Chapter 15- Best friend

Its been a long time since me and Rachel fell out and its nearly summer. And me and Jason? We are the bestest of friends. I dont know what I would do without him. Yes I am getting bullied by girls at school and at home by my Dad but I dont care because I always have Jason by my side.

We always both call each other babe but we both know that we never mean it. And when we are mad at each other I call him a d*** and he calls me a b**** but we are never seriously mad at each other. Well we havent been.

And now am going into Year 10 Iv changed a little, Iv changed my style a bit I wear casual dresses with denim jackets in the Summer and cute jumpers and leggings or jeans in the Winter. Am even starting to be a little bit of a girly girl. Also I got my braces off just a week before school ended and am wearing contacts aswell!My sister Kylie thinks am copying her but am not. Maybe. Even though am getting bullied it made me realise to accept my loved ones and built me up to do things.

But the thing is I havent told Jason about my dad yet and what he does to mum or me. I will soon though. I promise.

Oh and what happend when me and Jason met in the park when we first met I really got to know him more and we nearly kissed. Talking about kissing we havent yet...Someday..
