"Mijae, Sooji's here!" My mom calls up the stairs.
I look up from my book, placing the marker in it before i leave the room, watching as Sooji climbs up the staircase.
"Get ready." She says as she approaches me.
"For what?" I ask as i follow her into my room.
"You're meeting Jungkook at the bowling alley in two hours." Sooji closes my door and locks it before walking over to my closet.
"What? No I'm not." I say in confusion as i watch her, pick out some clothes.
i stiffly take them in my arms when she hands them to me.
"Yeah you are." Sooji replies easily.
"But i haven't even talked to Jungkook in two days." I say.
"That doesn't mean i haven't." Sooji says sneakily as she holds up her phone.
"Oh god, what did you say to him?" I ask, mentally kicking myself for giving her my Snapchat account.
"Nothing bad." Sooji replies as i take her phone and unlock the screen.
"Oh, Sooji do you know how weird that sounds? To be messaging your brother, acting like another girl?" I ask as i wait for the app to load up.
Sooji shrugs. "Its no more weird than what you're doing."
I bite my lip, not knowing how to reply to that.

Wednesday, Nov 22

Hey Jungkookie


Your Noona misses you

Why are you messaging on here?
I thought you didn't like Snapchat anymore

Read at 5:45pm

Thursday, Nov 23

If you're not busy today, we should hang out

Read at 12:34pm

Sorry, I am kind of busy today
Do you remember Yugyeom?
I told you about him the other day??
Well we're going bowling tomorrow
You could join us if you want to

What time are you going to be there

Probably around 1

I'll be there 💖

Ok, see you then
Btw, I never lose 😋😋😋

Don't you mean you've never lost before?
After tomorrow that all changes 😏

Challenge accepted
See you tomorrow

"Ugh, I hate you Sooji. Why do you have to be so cringe?" I ask as i read over the messages.
"I was flirting. How is that cringe?" Sooji replies as she peeks over my shoulder to look at the messages too.
"You were flirting; with your brother." I say slowly.
"Shut up. And go get ready." Sooji snaps back, looking flustered as she takes her phone back.

When I walk into the bowling alley the first thing that hits me is the smell of popcorn and rental shoes. I scan the wide room and notice Jungkook at the very last lane on the right with another dark haired guy.
I walk over to the desk and let the worker know I'm with them, get my shoes and head over to their lane.
Yugyeom notices me first and nudges Jungkook, who was in the middle of picking up his ball.
"Hey. Its about time you got here." Jungkook teases as i sit on the bench and change my shoes.
"I got stuck in traffic." I reply, feeling alittle nervous when I notice Yugyeom staring at me.
"Oh, Yugyeom this is Mijoo, the trainee I was telling you about." Jungkook says.
"Hi." I say, smiling alittle.
"Hey." Yugyeom replies easily, but he was still watching me.
I watch Jungkook as he approaches the lane, and easily tosses it down the ramp, knocking down all but two pins.
I clap for him, and Jungkook flashes an adorable grin as he walks back to get his ball. I watch him approach the lane again when I hear someone clear their throat, bringing my attention back to Yugyeom.
"So...how long have you been a trainee at JYP?" He asks curiously.
"Oh, not long." I say easily, even though I feel alittle awkward and uncomfortable. I hate Sooji for setting this up when she knew Yugyeom was from JYP; but then again Jungkook never actually said it would be Yugyeom so it's possible that she just didn't know.
"Your turn Yugyeom," Jungkook says as he sits beside me. "I put your name in the computer so you can go next."
"Ok, thanks." I say.
"I'm expecting nothing but strikes." Jungkook says with a smile.
"Then prepare to be disappointed." I say with a small smile of my own.
"Oh so that was all talk yesterday about beating me?" Jungkook teases.
I blush, making him smile. "I guess so."
"Its impossible to beat Jungkook."
We both turn towards Yugyeom as he sits across of us.
"You've only gone bowling with me once before." Jungkook replies as i stand up.
"Yeah and you won by a large margin." Yugyeom retorts.
"Noona, did you get a ball?" Jungkook asks, making a shiver run down my spine.
"O-oh, no. I guess I should go get one." I stammer slightly, turning red again.
"The smaller ones are down there." Jungkook says, pointing towards the other end of the room.
"Ok thanks." I say, heading that way.
I grab the smallest ball I can find, which happens to be a purple six and head back towards the boys, pausing by the snack bar as a waft of butter hits me. I wonder if Jungkook wants anything to snack on but I ultimately pass it up because there's no way I could carry food and this ball back to the lane.
As i approach the lane, Jungkook and Yugyeom are standing with their backs to me, talking to eachother. I open my mouth to say something to them but the words catch in my throat as Yugyeom speaks.
"I think she's lying to you Jungkook. I've been at JYP alot recently, getting ready for our comeback and I've never seen her before. Her face doesn't even look alittle familiar," Yugyeom says. "How long did she say she's been a trainee?"
"Two years." Jungkook replies easily.
"Two years? I think I would've seen her at least a couple times then."
I quickly duck as Yugyeom suddenly begins to turn around.
"Where is she?" I hear him.
"I don't know.... Maybe she went to the bathroom first." Jungkook replies lightly.
"I'm going to bowl for her then. I don't think she'll mind." Yugyeom says.
"No, I'll do it. You'll start her off with a bad score." Jungkook says teasingly.
I peek over the edge of the booth after a moment to see Jungkook pick up the spare. He gets a strike on his own turn and sits down as Yugyeom goes to get his ball.
"Are you sure you've never seen her before?" He asks after a moment and Yugyeom nods.
"But maybe she looked different then. I mean, her hair is pink and she's wearing colored contacts." Jungkook says, a slightly desperate note coloring his tone.
"I mean....it's possible," Yugyeom replies, telling Jungkook what he wants to hear. "But...i would just be careful, ok?"
"Yeah." Jungkook says, sounding lost in thought.
I wait a couple seconds before I emerge, trying to look like I hadn't just eavesdropped on their whole conversation.
"Oh, someone went for me?" I ask lightly as i sit beside Jungkook.
"I did. I hope that's ok." Jungkook replies with a smile but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"Oh no, that's fine. I didn't mean to hold things up." I say.
"Its ok." Jungkook replies, turning to watch Yugyeom bowl.
And the next thirty minutes continued on like this, an awkward cloud over everything as we bowled. Or at least tried to bowl, in my case. Every time I went I got nothing but gutter balls. It was so embarrassing, especially infront of Jungkook and Yugyeom. Of course, when our time was almost up, I get the last bowl of the game.
I grab my ball and walk towards the lane, cursing Sooji once again for putting me in this situation. I take a deep breath and roll the ball, watching in dismay as it curves to the right directly into the gutter.
I sigh in frustration as i walk back to get my ball, avoiding Jungkook and Yugyeom's gaze.
I take another deep breath, about to just toss the ball and be done with it when-
Jungkook approaches me, standing behind me. Butterflies enter my stomach as Jungkook takes my wrist into his hand, pulling me gently to the left. I try to listen as he takes me through the movements, but all I can focus on his breath lightly hitting my ear, the feeling of his hand on my wrist and his body pressed lightly against mine.
"Ok, go ahead." He says as he suddenly pulls away.
"Hm? Oh- yeah, ok." I stammer.
I close my eyes, trying to remember everything he said as i pull my arm back and roll the ball. I hear the crash and open my eyes excitedly when I hear clapping to see that I only knocked down one pin. The smile immediately falls from my lips as i turn to Jungkook, who amazingly looked extremely happy.
"I only hit one." I say sadly.
"But at least you hit one. That's good, considering you only got gutter balls the whole match." Jungkook says with a smile.
"I have to go," Yugyeom says as he stands. "I'll see you later Jungkook."
"Ok, bye," Jungkook replies, watching Yugyeom until he's gone. "That deserves a prize. Do you want ice cream?"
"Its a little too cold outside for ice cream, don't you think?" I ask alittle teasingly.
"Yeah it is huh? What about hot chocolate?" Jungkook says with a smile.
His smile makes me smile too. "That sounds much better."
