
Damn i cant believe its really him. I haven't seen him since we moved. Its been so long and to be honest eh was my first crush even though he was my best-friend. I guess we are just gonna have to see how this goes.

Darius: lona?

Alona: Darius? I cant believe it.

Kelsey: you too know each other?

Alona: yea Darius use to go to summer camp together and he would always come over when he had time.

Darius: this was my best friend back in the g.

This hug feels so good and so right. I cant wait to catch up with him.

Weeks later
Ever since i told alona that i got back jessica she really moved on. She know she could've waited for me to break up with jessica. But in all honesty i know i cant because i still have a soft spot for jessica. She was my first love and after she left me i didn't know what to do. I was extremely heartbroken and it took a tole on me. I kinda used alona to get my mind off of jessica but once i started getting to know her i started to really like her. I still wanna be with her but it would be stupid for me to drop jessica and try for alona. I guess i have to see how this goes.

Jessica: bébé. quel est le dîner (babe. Whats for dinner?)

Laurent: i don't know you find something to eat.

Jessica: i asked you five times and you no respond.

Laurent: look I'm sorry baby. I'll go get us some food okay.

Jessica: you alright? You here but you mind not.

Laurent: just a lot going on.

Jessica: lets go to restaurant.

Me and Darius have been hanging out non stop. Right now we are at a restaurant uptown. I haven't been on a date since larry and i were together. Oh well his lose for cheating on me because he lost something good but i lost something good too when Laurent told me that he got back with jessica. I guess i should've never got involved with them both. I made a stupid decision.

We got seated and i could've sworn i saw Laurent and jessica or larry and melissa. This has to be a joke. I didn't even wanna look up from my menu book. The waiter came to our table and i still had my head in my menu book. As i was ordering i could hear another waiter seating someone besides us. I turn my head for a quick second and i see the four of them sitting at the table next to us. As soon as i was about to turn my head our eyes connected.

Laurent: alona?

Alona: uh hi laurent and larry

Melissa: this bitch just had to be here.
