Chapter 21 (Transcript)

Izzy Moonbow: [giggles] Ta-daaaaa! Crystals! Crystals! Crystals!Zipp Storm: She does know we're just looking for the one, right?Izzy Moonbow: Crystals! Crystals! Crystals! [giggles]Unicorn Mare: [dejected] Ow. Ow.Unicorn Stallion 1: [dejected] Hey.Unicorn Stallion 2: [dejected] Hey.[squeeeeeak]Hitch Trailblazer: Well, this is... cheerful.Sunny Starscout: These other unicorns seem so different from you.Izzy Moonbow: Yeah, I get that a lot. My sparkle is a bit too sparkly for Bridlewood.Hitch Trailblazer: How can we tell which ones are magic?Unicorn Kid: Oooooh! You said a bad word!Hitch Trailblazer: Huh?Unicorn Kid: Hurry! Before we get jinxed!Unicorn Foals: Ahhhhhh... [snorts] Bing-bong-bing! Bing, bong! Bing, bong! Bing, bong! Bing, bong!Zipp Storm: Ooooookay... I'm gonna need some context.Izzy Moonbow: Unicorns are very superstitious. If a pony ever says a forbidden word, we have to do a ritual to ward off the jinxies.Pipp Petals: Jinxies?Izzy Moonbow: Bad luck.Hitch Trailblazer: Forbidden words?Izzy Moonbow: "Magic", "wing", "feather"... Oh, and "mayonnaise".Hitch Trailblazer: What's wrong with may—?Izzy Moonbow: [tut-tuts]Hitch Trailblazer: [gasps]Izzy Moonbow: Come on! There's something I want to show you.Sunny Starscout: The Crystal Tea Room?Izzy Moonbow: There's a pony inside who collects crystals. Maybe he could help us.Sunny Starscout: That's great, Izzy! Oh, and Hitch?Hitch Trailblazer: I know, I know. No forbidden words.Beatnik Unicorn: Earth pony jinx. Something stinks. Pegasus neighs...Izzy Moonbow: [whispering loudly] That's the pony I was talking about.Sunny Starscout: So word in the forest is you collect crystals.Crystal Collecting Unicorn: Yes, I do. Well, I mean, I did. I lost 'em all in a limbo contest with... Alphabittle!Izzy Moonbow: Oh, no.Sunny Starscout: Who's Alphabittle?[bell clanging]Alphabittle: Time's up! Pass it over, Jasper.Jasper: [groans, sighs][slam!]Alphabittle: Guess that makes me the winner. Again. Pay up.Jasper: Ugh. Fine.Alphabittle: You could always try winning it back! All right, suit yourself.Sunny Starscout: There it is! I've got an idea. Maybe I can beat Alphabittle at his own game.Izzy Moonbow: Wait. Alphabittle can smell fear.Sunny Starscout: Got it. Okay. Be cool.Izzy Moonbow: [groans]Sunny Starscout: Tea.[critter squeaks]Sunny Starscout: Hold the milk. Quite the game player, I see.Alphabittle: It passes the time. Why? Do you play?Sunny Starscout: I don't play. I win.Alphabittle: Is that so?Sunny Starscout: Yeah, it is. And I challenge you... for that!Alphabittle: You think you can beat me?Sunny Starscout: Only one way to find out.Alphabittle: Big talk for a little pony.Sunny Starscout: I think you'll find I'm average height. Tick-tock. What do you say?Alphabittle: Whatever you're bettin', it better be special.[clunk]Sunny Starscout: Special enough for ya?Rest of Mane Five: [gasp]Izzy Moonbow: [laughs nervously]Zipp Storm: Um, [laughs nervously] what are you doing?Sunny Starscout: Don't worry. I could solve that cube puzzle in my sleep.Pipp Petals: But if he wins, we'll lose both crystals.Sunny Starscout: He won't. Trust me.Alphabittle: Izzy, if your friend is finished stalling, do we have a deal?Sunny Starscout: Deal. Now give me that cube.Alphabittle: No, no, no, no, no. A special prize calls for a special competition. Bring forth the ultimate challenge!Sunny Starscout: The ultimate what now?[triumphant music][electronic beeping]Sunny Starscout: A dancing game. Seriously?Beatnik Unicorn: Both ponies agree. Best out of three.Alphabittle: Let's make this more interesting. You only need to win one out of three.[Backup singer](One, two, three, come on)[Johnny Orlando]I got some news for yaSome feels, they be good for yaYou know we be gettin' those (good time)Whoops, there's a camera[electronic beeping]Sunny Starscout: [grunts][Johnny Orlando]Jump on the weekendDon't let your jam endYou can count on your best friend...[ding, ding, ding!][music winds down]Alphabittle: Yeah! That's how you do it!Unicorns: [deadpan] Yaaaay.Sunny Starscout: [panting]Izzy Moonbow: I-It's okay. You're just warming up.Beatnik Unicorn: What can you do? Round two.[Johnny Orlando]Na, na, na, na, naAlphabittle: I'll make this quick.Sunny Starscout: Focus.[Johnny Orlando]Show me the moves you gotDJ droppin' them beats real hot[electronic beeping]Sunny Starscout: [grunting][Johnny Orlando]And I'm likin' it a lot (good time)It's the party the world forgot[ding, ding, ding!]Alphabittle: Yeah! Critters, get my crystal polish ready, would ya? [laughs]Beatnik Unicorn: Round three. Who will it be?[Johnny Orlando]Na, na, na, na, na-na-na, naNa, na, na, na, naSunny Starscout: Ohhh. Here goes nothing.Pipp Petals: Hey. You hear that, Sunny? Feel the rhythm take you over. You feelin' it?Sunny Starscout: Oh, I'm feelin' it. [chuckles] I'm feelin' it!Pipp Petals: Yeah, you are, Sunny! Yeah, you do this, Sunny! Whoo![Johnny Orlando]I don't think that I can take much moreI'm 'bout to lose my mindBut then I'm slip-and-slidin' on the floorHitch Trailblazer: Yes! She's doin' it, she's doin' it![Johnny Orlando]I think my dreams came true andIt's alright, alright, alright-right-right, it's alright(Lock the door, turn up the beat, it's alright to party)(It's alright to party)[ding, ding, ding!][Johnny Orlando]Na, na, na, na, naSunny Starscout: [panting] We won.Alphabittle: [gasps]Sunny Starscout: We won! We actually won!Mane Five: [cheering][thud]Unicorns: [gasp]Alphabittle: An Earth pony.Zipp Storm: And Pegasi!Izzy Moonbow: And a unicorn! Which... you knew already!Sunny Starscout: I know it doesn't look like it, but we're here to help.Alphabittle: Help? We don't need help. Especially from ponies like you. Give me the crystal.Sunny Starscout: But I won.Alphabittle: You tricked me. The crystal. Now!Hitch Trailblazer: Uh... Magic! Wing! Feather! MAYONNAISE!!![beat]Alphabittle: Bing!Unicorn Stallion 1: Bong!Unicorns: Bing-bong! Bing-bong! Bing-bong!Sunny Starscout: Go, go, go!Alphabittle: You'll pay for this!Izzy Moonbow: Sorry about that! Uh, thanks for the tea!Unicorn Stallion 2: Bing-bong![crash]
