversation about, whatever they were talking about.

I don't know what they were talking about, and I know, it's none of my business, but I want to know. They were talking about me, so I have the right to know.

I hear them whispering to one another, like they know someone is listening. I hear two chairs being shoved against the floor. I realize they probably know that I'm here, so I quickly stand up and walk further down the stairs, acting like I just came out of the bathroom.

I smile when I see them, standing around the corner. They were going to walk to the stairs, 'did they hear me?' I ask myself as I walk past them, "hey, I'm back" I say as I walk up to the couch and settle down on it.

Mark and Jack come my way again and sit on the couch too. Jack is on my left side, and Mark on my right. I don't know why but I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. This tension between me and them, it's like they know, that I know, that they are up to something.

Maybe they are planning like a surprise party and they need to get Mark's family form my old village. 'no, I would've noticed some people looking like Mark, right' I think to myself.

I'm being snapped out of my thoughts when Mark clears his throat, "you were long in the shower" He says, chuckling a little.

I blush a little, for no reason. Maybe because they are getting some weird ideas right now. "Y-yeah, this is the first time I was in a real shower, with warm water" I explain, being a little nervous.

Jack and Mark chuckle, "mmmmhm" they both hum, in a way of saying, "yeessss, of course", not believing me. I roll my eyes playfully, "Whatever, you perverts" I say with a slight chuckle following.

I lower myself on the couch, thinking about Mark his family and what Jack said about them. Jack said that Mark's family is still in my old house, in my shop, where I lived. So that has to mean that Mark wasn't the only min-man there.

"So Mark, where does your family live? Do I get to meet them soon?" I ask in the sweetest way possible. Just because I don't want them to think I heard them, but still needing more information, I need to ask.

Mark turns his head to me, "What?" He asks in a way like I said something offending. "I mean...where is your family. They must miss you after this whole incident with you changing into a mini-man" I say.

Mark shifts a little and clears his throat, "well, they're probably back home" He explains. Even if I didn't know about the talk Jack and Mark had previously, I could tell he was lying.

I nod in understandment, "and where is home?" I ask, kind of teasing him, wanting to know how fast he could think of a lie. "Cincinnati" Jack quickly says before Mark.

I think for a moment, "Isn't that all the way in-" Mark cuts me off, "Ohio, yes" he says, a little bit of nervousness in his voice. I nod, "So, they didn't know chaining into that..size?" I ask.

Mark shakes his head, "No, and I think I want to keep it that way" he says, avoiding eye contact with me, technically telling me that he's lying.

Silence falls again as I fall in deep thoughts again. 'what if I just ask him, right here, right now' I want to know everything, I want to know what they're talking about.

I don't want Mark having secrets for me. I need to know, just because I'm way too curious. "But what were you guys talking about earlier? right before I came downstairs?" I ask, before even realizing I asked it.

Mark and Jack their eyes widen, looking right at me, "You WERE listening....?" Mark asks, suddenly very nervous. I slowly nod my head, not really knowing if it was a good idea to ask about it.

Jack sighs heavily, "I guess we really have to tell you..?" He asks. I cross my arms, kind of really wanting to know now, "yes, I mean...I heard something about Mark's family living in my old house, correct?" I ask.

"That must mean that Mark wasn't the only mini-man in my house, which means you guys lied to me" I think out loud.

Mark lowers his head, so does Jack, "'re right." Mark admits. My arms fall next to my body. I stand up, and turn around, facing them. I look down at the two of them with my eyes wide, "So this was all a lie?" I ask, "this was all fake?" I ask again, not really giving them the opportunity to answer.

Jack looks at Mark. Mark just looks at me with regret written all over his face, "No it isn't!! (Y/N), listen-" He says, wanting to explain, but I cut him off, "No, you listen. I want to leave here, and start a new life somewhere else, away from you two, away from anyone I know, and just rebuild an amazing life in another town!" I yell with tears in my eyes.

I run upstairs, not really knowing why I am this mad. I thought Mark was the only one in my shop. He left his family for me. 'He did this all for me, right? Why am I running away from it now?'

I sit on the edge of the bed, staring blankly at the wall, thinking about the current situation.

The bedroom door being opened snaps me out of my thoughts. I see Mark standing in the doorframe, stepping in the room and closing the door behind him.

He walks up to me, and sits down next to me on the bed, looking straight into my eyes. "(Y/N), let me explain everything" Mark says in the calmest way anyone possibly can with his deep, calm, soothing voice.

I nod and look at him, wanting him to do his story.

"I indeed lived with my family in and underneath your house, as mini-humans. We, tiny humans, aren't allowed to go into the big, 'dangerous' human, world." Mark explains, staring directly into my eyes.

I nod, understanding him. Though I have a lot more questions, I let Mark talk first.

"But I went up anyway, and at that moment, you weren't in the store, but Jack was. And so he helped me with a backstory, to get this house, and a dog and everything" Mark tells me.

I smile to myself. 'It already makes more sence' I think as I wait for Mark to continue.

"So, my family is still...home..." Mark says, trailing off and looking at the ground, obviously missing them.

I nod again, understanding him, "but why didn't you tell me that you are supposed to be small, supposed to live there, and that you were not alone?" I ask.

Mark clears his throat nervous, "I was affraid that my family wasn't safe anymore when you knew about them, so I lied about that." He explains.

"And when I saw you for the first time, you seemed like a nice person, and...." Mark gets cut off by his own thoughts.

"And...?" I say impatient, wanting him to continue.

"And...I...I fell...." Mark looks up at me again, "I love" he says, giving me a slight smile.

I take one of his hands in both of my hands, and smile at him, "and that's why you made it all up, so you could become the human size and be with me?" I ask, finishing his story.

Mark looks away from me, nodding slowly as he looks the other way.

I smile at him and push his face my way, so that he looks at me. I give him a warm smile, and push my lips against his.

"That is the sweetest thing, anyone ever did for me..."
