
Me and larry have been getting closer than ever. I really can see myself with him. He makes me feel all tingly inside and warm. I haven't really been talking to Laurent much lately after he tried to say that larry was cheating on me. I cant believe he would say that about larry. Larry is a good man even though he has his attitudes but i trust him. He wouldn't date do something as stupid as cheating on me because then he would have to feel my rage. Or course i have trust issues but i wont start assuming because someone who is going through issues of their own says that someone else is cheating.

Kelsey: girl what are doing? I called yo name like ten times and you aint answer.

Alona: I'm sorry i just have a lot on my mind. I was in a daze but continue.

Kelsey: i was saying that we could have the party at the mansion. We gotta find a great dj though... are you listening to me?

Alona: huh?

Kelsey: girl what the hell is wrong with you? You wont even listen to what i have to say.

Alona: me and Laurent got into it the other day. He really pissed me

Kelsey: uh why are you pissed off? You're the one who stopped talking to him so you could date larry.

Alona: i didnt mean for it go-

Kelsey: yes you did girl. You knew what you were doing. And its weird how larry just wanted you right after he and Melissa broke up.

Alona: i don't wanna hear this.

Kelsey: you cant be mad because Laurent told you off. He has real feelings for you and you okayed with his heart.

Alona: whatever.

Right now me and my brother are doing a google hangouts call. We haven't did this in a while and i miss talking to my fans and answering their questions. It was just like old times. Hopefully they don't start asking questions that might get me in trouble.

Eleni: from bourgeoisfan88, "larry are you ever gonna get back with melissa? What happened between you to and who is this new girl that you're with?"

See what i mean here they go.

Larry: no i will not get back with Melissa. We were once in love with each other but when you feel the need to lie and cheat and keep secrets then there is no point in us ever working things out. My current girlfriend name is alona and she works for the record label that we are signed to. I love her so much and i wouldn't trade her for nothing.

Eleni: from secret_fan, "Laurent what is the one thing you hate that larry does?"

Laurent: larry likes to sneak a fort on me when I'm sleeping. When i wake up i can smell it and it gets in my mouth. I always have to chase larry to stop him from laughing.

Larry: well you shouldn't sleep on the couch out in the open.

Eleni: last one. This is from the joker, "are you guys ever going to do more workshops?"

Larry: we are working on setting up dates for workshops across the globe.

Laurent: our next workshop is in a two months in california so stay tuned.

Eleni: and that's a wrap. Thank all of you les twins fans for joining the live video. We will be back soon waiting for your questions.

Laurent: bye guys we love you.

Larry: bye fans.

Me and kelsey are out having a girls night at our usual hangout spot. When we get there we go straight to the dance floor. The night is young and we are here to have fun. Im a lil tired from all this dancing.

Alona: kelsey I'm going to the bar and have a drink.

Kelsey: alright i'll be here. Don't get lost and start getting wild.

Alona: i'm not And you watch yourself as well.

Kelsey: my stun gun is in my purse just in case.

I walk over the bar and get a long island tea. This drink has me feeling right and good. I hear the people screaming and cheering. Im wondering whats going on but i don't feel like getting up just yet so i just sit down and watch. All i hear is the dj announcing les twins. LES TWINS? Larry didn't even tell me that he would be here tonight. I'm just watching as fans pour all over him and Laurent. I know he don't know that I'm here.

Kelsey: girl when did larry and Laurent get here and why you aint tell me?

Alona: i didn't know myself. He never told me nothing about them being here.

Kelsey: who is all these females tryna touch him. You betta go show your face.

Alona: no I'm not gonna show my face. Imma put my shades on and just watch what he does. I have to trust him right?

Kelsey: girl i guess so but he better not hurt you.

1 hour later

Im not dunk but I'm definitely tipsy. I finally get up to go dance and i see larry and some girl grinding on the floor. So this is what he does when I'm not around. I keep my shades on because i don't want him to see my face. I find my way into the crowd of dancing people and start dancing with some random boy. I watch discreetly as larry is rubbing all over this chick like he doesn't have a girlfriend. I feel sick to my stomach and i cant watch this anymore. I start to walk away from the boy and then i bump into someone.

Alona: oh sorry i didn't see you.

???: yea watch where you're going fugly bitch.

When i look up i see its Melissa. She was the one dancing with larry? Was what Laurent told me the truth? Why is she here? Why is he still communicating with her? He told me he deleted her number and unfollowed her on social media.

Melissa: larry lets go back to your place. I wanna get naked.

Larry: this is the last time Melissa. I cant have my girl find out that I'm cheating on her.

I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed kelsey and we left out of the club.

Kelsey: whats wrong lona?!

Alona: larry is cheating on me with Melissa.

Kelsey: i thought they broke up.

Alona: he's having sex with her when I'm not there.

Kelsey: man thats fucked up. Do i need to kill him and that bitch?

Alona: no. I'll handle the situation. I cant believe it. I thought he loved me.

Kelsey: don't cry lona. Everything will be okay.

I didn't even bother to go  to my office this morning. I just went straight to the studio. Since he wants to cheat then from now on things will be professional between us.

Larry: good morning baby.

He tried to kiss me but i blocked it.

Alona: lets get to work. Good morning laurent.

Laurent: morning alona.

Larry: so i don't get a good morning?

Alona: leta keep the attitude to a minimum Mr. Bourgeois. This a place of business and now your under my authority so either you check the attitude or i will make you leave.

Larry: whatever.

Laurent: so lona how was your weekend?

Alona: quite eventful actually. But all in all i feel angry.

Larry: baby-

Alona: DON'T FUCKING CALL ME BABY. How was your weekend Laurent?

Laurent: it was fun. We had an appearance at a club called hotlanta. You should've came.

Alona: i didn't know you both a club appearance there. I would've came if i known. Oh wait i was there.

Larry: lona can we talk.

Alona: oh now you wanna talk. Okay lets talk. Lets talk about how our relationship was a lie. You never did love me larry and i feel for it. The whole time we were dating you was cheating on me with Melissa. The one person who despised me the most and always called me fat but did you ever do anything about it. You thought i wasn't going to find out. Larry you can keep Melissa and her trifling cheating ass. You still in love with her even after she cheated on with the same person she cheated on when she was married to him.

Larry: baby I'm sorry.

Alona: FUCK YOUR SORRIES. Thats shits for the birds. From now on this relationship we had is ending and we will only speak when it comes to work. You will have my business number because i am now blocking you from my personal number.

Larry: lona don't so this. Please. I didn't mean to hurt you.

Alona: i should've never hurt Laurent just to be with a sick twisted ass wipe like you. Now get in booth because this conversation is over.
