Chapter 1- Nice to meet you

Where can i start?Well my name is Lauren. Yes very nice to meet you too. Am a typical 14 yr old living in UK. Thats it to say really.

Well we all know life can and isnt perfect. But my life felt the worst.

I was fine in Ivory High School I had loads of friends and life then did seem perfect but something was always bugging me although my mum was the best i could ask for,my dad died when i was only 9 (am now 14 ). Thats why I loved her she was strong, can you believe it a single mum looking after 4 children. Oh yes 4.
My snobby sister 16 yr old Kylie always worrying about where she left her phone or makeup. Shes such a girly girl, well for me am a bit of a tomboy really.
And there is Max my annoying 5 yr old brother dont get me started. And my younger sister Jenny shes only 10. But shes so cute even though shes 10, fair hair and bright blue eyes. I think she gets it from my dad..
