ch. 26 switch

(M/N)= Middle name (If you have one) 

(L/N)= Last name


Chadwick nods slowly at me. I feel a sudden pressure on my chest. "What?" Jack asks. "What do you mean?" Mark asks impatiently. 

I take a deep breath, "Switch places" I simply say. "You mean, of us?" Mark asks, looking at Chadwick. Chadwick nods again, slowly, while grinning that stupid, annoying wicked grin at us. 

I gulp nervously, not knowing if Kimberley is worth it, and I know that is cruel, but she has done some stuff to me too. "(Y/N), this is stupid, come on! You want to become THAT size for an enemy?" Mark asks, getting ready to leave. 

I sigh, "She's not my enemy. She was my best friend" I say, looking down at Kimberley in the jar. My vision gets blurry from tears building up in my eyes. "WAS! Indeed, you're saying that right. Why would you give up your perfect life for an old friend" Mark says, a little annoyed. 

I quickly wipe a tear away, "But I can't just throw it all away  like it means nothing to me! She was my best friend, and I know, she did stuff. But I have mixed feelings about this..." I say, dozing off in my thoughts again. 

If I would switch with her, 'what could Mark and Jack possible do with me anymore?' I could never kiss or hug Mark again.  'We could just talk with each other, and that's it!'

Suddenly, Mark snaps his fingers, "I have an idea!" he says. I look up, being snapped out of my thoughts. "What if Chadwick turns all of us small, and we can live under the ground with my family, and (Y/N) switches with Kimberley!!" Mark explains. 

I nod excited, "Yes!!! We could do that!!" I say before looking over at Chadwick, "Right?" I ask, immediately unsure about the idea. 

Chadwick nods slowly again, "But then Mark and Jack shall need to find some mini-humans to switch positions with" He explains. I sigh, "Where do we find them?" I ask. 

Mark quickly lifts his shoulders, "Under your shop!" He simply says. I smile, "Okay, Chadwick, we'll be right back!" I say happily before walking out the door. 

I hear Mark and Jack chuckle, and follow me towards the village. 

small time skip

Once in my store, I walk to the back of the store, to the wall where Mark and I first 'met'. I kneel down and look up at Mark, "Here?" I ask. 

Mark nods in response and kneels down next to me, "It should be..." He mumbles to himself.  Mark taps the wall in a certain pattern. I hear him knock, *tap, tap tap tap, tap* I wait for Mark to tap his fingers another two times, but he doesn't. 

Mark waits for a response, "Let's try that again" He mumbles before tapping, *Tap, tap tap tap, tap* Waiting for another two taps. 

After a moment of silence, Mark taps the same pattern again, *tap, tap tap tap, tap..* And then, finally, *tap tap* from inside the wall. 

Mark's face brightens up. "Who's that?" I ask. Mark looks at me, "My brother" he answers. I smile, 'he has a brother?'

Mark looks at a small hole in the wall, which soon has a small man standing in it. The tiny man looks exactly like Mark! His hair is longer than Mark's,  but they have the same face. The small man looks a little unsure and shy. 

Mark smiles down at the small man. "It's okay" I say softly. "Tom, it's me!" Mark says happily. The small mane, who's name is, I assume, Tom, takes a few steps out the hole, towards Mark. 

Mark lays his hand open on the ground, letting his brother step on it, "Mark!?" Tom says, not believing his brother is actually here. 

Mark nods, "Yes!! I'm here, Tom!" He says happily. Tom chuckles, "I want to hug you so bad now, little bro" He says. 'Tom is the older one of the two?' I think, chuckling a little at the fact that Mark is way bigger than Tom at the moment. 

Mark brings his hand up to his shoulder, and lets Tom hug it. I smile brightly at the sight, having tears building up from happiness. 

I see Mark having a tear roll down his cheek. "hey! You're making my hair wet!  I showered this morning" Tom says chuckling as he holds some strands of hair in front of his face. 

Mark chuckles, "Sorry, bro" He says,  wiping another happy tear off of his cheek as Tom does the same. 

Tom turns around at me, "Who's the lovely lady?"  He asks as he looks at me, smiling. I blush a little. "Tom, meet my girlfriend, (Y/N)" Mark explains. 

Tom nods with his eyebrows lifted, "My brother has a girlfriend!? How adorable! Lucky man" Tom says, still smiling sweetly at me. 

I smile, "Hey...uh...Tom, was the name?" I ask. Tom nods and holds his hand out for me, to shake it, "Thomas Jason Fishbach is the name" He says. I stick out my pinky to him, and that's how we shake hands, making me chuckle slightly. 

I nod and look at Mark, I never heard his last name before actually, "So your name is Mark Fi-" I want to say, but Mark cuts me off, "Mark Edward Fishbach" He says proudly. 

I chuckle, "Cool" I say. "And yours?" Tom asks. "(Y/N), (M/N), (L/N)" I say proudly. "Pretty name" Thomas says. 

Thomas turns to Mark again, "What are you doing here?" He asks. Mark just smiles sweetly, "Coming home" He explains. I can see Tom's face light up, "You're coming home again!?" He asks excited. 

Mark nods, "I just have to find a way to become normal again" Mark says. It looks like Mark has total forgotten about me. 'do I want to be that size for the rest of my life?' I think to myself as I watch them talk, but not listening. 

I think about switching places with Kimberley. Maybe Mark can switch places with her, then I can stay normal, but I would kind of lose Mark. 'I would never be able to  hug him, kiss him, feel his soft hands caress my body anymore'

'And what about Jack?' I think as I look at the ground. Jack is a way to good friend to leave behind, IF I'm going to change and live with Mark under the ground. We could visit Jack, but I could never hug him again. 

Jack can give some loving hugs too, and  I would probably miss those. I get snapped out of my thoughts by Tom, "Bye, (Y/N)" He says, now on the ground in front of the hole in the wall. 

I wave back, "Bye" I say with a friendly smile. Thomas disappears in the wall again, leaving Mark and me alone. "So, you're going back to them?" I ask softly. 

Mark looks at me and nods with a bright smile, "Yeah, I've missed everyone so much! I can't wait to hug my mom and cousins again." He tells me. 

Mark looks up to me, and sees my sad face hanging low. He lifts my face up with his index finger curled up under my chin, and his thumb right under my lips, making me look at him, "Hey, don't be sad" He says softly. 

I feel tears building up at the idea of, kind of,  losing Mark. Mark pulls me close to him, making me cry. Just the idea of never being able to be in this position again, wrecks me. 

Mark strokes my hair, "(Y/N), please don't cry..." He says. Mark places a kiss on my forehead, 'God I will miss those kisses' I think as I feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. 

Mark kisses my forehead again, "We will make this work, somehow" He says before bringing his mouth next to my ear, "I promise..." He whispers, making his warm breath flow against the skin in my neck. 

He cups my face, wiping away the tears from my cheeks with him thumbs. "B-but how?" I stutter a little. Mark flashes a loving, warm smile at me, "Somehow" Mark says softly, almost whispering before pulling me in a tight hug again. 

I smile in Mark's shoulder, and I can't get the smile off of my face. I know he doesn't have any ideas. I know he doesn't know what to do. I know he's just saying that to calm me. And the gesture is beautiful, heartwarming and sweet. 

But I know that Mark can't do anything about it yet. And if there is a way to figure this out, which is leaving everyone without doubts, and a hundred percent positive of our choices, none of us has that idea yet. 

Mark pulls away from the hug at the sound of footsteps. Jack walks in and smiles at us as he kneels down next to me. He looks at Mark, as if asking permission to something. 

Mark gives Jack a quick nod and Jack spreads his arms for me. I immediately wrap my arms around Jack's torso as Jack wraps his arms around me.

Mark stands up as Jack gives me a friendly, heartwarming, tight hug. 

small time skip

Mark, Jack and I sit around the table. It's like we're waiting for something. Something to happen. 

I am lost in my thoughts about what's going to happen, looking for a solution. If Mark's family are the only small people, and I want to change in that size, I need to find someone to switch with. 

But I don't think it's that easy. If I want to be small, I need to find a mini-sized human. But I don't think one of Mark his family wants to be this size, without their family. 

Suddenly, I hear small knocks coming from the wall. I turn my head and look at the small hole in the wall where I saw Thomas before. Mark gets up and kneels down by the small hole. 

"Hey!! Tom!" Mark says happily. I can't see anything, because Mark is blocking my view, but by the almost inaudible voice, I know Tom is there. 

Mark walks back to the table with Tom on his hand, "Hey Jack!" Thomas says. Jack waves back at him, "Hi, Tom" He says. 'of course they know each other. Jack is best friends with Mark'

Tom sits down on the table, facing Mark with his legs crossed, "So, Mark. I told mom I had a surprise for her, and she's already loving it" Thomas explains. "literally" He says between chuckles. 

We all chuckle a little with him. "Now, when are you coming down again?" Tom asks. Mark looks up at Jack and me, "I don't know exactly, but soon" Mark says, looking down at Thomas again. 

Tom smiles, "Very well! Then I shall return" He says before looking at Mark's hand, wanting Mark to bring him to the small hole in the wall again. 

Jack and I wave at Tom as Mark brings him to the hole again, "Bye Thomas" I say. "Bye (Y/N), bye Jack" he says before stepping  off of Mark's hand. 

"Bye, Tom" Jack says. "Buh-byee" I hear Mark say  happily before Tom disappears in the wall again. Mark walks back to the table again, "Well, that was  a quick visit" he says. 

I nod, "So what are we gonna do now?" I ask. Mark sits down on the opposite side of me, "I am going to switch places with Kimberley" 
