Take me back

This past year as been quite the challenge and i have learned to deal with it. I still feel awkward sometimes around larry and Laurent for the simple fact that things between the three of us went so wrong. I try my hardest to put that situation in the past. They have moved on with their lives and i have moved on with mines. Me and Darius are almost at a year in our relationship. He has been nothing but amazing and so sweet. I never met anybody like him. When we were little he was always there for me no matter what the situation may be and i am grateful to have him in my life. I wish things would've went smoothly between me and larry and me and Laurent but i guess god does things for a reason. Laurent and Jessica got engaged and their wedding is coming up soon. I don't really wanna go but i don't wanna seem childish and petty. We might not be in a relationship but we are still friends. Me and Jessica actually get along well. She likes a-lot of the same things that i do. Her english isn't the best but she is working on it. Its hard to be around larry when he has that Melissa girl always around. She talks so much shit and she thinks its okay but I'm trying so hard to keep my composure and not scar drag her into the middle of next year. Right now I'm at home with Darius cooking some food for tonight.

Alona: Darius where did you put the seasoning salt?

Darius: bottom right cabinet.

Alona: you wanna come help me finish this food.

Darius: no you got it.

Alona: come on boy before i don't give you any.

Darius: whatever girl I'm coming.

After finishing the food we both went to go take a shower and get dressed. Still cant believe i agreed to come to this shit. This isn't really my scene and after everything that has happened over the course of the year i just need get away from all the drama.

At the party
The party is really nice and there seems to be no drama or bad blood between anyone. I spoke to both larry and Laurent and kept my distance from Melissa. I came here to support Laurent and Jessica on their big day and i don't need any drama. I just wanna have a good time forget all of my problems.

Laurent: hey lona can i talk to you for a minute.

Alona: sure. i'll be right back Darius.

I kissed Darius and walked off with Laurent. I don't know what he wants to talk about but i hope its nothing crazy. I guess he brought larry too. This could turn out bad.

Alona: so what is that you wanna talk about.

Laurent: us.

Alona: oh um okay.

Laurent: look lona you know that me and larry both got love for you and things were different right now i don't know what would happen between us.

Alona: listen you both are amazing men and i will always love you both but in reality we were never mean to be together. Larry you and Melissa will always be together no matter what the situation may be. Even after you both cheated on each other i know that cant no one take her place, not even me. Yes i had mad feelings for you but i had to realize that your feelings for me were just to get over Melissa. And Laurent you were an amazing person and i should've never did you wrong by dating larry when we clearly had something going on but then when i tried to make it right you got back with Jessica and thats fine. I know i cant do anything about that either but i will always love you.

Laurent: we may not be together lona but you always have a place in my heart.

Larry: lona i never stopped loving you no matter what you think. Melissa could never be a better girlfriend than you. I would drop her right now just to be with you but i cant. Just know that you will always be my phat.

Kissed them both passionately and walked away. I learned a lot from both of them and it made me realize that you have to go through the bad to get to the good. You cant always succeed with everything. Sometimes you get knocked down but you can get back up. I will always love larry and Laurent but its time that i move on.

