Chapter 11-Long Lost Friends

I tried really hard to keep in touch with my friends from my old school...I only kept intouch with a few...that is Melissa, Melody, Paige and Jessica... I tried the others but they hardly reply...My mum said she lost contact with lots of people 'it happens in life..'

I was at school and finally Katie and hes gang stop teasing me!! I was so happy!! Rachel is really my bestest friend and I dont know what Id do without without her..

One day I came into school and I normally meet Rachel by the tree she wasent there I waited 15 minutes no longer ,incase I would be late. So, her friend Lily said she was ill, I was really upset because I knew I was gonna be alone I tried Rachel's friends but they where in different classes and breaks...

I was alone.

At morning break, I tried hiding in the toilets so nobody would see me, and Cacy,(Katie's side kick) came, all the girls toilets where full so I was waiting outside arwardly..
' Hi!!' Cacy said when she came in.
'Um...hello??' I said nervously.
' I heard you wanted to keep in contact with your old school friends.' She said as putting mascara on infront of the mirror.
' Yes, thats correct.' I said with more confidence.
' You should get its too old, Instagram you should totes get it. Everyone has it, am pretty sure your old school friends have it.' Cacy said still doing her makeup.
'Instagram??! What on earth is that??!'
'An app.' She said like I was stupid, probably was ,at that time with social media.'
' Um...well Ill do anything to keep intouch with my old school friends! Can you teach me this app...uh...what is called again? Oh yes, Whatsagram!!
' Instagram. And yes I will help you!.
I was so exicited to actually attept keeping intouch with my friends!!
