Chapter 6 - Sunny's POV

We were running until ran inside of my house

After we three were inside, I closed the door, flapped the curtains, Y/N helped with closing second curtains

I was trying to catch a breath

I was looking at both of them, unable to find words for current situation

Do Earthlings also like staring contests? - Izzy asked me, coming closer, her face was very close to mine - Hmmmmmmmmm... - she then blimked and happily said - Ah! You win! I blinked!

- Izzy, give Sunny some space - Y/N told her - Besides, we both need answers, we agreed to give them to each other, once in here

But I only said, still shocked:

- There's... a Magier... and a Human-Alicorn Hybrid... in my house... This is so cool! - I happily said, but then my expression changed into panic - Wait, no, it's bad. Very, very bad. What have I done?

- Wait! Wait a sec! - looked at Y/N - You're actually Y/N L/N? Human-Alicorn Hybrid? - Y/N revealed a horn and wings of his - Other Magus told me to avoid you, if you'll be real

Y/N sighed

- Great... Now I'm seen as a freak... Like Earthling believing I don't exist wasn't enough...

- Hey, I may be was told to avoid you, if real, but now looking at you, I see other Magus were wrong - Izzy hugged him, accepting him already as a friend - Anyways, I've never seen an Earthling before, same to someone like Y/N. - Izzy said, she was using a telescope - We look exactly the same! Except for these, of course. - she pointed and a horn of hers and Y/N's wings

- Now, that you mentioned it, how about some questions and answers? - Y/N asked, looking at me

- Oh! Right! - I got my notebook

- But please, don't ask too many and not too fast - Y/N told me - Cause that way we hardly be able to answer normally

- Okay - I answered and started asking - Izzy, where you're living?

- Bridlewood.

- I knew it! - I happily exclaimed - Hm... Y/N, before us were there Magic, where you from?

- Always was, why? - he asked - I mean I don't remember Magic being disappeared, unless we were fighting some enemies, who could stole it. I have two in mind

- Izzy, can you make this float? - I threw a can, that fell next to Izzy's legs

- No... but I can do this. - she then started to do this (skip to 1:10)

- Ta-daaaaa!

- Wait what? - Y/N got confused

- Wait. You don't have any Magic?

That's when we heard Hitch's voice outside:

- Sunny Starscout! - he said, using handheld megaphone, but once he said my full name, I could see throught closed curtains, that he regrets to do that all of a sudden - Sunny Starscout, I know you and Jerald are both in there with that Magier! Come out with your hooves up and surrender!

- Yeah, you're completely surrounded! - even if he wasn't using the handheld megaphone, we still were able to hear Sprout's saying



That felt stupid, cause there were only two of them

Nopony more around

- You are under arrest!

- This is bad. How sneaky are you both?

- Uh, medium sneaky?/I had experience back then, so between medium and excellent - they both answered

- I can work with that. - I said with a smile - Okay, I'll distract them.

- Oh, pffft. Relax. I'll talk to them. - Izzy said and opened the door

- Um... I don't think it's a good idea, Izzy - Y/N told her, but Izzy was ignoring him

I knew it's a bad idea too, but decided to wait for the right moment

And once Sprout started running away, we three were able to leave as quick as possible

All we heard, was Hitch's exclaiming:

- Oh, come on!

To be continued...
