"Just open the door." I say easily, trying to hide my smirk.
Sooji and I have been standing outside for over five minutes. Its a good thing the weather was so nice today, otherwise we'd both be hot sweaty messes right now.
"Is it bad that I don't want you to meet him?" She asks, pulling her hand away from the doorknob again.
"You're making me regret coming here." I say, smiling sheepishly.
"I've been regretting it ever since you said yes." Sooji snaps back.
"Then why are we here?" I exclaim as i stifle a giggle.
"Because I can't say no now! It's too late." Sooji snaps, smiling alittle as i laugh.
"is he really that bad though?" I ask hesitantly.
"Of course he is. I wouldn't lie to you." Sooji says.
"Let's just say something came up and I couldn't make it-" I start to say but the front door opens.
"Mijae! You made it." Sooji's mom says as she opens the door.
"Hello unnie." I say politely, bowing as i walk inside with Sooji.
"Come meet Jungkook, he's in the living room. Sooji, go change." Sooji's mom says, adding the last part dismissively.
Sooji gives her mom the finger behind her back as she trudges up the stairs to change.
"Right this way, Mijae," Sooji's mom says as she leads me down the hallway. "And don't be nervous; Jungkook may be an idol, but he's just like everyone else."
"Ok." I say idly.
I'd honestly forgotten that Sooji's brother was a idol. No wonder I've never met him before. I wonder if I've ever seen him on TV before and not realized it. I really didn't listen to Kpop with the exception of SHINee.
"Kookie, come meet Sooji's friend Mijae." Sooji's mom says as we enter their expansive living room.
My smile freezes at her words. Kookie?
The boy standing by the sliding glass doors turns around, typing something on his phone. I was anxious to see his face but it was turned down to his phone.
Please god, don't let this be the guy I'm talking to on Snapchat-
"Kook-" Sooji's mom begins to say.
"I'm almost done." Jungkook says, not unkindly as he locks his phone and looks up (my phone simultaneously vibrating in my pocket).

Holy crap, it was him. He was even more handsome in person, and tall; he was a good head taller than me. I'd hate to see what the other guy in that snap he sent me looks like in real life.
I must've looked starstruck or something because Jungkook smirks as his mom smiles.
"Mijae, it's ok. He doesn't bite." She says, obviously pleased with my reaction.
"Hi." Jungkook says politely.
"Do you listen to BTS?" His mom asks.
"I...what?" I stutter, turning red when Jungkook laughs.
I honestly couldn't believe this- this guy infront of me was really GoldenMKookie. Of all the guys, it had to be Sooji's brother.
"Do you listen to BTS?" Sooji's mom asks again, frowning alittle.
"Oh- no. I don't really listen to Kpop." I say, feeling alittle uncomfortable as his mom's frown deepens.
"But you've heard of BTS, right?" Sooji's mom persists as Jungkook looks at his phone.
I jump alittle as my phone vibrates in my pocket again.
"Um...sure?" I offer since it's what she wants to hear.
I feel a little ashamed as she regards me with disappointment. Even though listening to Kpop (or not listening to it in my case) shouldn't be such a big deal.
"You know, I just remembered something," Sooji's mom suddenly announces as Sooji walks into the living room. "I made the reservation for four, not five."
"Well, can't you just add another person? You can't just send Mijae home after you invited her." Sooji objects.
"She can take my place, I don't mind." Jungkook offers as his fingers fly over his phone keyboard.


"Who are you texting?" Sooji demands suspiciously.
"No one." Jungkook replies easily as he puts his phone away.
"Sooji, don't talk to your brother like that. Kookie, don't be ridiculous; of course you're going to dinner. Mijae, I'm sorry but there's really nothing I can do." Sooji's mom says, her tone changing from anger to caring to offhanded as she spoke to each of us.
I blink a couple times, not really believing that this was actually happening. The same woman who helped me study for my exams and helped me pick out my dress for the dance was now kicking me out because I've never heard of BTS.
"No, it's ok. I'll see you tomorrow Sooji," I say to Sooji as I turn to her mom and bow. "Thank you for having me over though."
"Ok." Sooji says dully.
"It was nice meeting you." Jungkook offers, trying to ease the awkward tension in the room.
I smile at him. "You too."
