The After Party

Overall I really enjoyed the concert. I did feel very bad for all of the meme need for putting up with all of those people and I'm sure I made it worse. Especially for dai-chan. I really hoped that once we left the concert we would have a good rest of the night, since it was only about 7:00. Only, somehow the crazy fangirls got into the party and did mean things to me, that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

"Hey! Why do you get special treatment, huh?" One girl asked.

"Yea why won't they come to my birthday?!" Another said and then punched me.

"I don't know. Maybe because I don't beat people up when I don't get what I want!" I said. Since it was really loud no one could really hear me. I tried calling for someone but I didn't gay an answer. I remember think to myself "I'm glad it's me and not them." I stopped calling and just put up with the punches, and slaps. It felt like a hundred years but someone finally came. I was so happy because it was dai-chan, or so I thought.

"Hey get off her. Leave her alone!" Someone said.

"No! Why should we its not like she doesn't deserve it. Right?" A girl said.

I gave no answer and just laid there. Until I feel someone carrying me. It want dai-chan it felt like someone shorter and stronger. I woke up and Yamada was in my face checking if I was okay.

"Oh you are awake. Are you okay?" He asked.

"I guess other than the bruises and scratches I'm perfectly fine." I said while giving a sarcastic thumbs up.

"Hey where are the others?" I asked.

"Oh well let's just say they didn't like them hurting you especially dai-chan. I heard that they had to pull him back before he punched the girls. I went to go get him but he said he wanted to take them to jail himself." He said.

"Okay. When will he be back?" I asked.

"I don't know. To be honest. You'll be safe with me though." He said while giving a serious face that made me laugh.

"Well that's good. What are we going to do now, is the party still going on?" I asked.

"No. They cancelled it because of all the commotion. It's only 8:30 though so we may be able to hang for a while at your hotel." He said.

"Oooo we can play lots of games. We can have our own after party." I said.

"What kinds of games do you like to play?" He asked.

"Well I don't have any board games or card games. So maybe we could do like truth or dare or something like that." I said.

"Okay. Now I'm excited." He said.

"How will we know when they get back?"

"Oh I'll call them right now and see where they are at."

It turned out that the girls just got 24 hours in confinement. I'm sure that they are probably really mad now but I don't care that much. Just as long as they don't hurt JUMP I'm good.

----In the van on the way to the hotel----

"Hey are you okay? Do you need to go to a hospital?" Dai-chan said in a worried voice.

"No I'm fine. I just have a few bruises and scratches. Nothing a little bandaid can't cure." I said.

"Now what are we going to do?" Asked yuto.

"Well me and Yama-chan decided we could all go to the hotel and play games for a while. How's that sound?"

"That's sounds fun to me!" Keito said.

"Oooo we could have a lip sync battle." Hikaru said.

"Okay yea that'll be a fun game too." I said.

----back at the hotel----

"Alright we are here." I said.

"Let's get this party started." My friend said.

We had a lot of fun that night. Also hikaru pretty much won all the games. I guess he just has a talent for that. I was so tired that I kinda fell asleep on dai-Chan's shoulder and didn't know it. I found out later because hikaru showed me a picture. Good thing they don't have any social media because that sucker would have gone strait into the world.

"When I woke up. I was still asleep on dai-chan. It turned out that everyone left us and it was just me and him. I decided I would just let him sleep here since there were two beds and my mom let me have my own room for that one night. He was actually heavier than expected so it took a while to put him in the bed. I finally did it though.

"Good night dai-chan." I whispered.

"Wait a minute." I heard him say as he grabbed my sleeve.

"What wrong?"

"Stay for a little while longer." He said still half asleep.

"Okay but I will have to get-" he cut me off and pulled me onto the bed.

"That's fine just stay until I fall back asleep again." He mumbled.


"Did you think today was fun?" I asked.

"Of course it was. You were there. I couldn't imagine anything being boring when you are there and that's a compliment." He said.

"You know you are like the sweetest person on the planet."

"Yep I know. I think you are the best person in very thing though."

"Well...that can be argued."

"I don't think it can."

"Goodnight okay." I said again.

"Yep good night."

When I was asleep I felt something on my cheek that kind of tickled. It was weird but not like a "bleh" weird. To be honest I think he kissed me when I was asleep.

Before I knew it, it was morning. I had slept in the same bed all night I guess because his arms felt safe to me. I don't really know. All I know is that it was probably the best sleep I had ever gotten. I would guess it was the same for him.

A/N: And that's this chapter. Hope you like it. Please comment and follow. Love y'all ❤️❤️
