Yama-chan's house party

It took us a while but we all finally arrived at Yamada's house. Me and dai-chan had to stop at the grocery store to get stuff for dinner. We were actually able to find all of the ingredients we needed to make gumbo. We decided to make gumbo because it was cold that night for some weird reason.

"Tadaima (we are home/we are here)!" I said walking in. To our surprise everyone was already there.

"Great they are here. Now teach us how to make this please." Chef Yamada said excited to learn something new.

"Okay well we already have the rue prepared so Yamada please sauté some onions." I asked.

"Okay I'll get right on it."

"Um dai-chan and hikaru can you help me spread this chicken and inoo and Keito cut some sausage."

"Okay." They all said.

"And the rest of you cut some green onions and make some rice. I would say about 4 or 5 cups of rice is good."

"Okay chef." They all said jokingly.

"It smells so good in here." My friend said.

"I know right." I replied back.

"Okay if you don't have a job please toast that loaf of French bread we got and put some butter on it." I asked.

"Chef. I need a taste test." Yamada said.

"That's good. Perfect." I have a high five to Yamada.

"Okay rice is done, gumbo is done, and bread is toasted. I think we are ready to eat now."

"Okay put some rice at the bottom of your plate and then just poor the gumbo on top. Then get bread and green onions."

"Okay." They all said together.

"Oh I need to make some iced tea." I said.

"I don't think I've ever tried iced tea." Dai-chan said.

"Well it's what I drink all the time. I don't like hot tea that much." I said.

"Well I'm sure it's good. I'd love to try it." He said back.

"Itadakimasu (thanks for the meal/let's eat)!" Everyone said.

"Waaa oishi (wow. So good)! I heard them all say.

"Okay now that we have all eaten let's play some games."

"Yama-chan what games do you have?" I asked.

"Well I have Jenga." He said.

"That'll be fun. We all know who won the JUMPart Jenga game." I said looking at Chinen.

"Well I got lucky." He said.

"Hey! I almost won." Yamada said.

"Okay and whoever wins gets 2 dollars from each person." My friend said.

"Why?!" They all said.

"If we don't do something like that no one will take it seriously so." She said.

"Fine." They said.

Chinen ended up winning Jenga again. So I lost 2 dollars to him and I almost won too. It was me and him head-to-head.

"I have an idea you guys. Me and dai-chan bought some ingredients for deserts. So maybe me and chef Yama-chan can have a cook off and everyone else be the judges." I said.

"That sounds fun. Okay 45 minutes cooking time. Presentation counts just as much as taste." Hikaru said.

*knock knock*

"Huh who is it I wonder?" I said.

"Yama-chan are you expecting anyone else?" Keito asked.

"Nope." He said.

"Huh?!" He screamed.

"Sup. Ryo." He said.

I saw it was the former member of JUMP. Morimoto ryotarou. I was very shocked. I hadn't seen him since 2011 on tv that is.

"What are you doing here?" Yamada asked him.

"Well I thought I might visit you since I saw lots of people through the windows. I thought he must be having a party so I'll go visit him."

"Yea and how long has it been since you contacted me?" He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Hey Yama-chan in sorry okay about everything, really I am." He said and then bowed his head in apology.

"Anyone against him playing with us?"

"Nope. Not really." We all said.

"Okay come on in."


I saw him look at me and slightly blush. I didn't really know what to think. I thought he was just red because of the cold. Then he stared at me until I woke him up. I introduced myself and he introduced himself to me.

"Ummm are you listening?" I asked.

"Y-y-yea. Hey do you have a boyfriend?" He asked me.

"Ummm yea I do actually. It's dai-chan." I said proudly.

"Oh well dai-chan looks like you have a rival. AKA me." He said in a stuck up voice that annoyed me.

"Good luck with that." I said under my breath.

"So what're we playing?" He asked.

"Well we were about to have a cool off." I said.

"Oooo who against who?" He asked.

"Me and Yama-chan and it's a desert challenge."

"What are you gonna make?"

"We'll probably cake." I said.

"Okay. Now get to your stations chefs. You have 45 minutes to create the cake that will give the winner $5 from every person." Hikaru said.

"Okay Yama-chan get ready to loose." I said.

"You're one to talk." He said back.

"3,2,1 START!"

Just then I ran as fast as I could to the station. I grabbed the eggs, milk, sugar, flour, and everything else I would need. I quickly came up with a recipe in my head and made it. While my cake was in the oven I got the icings and dyed two blue and pink, and left the other just white. I put them in pipe bags and patiently waited for the cake to be finished. As soon as it was done I cut off the dome to make it level and put on the icing. I also made some roses out of the icing on the cake and wrote "congratulations" on the front. I just kinda put that there just cuz. When I looked at Yama-chan he looked like he was doing pretty good. I put a blue border, 2 white roses, and covered the cake in pink frosting. I also used the white to write the message. When I was done I felt very confident in my cake.

"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Spatulas down hands up!" Hikaru yelled.

"Now please present your cakes to the judges." Yabu said.

"Oh wow they are all so pretty." Inoo said.

"I hope they taste good." Keito said.

"Now judges hold up your votes."

"Okay 11 judges and 1 winner."

I didn't really care who won but my heart was still beating really fast.

"And the winner is...Yama-chan!!!!" Hikaru shouted.

"Oh wait I just pulled a Steve Harvey. Haha just kidding you won." Hikaru said to me.

"YATTA (yay)!!!"

"Pay up everyone." I said.

"Why did I sign up for this?" Inoo said.

"Okay I want to try your cake Yama-chan is that okay?" I asked him.

"Yea sure. Can I taste yours?"

"Yep go on ahead. It is the winner after all. Hahaha just kindling Yama-chan."

"Ooooo wow this is good Yama-chan."

"You took the words right out my mouth." He said.

"Oh dear it's already 11:00." My mom said.

"Our flight is the day after tomorrow so we can
still spend time together." I said to dai-chan.

"Okay." He gave me a hug and kisses me on my cheek.

"Bye ryo-chan." My friend said to her new boyfriend.

"Aishiteru yo~ (I love you)." He said replying.

"I love you dai-chan. Promise you will call me everyday. When you can." I asked him.

"I promise." He said.

"Bye everyone." Said morimoto.

"Bye." They all said back.

I tried to walk away then I felt something grab me.

"Huh? Who's there?!" I said.

"Chill it's just me." Morimoto said.

"Just you. I don't even know you. Please don't do that." I said.

"Hey. You are coming home with me!" He said forcibly.

"Huh?! No way am I going home with you!" I said.

"Oh but how will you get away little one." He said.

"Tasukete(help)!" I called.

"Hey morimoto! What are you doing with her?!" Dai-chan called out.

"Why I'm taking what's mine!" He said.

"Uhh excuse me but I belong to know one!" I shouted.

"Hey I have an idea. How about I'll let you go if you give me a kiss on the cheek in front of dai-chan."

"Huh?! No way would I ever do that!!!" I shouted.

"Okay well then I guess you are sta-" he got cut off by someone coming up behind him and talking him. It was Yamada and yuto. They must have heard my screams and came to help me.

"Dai-chan!!" I screamed while running to him crying.

"You are okay now. Don't worry." He said while comforting me.

"I was so scared. Thank you for helping me." I said in a shaky voice.

"I'm going to take you to the hotel now." He said.

"Okay. Also can you stay with me again?" I asked.

"Yea I couldn't leave you after what just happened." He said.

He told me back to the hotel and comforted me until morning. To be honest I was really sad that we only have one full day left together. Then it'll be a long distance relationship that may not last very long. I still will try my absolute best to see him as much as possible. I will come to all of their concerts and signings as much as I can.

"I love you so much. So don't leave me." I heard in my sleep.

"I won't okay. I promise." I said half asleep.

"Okay. Good night."

A/N: Okay the next chapter will be the final chapter and I may do a bonus chapter because why not. Again please comment and favorite. Also I don't think that JUMP think of morimoto that way I just needed a rival/villain for the story. Bye bye ~~~ \(◊• o •◊)/
