Authors note

Hey guys!!! Okay so this story was a little messed up and took longer than I hoped. I am going to do a brand new fresh story soon. When I wrote this I was new to wattpad, so I didnt know what to do or write. So let me just tell you what happens in the end of THIS story.


Lauren gets bullied so much even online she nearly commits suicide.:( And Jason stopped her. Katie and her squad including Rachel get excluded from school and never see Lauren again. Lauren and Jason are together and Peter(Laurens dad) gets to prison for abuse towards his girlfriend ( Laurens mum) and everything goes well for Lauren!!!

I wrote this story for the purpose to stop bullying, bullying is no joke and it can harm people very badly. If your getting bullied online, at school or at home TELL SOMEONE ANYONE A TEACHER, A FRIEND TO STOP IT.

Thanks so much for 300 reads!! I hope you enjoyed my story.


