
I woke up bright and early at 5:00. I got out the bed and looked in the mirror at myself. I hate when people talk about my size but i cant do nothing about that. I went to the bathroom and did my hygiene and my makeup. When i came out i had on a green romper. I left my house 15 minutes later and headed straight to work. When i got to work it was 6:15. I like to get to work early and start on my work so by the time the end of the day comes i will be finished unless craig has something else for me to do. I sat in my office and started on some paper work for some new talent i found called nexttowndown. As I'm doing my work all i've been thinking about was larry. I saw him last night through my window with no shirt on. Damn that boy is finer than baby hair but i cant have him because he's taken. He's dating some girl named Melissa. She is one luckily girl. Sometimes i just catch a vibe that says he's single and ready to mingle but i know its all in my head. I hadnt realized that it was 8:00. I was too into my work to even notice that someone came in. When i looked up i saw larry and laurent smiling like they did something bad.

Laurent: we here bright and early. How are you

Alona: i see that and I'm fine.

Larry: yes you are.

He tried to whisper that but i heard him loud and clear. Laurent giggled a little and hit Larry's arm. I think its cute how larry thinks no one can hear him and his beautiful french accent is mesmerizing.

Alona: alright lets get to work.

I got up from my chair and started walking to the studio with them right behind me. This will be a great project and bring us great money.

Alona got bodyyyy and she got a rump behind her. As we were following her i could hear some of the other females talking about her. These chicks are really jealous and mad because they don't have what alona got. She got brains, beauty and booty. I hate when females talk about another like its okay and its cool. That shit aint nice and its disrespectful. Why you hating on her so hard. Just cuz she don't mean shit.

???: why she with them? They too fine to be with her.

???: she too big for them. How is he gonna put it in her? Baby girl built like a bear.

I turned around towards the ladies and gave them looks then started saying stuff.

Larry: why y'all mad hating. She got more ass then all of y'all put together. Just cuz she aint skinny and boney like y'all don't mean shit. Clearly she with us cuz we'd rather hang out with and not some snobby bitches like y'all.

And with that i turned around and walked away. Once we reached the studio i was excited. It was filled with vibrant colors and beautiful furniture. Im ready to get this work started and make some music. Doing it from home was not helping me out and i hated it a-lot. All i keep doing is watching alona. When she get up, when she sit down, when she start walking. Damn baby got hips.

After a hard day of working and grinding i finally was able to make it home without any bullshit. The twins kept me focused and energetic. I was moving and grooving with them today. I was really surprised when larry said something to those females who was talking about me earlier. He got in their shit and that made me happy to know that somebody has my back. I really need my rest because tomorrow i have a photo shoot for my "swim thick" line. I walked out to go throw the trash away and i see larry and laurent sitting outside talking. I didn't really pay them no mind because i really am tired and i wanna go to sleep. By the time i finish putting the garbage out i felt someone behind. When i turned around i saw larry and he had this big ass cheesy smile on him.

Larry: hi lona. You look beautiful

Here he go with the compliments i swear its the cutest and sweetest thing ever.

Alona: hi larry and thank you.

I swear I'm yawning like crazy. I don't blow my breath in his face.

Larry: how are you besides being sleepy?

Alona: I'm good... look i don't mean to cut this convo short but i really need some rest for tomorrow and since you guys don't have to come in you'll have a free day.

Larry: what you got going on tomorrow?

Alona: i'm doing a photoshoot for my new swim wear line call swim thick.

Larry: that's amazing lona. Well i'll let you get back to your nap.

I love his scent and his height is so intimidating. He hugged me for a good little minute and he feels so comfy. I can feel his hand sliding down my back. He better not touch my booty but i wouldn't mind. Once he stopped hugging me he gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away. Jesus how i love the way he touches me. Those hugs he gives are everything
