Chapter 16, 17, 18 (No POV done, Sprout's POV done, Y/N's POV)

Chapter 16


Sirens were blaring

Sunny, Hitch, Y/N, Izzy, and Zipp were able to leave the castle and now were outside

 - Quick, this way! - Zipp told everypony and they were following her

Once they stopped, they started to catch a breath

-  Okay. - Hitch said, checking, if everything's clear and nopony follows them - I think we lost 'em.

Meanwhile mouse squeaked somewhere

- Hitch, what are you even doing here? - Sunny asked him, approaching him

- Arresting you. - he said with serious voice and look on his face - And at the same time saving you. So, you know, a little of both actually. You're welcome! Besides - was now looking at Y/N - I'm surprised I've been fooled and didn't even decided to find out, who you really are. 

- Well, You're pretty bad for somepony, who is known as Sheriff - Y/N said with a grin on his face - Calling myself Jerald was actually part of trying to find some answers. 

- Oh-ho-ho, gee, thanks. - Zipp joined copnversation - But we don't need any saving, okay?

- And you are? - Hitch asked her 

- Her mom is the queen! - Izzy answered, smile wasn't leaving her

- Wait a minute. - Hitch, hearing this, was confused a bit - So that means... you're a princess?

- Huh. Look at that. The sheriff just became a detective. - Zipp said, while Y/N, hearing this, started to giggle

A/N - Like Loona in the Pilot of Helluva Boss

- Nice one - Y/N said to her

- What? - Y/N asked, but then the news jingled

- Breaking story – Dazzle Feather announced - Zephyr Heights is in turmoil tonight after the shocking revelation that the royals cannot fly.

- Pipp used to be my favorite! - one of children, Pippsqueaks, how Pipp was calling them, said 

- If we can't trust our own royalty, who can we trust? - female Aerial asked

- I blame the Magus, Earthlings and Human-Alicorn Hybrid! - Aerial man said - They ruin everything!

- ... How deep down could all of us fall - Y/N said

- This just in –  Dazzle Feather said, taking a paper, on which something was written - Queen Haven has been arrested for being a phony pony full of baloney.

Zipp was shocked to hear it, as all of them saw Queen Haven being arrested

- No comment! - Queen Haven said to everypony - And no photos! Okay, one photo. - she stopped, photo was taken and with that, Breaking News were finished for a while

- Anypony care to explain? - Hitch asked everypony, he needed answers

- We had to get the crystal. - Sunny told him

- It's possibly a reason, why nopony, even I, don't have Magic - Y/N said

That Hitch to ask:

- Woah, woah, woah! No Magic? At all? 

- Yes. - Sunny said and started to search for a crystal in her bag - Look. - only to find out it wasn't there - Oh, no, no, no, no! It's not here!

- Seriously?! - Zipp asked, it was hard for her to believe they lost the crystal

- On the bright side, we had so much losing it. - Izzy said, with the smile

- Izzy, it's not funny - Y/N told her - We must go back

- Y/N's right. - Sunny agreed - We have to go back!

- But it could be anywhere! - Zipp said back, but then they heard clattering of a can

Pipp approached them and with angry look on her face, said:

- Somepony seriously needs to explain why this thing was so important that you had to ruin my whole show over it! - she had a crystal in her right hand

- Trust me. - Zipp said, now close to her - It was. - she was about to get the crystal, but Pipp didn't gave it

- You left me hanging there! - she angrily told her sister - In the spotlight! Now everypony knows we can't fly.

- You needed to expect that - Y/N said, catching her attention - I mean, seriously, I was giving you a warning back in the prison

- You stay out of this! - Pipp said back - You, first of all, was supposed to be nothing, but a myth!

- Why you- - Y/N was getting angry, but then Pipp's phone buzzed

She took it and on it, Dazzle Feather announced:

- A warrant is out for the arrest of the princesses.

- Pipp! Zipp! Save yourselves! - their mother, Queen Haven, said, after which a picture of her was made

- What?! - Pipp was shocked - This is not happening! This is so not happening!

- Pipp! - Zipp caught her attention - Forget about all that. We think we can bring back magic, but we need that crystal. - she was pleading now

- Have you lost your mind? - Pipp asked her

- Please. - Zipp said to her, still pleading - This might be our only chance.

- Ugh! - Pipp was angry, but rolled her eyes and said - Fine! I know a way out. Come on.

Everypony started following, but not Hitch, who "tried" to stop them:

- What? Wait! You can't just... But I'm a sheriff! - and groaned, but started following everypony else, he had no choice

Chapter 17

Sprout's POV

I was  going down on elevator

To check, how the process of making Robot is going

I was drinking a smoothie

After I left elevator, I relaxingly sighed and asked Toots:

- Ahhh! Why aren't you finished yet? 

- W-We're working as fast as we can, but we've run out of rivets. - Toots told me

- Rivet-ing story. - I said and started laughing, but quickly stopped, sighed and told him - Just make it work, okay?!

Glitter Cupcake was passing/flying by, screaming 

- Sugarcube, I know your little top-secret project is important and all, but when do you think my workers can get back to making Canterlogic products? - my mother approached me and asked

Glitter Cupcake fell in front of us

- Ow... - all that could come out of his mouth, since he felt pain, but I cared less and told him in serious tone:

- Back to work, Glitter Cupcake!

- It is my factory, after all, dear. - mother said to me, while following me

- But it's my town, Mommy! - I told her - Your son's now emperor of Maretime Bay!

A/N - But Human

- Emperor?! - mother was definitely shocked - But yesterday you were only the sheriff.

- Well, see how fast I'm climbing the ranks? - I asked her, looking at my new looks and a star of sheriff in the middle - This defense factory is going on offense, and it's all thanks to your love and encouragement. - then I started leaving, at the same time telling to McGinty - Break's over, Bubblegum McGinty!

But I could hear mother saying:

- Oh, dear. Somepony's getting a big head.

A/N - I wanted to do that. Hehe :)

Chapter 18


Sunny Starscout: That's the tree from the map. That means... it's this way.

Hitch Trailblazer: What am I even doing here? Hoofing it across daisy fields, looking for a magical crystal that doesn't even exist!

Pipp Petals: It was supposed to be my best show ever. And now it's all over. I'm a criminal! And it's all because of...Hitch Trailblazer and Pipp Petals: ...them!Pipp Petals: And that is so not cool.Hitch Trailblazer: No, it is not. Did I just agree with a Pegasus?Pipp Petals: Hey! Are you sure she even knows where to find this other crystal?Zipp Storm: Don't you trust me at all?Pipp Petals: I don't know. You are the one that just got Mom thrown in jail!Zipp Storm: Look, once we get our magic back, the whole kingdom will be so excited, they won't even remember what happened back there. You'll be a hero, Pipp.Hitch Trailblazer: Let's get one thing straight.Sunny Starscout: We're almost to the river, everypony!Hitch Trailblazer: After this whole escapade is over with, you are gonna march back home to Maretime Bay with me. Is that clear?Sunny Starscout: Crystal.Hitch Trailblazer: Great. Because this badge means that I'm the she— [screams] No, no, no, no, no! Where's my badge?! Hey! You!Izzy Moonbow: Hmm?Hitch Trailblazer: I know unicorns like shiny things!Izzy Moonbow: Oh, you know, I think I did see a shiny badge-y thing on the ground a few hours ago.Hitch Trailblazer: What?! Hours?!Izzy Moonbow: Well, maybe it's for the best. Between you and me, buddy, [hushed] that badge was creating an unhealthy power dynamic. [vocalizing]Sunny Starscout: [gasps] What are we gonna do?Pipp Petals: Any ideas, Zipp?Zipp Storm: You know what would be great right now? Let me think. Maybe something like... THE ABILITY TO FLY!Pipp Petals: You know what would be even better? Not being stuck in the middle of nowhere as OUTCASTS FROM OUR OWN KINGDOM!Hitch Trailblazer: Oh, well. That's the end of that. Time to go home. I wish I could say it was nice meeting all of you, but it wasn't. Come on, Sunny.Pipp Petals: I don't think so!Sunny Starscout: Everypony, stop! We're gonna get to the other side, find the crystal, and bring back magic! And once we do, you'll get to fly, you'll get your fans back, and you'll have me in custody! Everypony happy now?![crash!]Izzy Moonbow: Ta-daaaaa![birds chirping]Zipp Storm: All right!Hitch Trailblazer: Ah, great.Sunny Starscout: Come on, everypony!Balloon Pony: Heeeeelp!
