Before the concert

"I hope we can see more tomorrow." I said.

"Yea. We should because you guys are staying for about a week, right?" Yabu asked.

"That's right. We'll be here for a week." I answered.

"So how big is Tokyo dome? Do you think it's huge or have you been to bigger concerts?" I asked.

"Well I do think it's huge but I'm sure you've seen bigger. You'll see once we get there." Chinen replied.

"Well I won't really have anything to compare it to since I have never been to a concert." I said.

"Wow. Well you sure are in for a treat." Keito said with a big grin on his face.

"I have a question. One by one what would you say your favorite song is." My friend asked trying to make conversation.

"Well mine is your seed." Hikaru said.

"Well I don't really know." Yuto said.

"Same here." The rest of them said all at the same time.

"Mine is either Reload or Union. I love how they are so upbeat and catchy." I said.

"I think dai-chan did a very good job on reload. It really matches his personality." My friend said.

"I think so too." I agreed. I couldn't help but see dai-chan just kind of look away embarrassed.

"I also like candle. I think Yama-chan did well with that song too." I said.

"Aww thanks. I like it too but that doesn't mean much coming from me since I wrote it." Yamada said.

"Have you guys been all around Tokyo or just kind of for shootings and concerts." I asked.

"Well I wouldn't say I know it like the back of my hand but I would say I know it pretty well." Chinen said and then everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well I can't wait for more sightseeing tomorrow, for the concert tonight, and for the after party." I said.

"Do y'all know how much longer it will be?" I asked.

"A few more minutes and did you just say y'all?" Keito asked.

"Yea I'm from south Louisiana after all where we eat crawfish and boudin." I said.

"I've never had this foods before. Are they good?" Yamada asked.

"Well it depends on where you get and your style of food. Like for me I grew up eating the best of the best so I never eat any kind of Cajun food out of the state because it's never good enough." I said.

"I have an idea maybe since you are staying here for a week you can make us some Cajun food and teach us improper grammar." Keito said.

"Okay I'll do that. Since my mom is here and she knows how to make really good gumbo we could make gumbo together." I said.

"What is gumbo?" Asked Chinen.

"Well it's like a thick African soup served over rice with bread and green onions, or that's how I like it. I like it thick and with green onions. It also has chicken and sausage. I hope we can find all the ingredients we need to make real gumbo." I said.

"Well I'll be looking forward to it." Chinen said.

"With, where would we cook it though?" My friend asked.

"Well dai-chan has the biggest house and kitchen so we can go there." Hikaru said.

I saw dai-chan nudge him and give him a 'what the heck man' look. I laughed a little bit and then we arrived to Tokyo dome.

"Wow this is so much bigger than the super dome in New Orleans isn't it." My friend said.

"Oh also I grew up in the city where they have the most festivals. It's in the Guinness book of world records for the most festivals. So if you ever want to stop by I'm sure we could find a festival to go to." I said.

Once we walked in I felt like my mouth hit the floor it was so big. Unfortunately they had to go strait to rehearsal once we got there. So we sat in our seats that were very close to the stage and watched them practice their dances. I even did some dances with them, or tried to. When I get home all I'm going to do is dance to their concert. What really shocked me is that one of takaki's costumes were too small and it fit me. So since my favorite color is purple and it fit me they gave it to me to wear whenever. I was literally about to die right there. I have always wanted his costumes because they were all so cool looking and I could never find one online to buy. It was the letterman jacket from the s3art concert.

A few hours passed and then I saw a horde of fans just run in and glare at me and my family. To be honest it kind of scared me but I wouldn't let that get in the way of me having fun with my friends. I saw something and it made me cry because a sign was being held up that was horrible to me, my mom, and my friend. It said:
"Get out of here you are unwanted and you should leave"
I looked around and there were more. I don't know how but someone told this group about me and my party. It was so bad I ran back stage and hid in the corner. I didn't stay there long though because I told myself again that I'm loved and it doesn't matter what they do.

I walked out about 5 minutes later and dismissed the fact that there were any other people besides me and JUMP. It made me feel better and I could laugh with them once again. Though I'm sure that the members were not too happy with that group of fans. They wanted to kick them out, but I told them not to because it would come back to bite them in the news and we wouldn't want that. You know news reporters these days. They'll use anything and make it look bad.

About an hour later the screen started playing the opening of the concert and the concert started.

A/N: I tried to make it longer this time but I don't think I really made it that much longer. Please comment and give me suggestions. Bye bye~~
