"I hope today goes by fast-"
"Sooji, I have something to tell you." I say suddenly.
We were on our way to school when I decided I couldn't keep it to myself anymore.
"What is it?" She asks, immediately looking concerned.
I take a deep breath. "Remember that guy I told you about? The one I was messaging on Snapchat?"
"Yeah. What about him? Is it getting serious?" She asks quickly, looking curious.
"No, it's nothing like that," I say while turning alittle red. "I just found out something about him."
"He doesn't look like his profile picture, does he? I hate when people do that." She says while looking irritated.
I grab her arm to stop her a couple feet away from the entrance to the school.
"Its your brother." I say.
"What's my brother?" She asks, her eyes furrowing in confusion.
"The guy I'm talking to on Snapchat." I say, right as her eyes widen in realization.
"No way...let me see." She asks excitedly, watching me as I pull out my phone.
"How did you figure out it was him?" She questions as i hand over my phone.
"He sent me a picture of him and another guy a couple days ago but I wasn't sure which one was him until I saw him yesterday." I say, watching her as she reads our messages.
"Oh this is amazing. Mom would kill him if she found out he had a personal social media account. She doesn't want him to do anything that might reflect negatively on his 'idol status'." Sooji says, rolling her eyes.
"Oh." I say slowly.
I don't like the way her eyes are shining, the way I can practically see the wheels spinning around in her head. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything...
"We should so use this against him. Make him fall in love with you-"
"No, Sooji-" I begin to say.
"Only alittle bit," She quickly says. "And then break his heart. Teach him that he can't always get everything he wants."
I shuffle my feet uneasily.
"I don't know about this, Sooji." I say slowly.
"Oh come on Mijae. Help me get even with him for once. Let him feel the way I always feel for once." She says, looking hurt but sounding determined not to let it show.
"It'd never work anyway," I offer up, trying to get her to back down. "He wants to meet me. But as soon as he sees me, he'll know excatly who I am."
"But....ugh, you're right. Damnitt, mom..." She trails off as the warning bell rings.
"C'mon, we should head inside-"
"No, let's skip. We can go to a coffee shop or something, and think of a plan." Sooji says as she grabs my wrist and begins pulling me away from the school.
"A plan?" I ask, that sinking feeling beginning to creep into my stomach again.
"Yeah." Sooji replies easily.
"But what about our uniforms. People will know we skipped and call the school." I protest.
"We'll stop by my house and change. No one's home anyway; they've been taking Jungkook to breakfast everyday." Sooji says, sounding slightly bitter.
"I..." I sigh. "Ok."

GoldenMKookie sent you a message

Do you still want to meet?

Read at 9:01 am

"What? Did he message you; what did he say?" Sooji reads the message over my shoulder as she sets our coffees down on the table.
"Tell him yes." Sooji says quickly.
"And then what? I can't excatly meet him tomorrow or anything." I say as I look at the message again.
"Just tell him yes for now. We'll figure it out." Sooji replies.


But what?

Read at 9:10 am

"So what are we going to do?" I ask as i sit my phone down.
"I've been thinking about this ever since we arrived at my house and well....what if you get a makeover and we pretend you're a rookie for one of those companies?" Sooji says.
"What?" I ask in surprise.
"We could dye your hair and do your makeup really well..get you some colored contacts and a couple new outfits....He'd never know." Sooji says.
"He'll know I'm not a rookie." I say.
"Not if you tell him your from another company. I seriously doubt idols keep up with the rookies from other companies." Sooji replies.
She grabs my phone off of the table and taps the screen before it locks.
"So, are we doing this or not?" Sooji asks lightly, trying not to show how much she hoped I would agree to it.
"Yeah, I'll do it." I say.
She nods, a smile creeping onto her face as she looks at my phone.
"What are you saying?" I ask as she begins to type away.
"Come and see for yourself." Sooji replies smugly as she taps the seat beside her.
I sip my now lukewarm coffee as i switch to the other side of the table, just in time to see Jungkook's response.

I can't spare any time until next week. My winter break starts then, and I won't have to train as much

Train for what?

Oh, I'm a trainee for JYP

"JYP? Seriously? We might as well tell him now that's it's a prank." I huff.
"Its the first company that came to my head." Sooji snaps back.

Why didn't you tell me before?

I didn't think you'd believe me
I thought you would think I was making it up just to get closer to you

Well... now that you mention it...
So you're in Seoul right now?

But I'm going home to Busan next week

I'm in Busan right now
You couldn't stay in Seoul though?
I could just pick you up when I get back

I mean, I could Njkdru Bru k


"Why would you say that?" I demand as i try to take my phone from Sooji.
"Relax," Sooji snaps back as she holds my phone away. "Just trust me; I've got this."


Sorry about that
I dropped my phone lol


I could stay in Seoul
But I miss my family
I haven't seen them in two years

"Isn't two years excessive?" I ask and Sooji snorts.
"We only saw Jungkook once in the three years that he was a trainee." Sooji replies as she waits for Jungkook's reply.

Yeah, I know how that feels
I guess we can meet up in Busan then
I was only supposed to stay for a week but I could add a couple more days to it
How about next Monday?

Tuesday works better
Let's say, 7:30pm?
At that KFC place in Busan Square?

"Why Tuesday?" I ask curiously.
"So we can get you ready." Sooji replies.

I'll see you then

See you then 💖

"Ew, give me my phone back," I say as she finally surrenders it. "You make me sound really cringe."
"Are you excited for your date with the one and only Jeon Jungkook? Alot of girls would kill to be in your position." Sooji asks teasingly.
"I guess so." I say lightly.
Sooji snorts, a smirk on her face. "I still can't believe his username is GoldenMKookie. Conceited much?"
"Yeah..." I reply, but my smile doesn't feel genuine.
