ch. 13 dangerous looks


It has been I don't know how long, and they're STILL talking. "Bye, (Y/N)! Have a good day!" I hear Kimberley yell from the bottom of the stairs.

She could walk up the stairs, give me a hug, talk to me in the face, but no. She just says bye and leaves, "Byee" I yell back, as happy as I can. Though I don't think it really sounded so cheery.

When I hear Kimberley finally leave, I decide to go downstairs. I hear Mark and Jack talk to each other about something, but I can't really put a finger on what they're saying. I walk in the small room behind the store and ignore them.

I see them looking at me in the corner of my eyes. They chuckle at me, "Come on, (Y/N) are you mad?" Jack asks, sounding a little like a father is talking to his baby. I stop and look at him, letting him see my dangerous, serious face.

Jack puts his hands up in surrender, "I was just joking" He says. I walk on, to the front of the store, waiting for more customers. I hear someone coming from behind me. I don't bother to turn around to look who it is, but when I hear his deep voice, I don't even have to think anymore, "(Y/N)....." He says in that deep, seductive tone.

I feel his strong hands sneaking their way around my waist. His deep chuckles hit my neck as he rests his head on my shoulder, "What's wrong, babe?" He asks. I roll my eyes, "Kimberley..." I simply answer.

Mark walks to the other side of the counter to look me right in the eyes, "What's wrong with her?" He asks. I sigh silently, "Didn't you see how she flirted with you guys?" I ask, immediately sounding annoyed .

Jack comes walking in too, standing next to Mark, leaning against the counter. Mark shakes his head, "she didn't even.." Mark says. I chuckle frustrated, "When she came in, she-" Jack cuts me off, "yeah yeah, she hugged us but not you, bla bla we know that" He says.

I nod, "Indeed!" I say. They just chuckle at me, like I am stupid, "Maybe because you and her were just in a fight and she wants to take it slow...?" Jack says.

That actually makes me laugh, not out of anger or frustration, but just in a funny way. "She's not my girlfriend!" I say between chuckles. "Why would you even care if she hugged Jack? He's not your boyfriend either!" Mark says, having some weird ideas in mind.

I look at Mark like he betrayed me, "I don't care if she hugged Jack. She hugged you, and not me..." I explain, trying to avoid the questions that Mark has in mind.

Mark opens his mouth to say something, but I am already tired of this conversation, and I don't really feel like having it either, " mind, it's fine." I say, raising my hands, wanting them to stop talking about it.

I see Mark shaking his head, "No, I actually want to know now..." Mark says, laying his fist on the table, "(Y/N).." He says, asking for my attention. I turn my head to look at Mark.

Mark look me deep in my eyes,"do Jack?" Mark asks. Jack's head shoots my way. My eyes widen as I look back at Jack, and then at Mark. I immediately shake my head, "no, I don't!" I say.

Mark stands straight again, crossing his arms. He wants to say something, but the bell from my store goes off, signaling that there's a customer entering. Mark and Jack take a step to the side, giving me the opportunity to look who it is.

It's an old woman with, probably her husband, an old man. They smile at me before searching around the store, "good day, (Y/N)" The old man says. I give them my best fake smile back, not really knowing who they are, "hello,'am" I say, bowing for the old lady.

Mark walks closer to me from next to me, and stands behind me. I feel his hands finding their way around my waist again, "You're good at that" He whispers in my ear, as seductive as possible.

He gives me goose bumps when he talks to me like that, "At what?" I ask, talking quietly too, slightly tilting my head to look at him.

He makes me relax at the feeling of his soft lips, nibbling at kissing my neck, his warmth breath waving over my skin. "Act happy when you're not" Mark answers me after a small while off massaging my neck with his lips.

I smile to myself, looking the other way while I blush a little. Mark sends small vibrations to the skin in my neck by chuckling deep before he backs up.

The man and woman walk their way to the counter, where I stand. The lady holds a few bracelets in one of her hands, the mans hand in the other. She lays the self-made bracelets on the counter, wanting to take them home, "How much, dear?" She asks me politely.

I smile at them, actually feeling happy now, "five silver coins, ma'am" I say, smiling warm at them. They both nod at me. The man reaches in his pocket, and pulls out four silver coins, "ugh, I don't have enough, sweetheart" He says, talking to his wife.

The woman looks at the bracelets again, and then at me, "oh.." She says sadly. I look down at the bracelets. "take them..." I say.

The kind old people look at me, "Really? for four?" The lady asks. I nod, giving them that friendly smile again, "Thank you so much" The lady says.

I give them a friendly nod, "No problem" I say. The man smiles brightly at me too, "God bless you, young lady" He says before leading his wife to the exit with the bracelets.

I hear two men walking towards me from my back, "God bless you" Mark says in my ear in that deep, seductive voice. I look away and smile while blushing slightly. Jack smiles at me too, "You have a heart of gold, (Y/N)" He says before walking to the front of my store to look at some stuff.

I see Mark rolling his eyes, and watching every move Jack makes. Not wanting to get in another fight with Mark, I lay my arms around his neck and give him a quick kiss on his cheek.

I take the silver coins that are still on the counter, and bring them to the back of the store. I put them in my small box where I save the rest of my money, even though I barely have any money because I bought the bed.

The bell of the store goes again, I want to walk there but, "I got it!" I hear Jack yell from the front of the store. "ohhkay" I mumble to myself, locking the small box.

Before I can walk away, I feel the way too familiar hands on my hips. I smile and slightly turn my head to look at Mark, who is now glued to my body. Mark brushes his lips against the skin in my neck, making me whimper a little.

Mark's hands trail up my sides, to my shoulders, and follows my arms and puts my hands on the kitchen counter. If we didn't have clothes on, we would be fucking right now.

I feel his lips go up my neck, and start to nibble my earlobe. I hear Jack talking in the front of the store to some customers. Mark's breathing gets a little more heavy as his hands trail up my arms again, and lock in front of me, having me pressed against his front body.

His hands go down my chest, to my hips. He tightly grabs each side of me, and pressed me against the bulge in his pants, which gets me a little wet to be honest.

I start to blush slightly when Mark starts to massage my upper thigh, and working his way to my womanhood, making me bite my lip to hold back my slight moans. Suddenly Mark stops at someone clearing their throat.

I turn around and turn red when I see Jack leaning against the doorframe, having one eyebrow up as he looks at Mark and me. Mark sits down on a chair with his legs crossed and starts to laugh, but I think it's rather embarrassing.

Jack walks up to me, grabbing my wrist. I look questioning at him when he opens my hand. I smile at him when he gives me some silver coins. "Thank you!" I say before turning around, facing the small money-box again.

I bent forward and unlock the box again. I hear Mark clearing his throat behind me. I turn my head slightly to see Mark looking dangerous at Jack.

I decide to shrug it off and I turn around again, putting the money in the box and lock it again. I put the key around my neck again as I sit by the table, on the opposite side of Mark.

I see Mark looking at my chest in the corner of my eyes. But when I turn my head his way, he quickly looks away. I look down at my shirt and see that I have some cleavage showing, which I normally don't have

I'm not really that type of girl that wants that kind of attention from boys. I quickly lift up my shirt and lean back in the chair with my arms crossed.

Mark clears his throat, " long do you guys think it wil last?" He asks. I instantly feel super pissed. 'Why would he ask that!?' I think as I shoot Mark a death glare.

Jack coughs, "What do you mean...your relationship?" He asks, looking at me, fearing that I am going to explode from anger. Mark chuckles, "no, of course not! I mean the test-time thingy!" He explains, laughing it off.

I sigh, "I don't know, but I hope it's over soon. I'm not good with this kind of stuff" I say, looking down. "What kind of stuff?" Jack asks.

I look up at Jack, "well that there are other girls...I don't know...they suddenly seem to want to be so close to you Mark. And I hate it." I explain.

Mark chuckles, "And by 'some girls', you mean Kimberley, am I wrong?" He asks jokingly. I look at him with a blank expression, and nod slowly. Mark spreads his arms, wanting me to come over to his seat.

I walk up to Mark and sit on his leg, wrapping my arms around his neck. I hear Jack walking to the front of the store, leaving Mark and me alone again. I'm not sure if that is such a good idea though.

Mark gently pushes me away, massaging my shoulders, which helps really much to cool calm down. He leans in while tilting his head a little.

I close my eyes and let him press his soft lips against mine again. I feel his warm tongue pushing my lips apart. I just let it all happen, and fully relax at the feeling of his hands going up and down my sides, and our tongues dancing together in each others mouth.

After a while, Mark pulls away. I open my eyes to see him smiling brightly at me. I give him a slightly seductive smile back.

Mark chuckles deep, "Don't give me that look" He says in a deep voice. I chuckle slightly, "Why not?" I ask as unguilty as possible. He shakes his head with a grin, "You know exactly why not" he says, cupping my face with one hand, holding my body close to his with the other.

He gets a strand of hair out of my face while looking into my eyes, "I promise, we will make it through this shitty time. We were meant to be" Mark says, smiling at me.

I give him a warm smile back, though I'm not so sure about it. 'we'll see ....'
