Another day in Japan

As soon as I woke up my face was on fire. I saw dai-Chan's sleeping face and what was worse al he was wearing was underwear.

"Kyaaaaa!!!" I screamed.

"Huuuhh...what's wrong." He said still half asleep.

"Y-y-you a-aren't w-wearing...anything." I said while covering my eyes.

"Yea your right sorry. I'll get up and put something on." He said while yawning.

I accidentally looked at him as he got up. I swear I was about to pass out. I was like "OMG MY CRUSH AND MY ICHIBAN IS IN MY ROOM SHIRTLESS RIGHT NOW. IM GOING TO DIE!!"

"It's okay I'm covered up now." He said.

"Well we are going to have to leave soon so just go ahead and get ready." I said.

"Okay but I don't have any time to go back to my house to take a shower I'll have to take one here. Is that okay?"

"Yea that's fine just don't do anything." I said with a shaky voice.

"I won't. I'll be done in about 15 minutes." He said.

I waited while watching TV and fiddling with my phone. I looked at my Instagram and somehow those girls found out what mine was and started posting horrible things about me. I thought "oh well I can just block them and ignore. At least it's me and not them, since they actually have a reputation to protect."

"Alright I'm done now." He said still yawning.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked me.

I hadn't noticed that I was crying. I had tried telling myself those things but I couldn't hide that I was hurt. I new that it wasn't me but I still couldn't hold back my tears.

"Look at my social media. I don't know how they got it but I'm pretty much getting spammed now."

"Kuso! (damn). I swear even when in jail it won't stop." He screamed.

"It's okay. Don't get involved it's already too bad for me. I don't want you guys or you to feel like this. Just let me take the punches this time okay." I said.

"You already did though and they are still at it."

"Just don't get involved okay?" I asked.

"Alright but please stop crying or when you want to cry, cry with me okay?"

"Yea sure. I will." I said while sniffling.

----In the van again----

"Ohayo mina! (Good morning everyone.)" they all said. 


"Where shall we go for breakfast?" Inoo asked.

"Well I'm kind of in the mood for coffee and pastries." My mom said.

"That sounds good!" Everyone said.

"Alright to the nearest coffee shop." Inoo told the driver.

"What's all your favorite drinks at coffee shops?" I asked them.

"Well we don't drink coffee that much so you'll have to help us pick what we want." Keito said.

"Okay. Well I usually get a chocolate mocha frappe with whip cream and chocolate drizzle." I said.

"That's sounds good. What does it look like?" Yamada asked.

"Well it's iced coffee, but instead of whole ice cubes they crush them up in a blender. A mocha has ice cubes but a frappe is blended. So if you want hole ice cubes just ask for a mocha." I replied.

"Mine is just balck coffee with soy milk and sweetener in it." My mom said.

"I like what my friend likes. I swear she got me addicted to coffee." My friend joked.

"I love you." I said making a funny face.

"Hmmm whatever."

----In a Starbucks----

"Okay is everyone getting a mocha frappe?" I asked.

"Yep!" They all replied.

"Okay I'll need a soy latte, and 11 chocolate mocha frappes. Also do you guys have beignets?" I asked the cashier.

"Yea we do. No one ver gets them though. How many would you like?"

"Um 13 orders please."

"Okay will that be all?"

"Yes ma'm. Oh who is going to pay for all this?"

"I will." their manager said.

"Okay thanks."

"What about the pastries?" Keito asked.

"Well I got my favorite that I knew you would all like from my home state."

"Really what are they called?" The chef Yamada asked.

"Well they are called beignets." I said.

"Oh I've had those before. They are French right?" Kieto asked.

"As far as I know. I don't have them often since the closest places to get them where I live is New Orleans and that's like 4 hours from my house." I said.

"Your order is ready!" I heard the waitress say.

"Oh thank you." I said.

"We pretty much bought out that entire store." I said.

"Well the coffee and the beignets were delicious." Chef Yamada said.

"I know right." My friend said while sipping her coffee.

I think at that moment I saw a little twinkle in both of their eyes and then I saw Yamada whisper something in her ear that made her almost drop her coffee.

"Really?!" She exclaimed.

"Yep. I've fallen in love with you." He said proudly.

"I have too!" She said.

And another couple was formed.

"Psst." Dai-chan said.

"What is it?"

"Well I asked everyone if we could go on a date together and they said yes. All we have to do is be at Yama-chan's house by 4:00 or so. So how about it?"

"Yea if it's okay with them."

"It is. Now let's go. Bye everyone well be back soon." He said.

"Now where are we going to go?" He asked.

"Well I've never really shipped a lot in a mall before. So is there one around here?" I asked


"Alright let's go there then."

----JUMP and everyone else----

"Well are we follow them and see what happens?" Hikaru asked.

"I was wondering when you would say that."Yabu said.

"Well while you guys are doing that my and Ryosuke are going to go on a date." My friend said.

"Wow he just confessed and they are already on a first name basis?" Chinen said.

"Apparently. I mean he may look shy but he does prefer to be called by his first name." Yuto said.

"Now we all need to get girlfriends." Takaki said.

"I know the perfect place to get some." Hikaru said.

"Really where?" Everyone said looking at him in suspense.


"In our what?!" Takaki said.

"DREAMS!!! Hahahaha!!!! Gotcha!!!" He said since he's the jokester of the group.

"That's not funny hikaru." They all said.

"Really it isn't? I thought it was pretty clever."

"When do you not think that?" Takaki said.

"I dont know. Hey we need to get back to following them. Where do you think they would go?"

"Hey! Where'd her mom go?" Chinen asked.

"It's fine she knows where to meet and when." Keito insured Chinen.

"Hey let's check the mall first." Hikaru said trying to think like a girl.

"That's good!" Everyone said.

A/N: Okay I'm going to make an "JUMP" group for all of JUMP. A "MD" for me and dai-chan. An "FR" group for my friend and Ryosuke. And an "M" group for my mom. So when we switch it will look like this:


"Wow this dress is so pretty." I said with my eyes glowing like diamonds.

"I'll get it for you." He said and then kissed me on my cheek.

"Thank you dai-chan for being here with me."

"Anytime. I couldn't think of not ever again being with you. The thought itself scares me." He said.

"Well don't let it because it won't happen." I reassured him.

"Is that a proposal I see."

"You can take it as one but I'm 15 so it'll be a while before we could get married." I said.

"I'll wait." He smiled.

"Okay. Oooooo what's that smell? It smells like my favorite cookies. Chocolate brownie with macadamia nuts and white chocolate." I said while floating towards the smell.

"Do you want one?" He asked.

"Do I want one? You'll have to get one too okay. They are so good"

"I have an idea lets split this giant cookie." He said.

"Okay. That's fine." I said.

FR (my friends POV)

"Ryosuke where are we going?" I asked.

"Oh no where just the park"

"Really what'll  we do there?"

"Well it's almost lunch time so we could go to the grocery store and get stuff for a picnic." He said.

"Oh wow this sounds so much fun."

"What's your favorite sandwich?" He asked me.

"Well my favorite is a BLT but since they don't sell pre made bacon turkey is good too."

"Okay well let's get that."

"Thanks ryo-chan." I blushed.

"Okay let's get this party started. Turkey, lettuce,and tomato. Oh wait ryo-chan I thought you didn't like tomato?"

"Well I'm going to try it on this sandwich and see if I like it like this. Also you made it so I'm sure that'll make me like it."


"Waaa...umai~~~(so good/delicious)!" 

"I'm glad you like it." I said.

"Now it's your turn to eat a sandwich I make you." He said with a smirk on his face.


"And here you go one BLT or TLT."

"Wow ryo-chan it's so good."

"I'm glad you like it." He said and then kissed my cheek.

"Wait ryo-chan will someone seeing us together affect your career?"

"Nope. I don't think it really will. If it did I would still do it." He said.

"Okay. Ryo-chan I love you." I widowers in his ear.

"Me too."


"Do you see them?" Yabu asked.

"Yea. I think they just kissed." Keito said.

"Hontou desu ka? (Really)" they all said.


"Awwww now I really want a girlfriend." Groaned takaki.

"Way to tear down the mood takaki."

"Uhhhh....guys we have a situation they are coming this way. We need to move like lightning. Lightning people." Keito shouted.

"Okay!" They all ran. 

"Mate ne~~~~ (wait up)" a mob of girls shouted.

"Are you guys JUMP?"

"Well yea." Yabu answered.

"Hey where is Ryosuke?"

"And dai-chan?"

"You guys we gotta run. They don't look too happy right now and they are headed this way."

"We have to keep them distracted so they won't interrupt their date."


Man what a day. Now I can just stay and relax maybe take a nap. All in peace. Oh wait I'm in Japan. There's no shows I know here. Oh well I have Netflix and Internet that'll do. Oooo maybe I can order some nuts from the front desk.


"It's time for lunch let's go to the food court."

"Wait up. Its jump on the run!"

"Dai-chan your hat and glasses hurry!" I told him.


"Huh. Aren't you the girl dai-chan confessed to last night at the concert?"

"Huh? No you must be mistaken. I'm not her."

"Okay. Jyaa ne~~(bye)."

"Man that was close. I was about to get a large dose of jealous fangirl."

"Hey I'm here too. I wouldn't have let her touch you ever."

"Again thanks dai-chan." I said.

"Hey before we go I have something to ask you."

"Yea. What is it?"

"This will happen quite often can you still love me? Even though I am always surrounded by people."

"Well let me tell you something I heard in a drama. A question like this came up and the girl said 'Do you know what happened when president Roosevelt asks if his husband could still love him with disabled legs?' The guy said 'No what did she say' then the girl replied 'She said "did I only love your legs?"' So dai-chan. What do you think my answer is?"

"I don't know why I asked that. I love you with all my heart. Hurry up and grow up so we can get married okay."

"Okay I will. Thanks dai-chan. Now let's go eat and then we can go to one more shop. Then after that we will have to go to Yama-chan's house."



"Now what shall we do?" I asked.

"Well we can go to an arcade for a while."

"That sounds so fun. I love arcades."

"Kawaii ne~~~(so cute)."

"Let's see if I can win it for you."

"Really. You can do it. I know you can."

"Thanks. Now that you said that I know I'll win."

"Yes! You did it!" I exclaimed.

"Only because you cheered me on."

"Thanks again ryo-chan."


"I think we lost them."

"They aren't the only ones we lost. We don't know where they went and we have to get on our way to Yama-chan's house for dinner."

"Okay well let's go then. The van is outside and I'm sure the others can get a cab."


"Okay time to go now. My daughter is about to show off her legendary cooking skills."

I swear that chick can go head-to-head with anyone. She may not win depending on the person but she is very creative and competitive. She is also a perfectionist. I'm very excited for all of them to try her food.

A/N: Okay well that's this chapter. I tried to make it a little bit broader and love filled. I'm very excited for the next chapter that'll be about what happens at Yama-chan's house. I'm planning karaoke and all kinds of games to be in it. Again please comment and give suggestions.
