✵︎ Thief ♪︎

AY Dream angst later in the chap, beware :)




Los Angeles, California



After we finish recording, I get up, grab a snack, and then sit back down at my desk.

Dream is talking to his family about visiting, George is probably napping, and Sapnap is doing the dishes (for the first time). Occasionally I'll get up and check on him, making sure he doesn't break any of the dishes, or any bones. It's highly unlikely, but it's Sapnap.

I play on the smp for a bit, not streaming anything for now. I get more netherite, making all of my tools out of the items. I head to the XP farm, also enchanting all of my tools. I also bring books with me, enchant them, then add them to my armor.

Everything is looking good, but it just takes so long to do.

A discord notification distracts me, and I stand by the spawner while looking at it.







i was recording a manhunt stop

with dream??????????

yes with Dream
we live together why tf are there so many question marks



do u wanna join my stream and play gta with us


ok im starting my stream in 3 min shut up


Slightly based off of "Quackity Plays GTA 5 With BadBoyHalo For The First Time," On Quackity's VODS channel :)

I click out of the tab, exiting the smp. I open GTA, trying to get it all sorted out before joining the call with Quackity and Bad.

"Hello!" Bad says. I look over at my monitor, seeing that Quackity has deafened (probably to introduce his stream).

"Hi again," I say, leaning back in my chair. I mute quickly, then get up and open my door. "Everyone keep quiet, I'm on Quackity's stream!" I yell. I don't really get any responses, which is understandable, I guess.

"BAD! STAAR!" Quackity yells, full of excitement. I run back to my seat, sliding my headphones back on and greeting him.

"Hello!" I say, trying my best to match his energy.

"Quackity! How are you?" Bad asks.

"I'm good, I'm excited!" Quackity says, and I can hear the smiles on their faces.

"Do we... Have to do this?" Bad asks, and Quackity and I laugh while he asks the question.

"Yes, we do," I start. "This is real life, Bad," I joke, making fun of the game. The graphics are pretty good, actually, it's just the concept that makes me laugh.

"Here, join my game, and we'll start, okay? I'm in a big, black c-" Quackity starts.

"-ock," I say, and Quackity and I erupt into laughter.

"LANGUAGE!" Bad yells, and it makes us laugh even more. For the manhunt, I had to censor myself, but now I'm on Quackity's stream. I can do whatever the hell I want, and it still won't be as bad as the shit we're gonna do in the game.

"Car. I'm in a big, black car," Quackity says, laughing. "I'm gonna go pick you up."

"You said we're gonna follow the law, right?" Bad asks, and I laugh loudly at his question.

"Oh my god, your serious?" I ask, and laugh again. I look through my guns, taking a look at the small amount that I have so far.

"Quackity, I have a gun!" Bad exclaims, and I laugh again.

"Put it down, put it down!" Quackity exclaims, laughing again. I look to my right, and see Bad spawn near me.

"Oh, Bad, look I have a gun too," I say, a smirk on my face.

"No, no no-" Quackity yells, catching onto what I'm trying to hint at.

"STOP IT!" Bad yells as I shoot him, making his character fall to the ground. He dies and I laugh loudly, seeing Quackity's car wrapping around the corner.

"Quackmiester, pick us up-" I start, but am cut off as Quackity runs us both over, making me scream.

"YOU STUPID MUFFIN!" Bad yells, and Quackity and I laugh loudly. He backs up again, running us over and killing us completely. "WHY DID YOU RUN US OVER?!"

"Look, Bad, you're George," Quackity says, and starts punching Bad. I also punch, but instead of hitting Bad, I hit Quackity, making him fall to the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Quackity yells, trying to defend himself.

"DON'T HIT BAD!" I yell, kicking Quackity in the stomach.

"WHAT- I'm dead! Staar, what the hell!" He yells, and I jump into the wrecked car he brought over.

"BAD! Get in the car!" I yell, and Bad does as I ask, hopping into the passenger seat.

"How?" He asks. He eventually gets it, hopping into the car before Quackity can enter.

"Where are you guys going?" Quackity asks, walking in front of the car. I press forwards, running him over and killing him as he did earlier with Bad.

I laugh loudly at the contact and even Bad chuckles, making me laugh even harder.

"Look, the first thing we're gonna do, we gotta go get you some snacks, alright? We need to go to 7-11," Quackity says, breaking into a sports car. Bad and I jump out of the black car, entering his silver one.

"Wait Quackity, why is my thing flashing red?" Bad asks, and I laugh as my eyes trail to the bottom center of my screen.

Lose the Cops.

"No reason, don't worry about it. We just need to follow the law-" I say, and Quackity contradicts me, making an illegal turn, "-and we'll be fine."

"Why are they shooting at us?!" Bad yells, and Quackity runs into the cop car in front of us, screaming. "What are you doing, Quackity!"

"Staar, listen, Bad isn't gonna like this, so I'm gonna need you to wave out the car-" Quackity starts, speeding away.

"I know how to shoot cops, goddamnit!" I yell, aiming, and shooting the cars following us. Quackity laughs loudly, and Bad gasps.

"No, stop! We have to turn ourselves in!" Bad yells, and Quackity and I laugh even harder.

"You want me to turn myself in? No Bad, this is the real world, we gotta run!" Quackity yells, and I laugh more as he hits multiple signs in the center of the road.

"Jeez, Quackity- Quack, I need help!" I yell, seeing one cop still trailing us and a cop in front of us too. Quackity slows the car, jumping out.

"Fine, Bad, I'll turn myself in," Quackity says. "SIKE BITCH!" He yells, blowing up the cop car in front of us. I take the time to explode the car behind us, then hop back into the car with Quackity, taking Bad's now open seat.

"No, I'm not going with you guys," Bad says.

"Quackity, DRIVE!" I yell, watching as more cops approach the area.

"Oh my god, they're shooting at me!" Bad screams, trying to chase down the car. "LET ME IN, LET ME IN!" Bad yells, making Quackity and I laugh uncontrollably.


About 15 minutes later, we're all split up again. I'm driving around, but hop out when I see Quackity's small icon approaching mine on the map in the corner.

In the street, I see a bike.

With a... Monkey on it?

"What?" I ask, confused. I approach the monkey, and it hops off of the bike. It runs in a circle, then approaches Quackity and punches him in the face!

"WHAT?" Quackity yells, and I laugh loudly at the ridiculousness.

"Get on the bike, get on the bike!" I yell at Quackity, and he repeats his words, laughing loudly. I join him as I start to drive, the monkey continuing to chase us down the freeway.

"What?" Bad asks, clueless about the situation. We continue laughing, cursing under our breaths as ridiculousness and confusion cloud our thoughts, making my stomach hurt from laughing.

"Where are you- Oh, your right there." Quackity drives the bike closer, getting closer to Bad, who is running on the freeway. "Why are you running on the freeway?! That's illegal!" Quackity scolds, and Bad, yells in worry.

"I need a car!" Bad yells, and he approaches a truck on the side of the street. "Oh," he says. Someone gets out of the car, leaving it unoccupied. "'Scuze me, sir, can I have your truck?" Bad asks, and accidentally clicks to break into the car without realizing it. "Aw, thanks."

The innocence in Bad's voice makes Quackity and I cackle.

"Wha- WHAT IS THAT?" Bad yells, looking behind us. I turn around, and see the stupid monkey chasing us! "DRIVE!" He yells, speeding his truck down the freeway.

"Quackity, go!" I yell, and the small bike comes to life and drives forward. The monkey continues chasing us, glitching as it runs fast enough to keep up with the vehicle. "We've gotta speedrun this shit!" I yell.

Quackity cackles then starts to sing the manhunt tune. I follow his lead, still looking behind us to see the monkey mercilessly chasing us.

It doesn't last for long, since Bad ends up running over the monkey. Quackity and I laugh loudly while Bad yells in worry again, getting out of his car to see if the Monkey was okay.

He ends up getting jumped by the owner of the car, making him end up all the way back at the beginning.


We finish recording/streaming late at night, and it's already transitioned into the am's for me. We all say goodbye and Quackity ends the stream.

It's hard for me to get up from my desk, legs weak from sitting and laughing for so long. I clench my stomach, and it hurts from laughing and from motion sickness. My cheeks feel glued from smiling, and my jaw hurts from pressing my teeth together in a smile.

I fall asleep generally easily, mind and body exhausted from all of the recordings I did today.


After staying awake so far into the morning, I wake up at around 1 o'clock. I decide to stream, trying not to let my exhaustion get the best of me.

I head into the kitchen, grabbing a breakfast (even though it's lunchtime). Sapnap and George lay on the couches, scrolling through Twitter while sitting next to each other. Dream is probably still in his room, either gaming, scrolling through his phone, or sleeping.

"I'm gonna stream, join if you want to," I say. George and Sapnap don't look up from their phones, making me roll my eyes in response.

When I finish eating I head to my room, sitting down at my desk, and setting up. I make sure my camera isn't delayed, my mic is working, and that everything is fine with my pc before I start streaming.

After a few minutes, my views skyrocket, and I assume it's because of the twitch notification sending out.

"Hello guys, gals, non-binary pals! Welcome to the stream," I say, greeting everyone. "Sorry I haven't been streaming as much as I used to, it's just that there are more projects coming up and also living with the boys added a lot to my personal life, you guys understand."

"So I'm thinking today we hop on the Dream smp, see any of the lore, just check in pretty much," I say, hopping on. I press tab, looking to see who's on the smp. Dream, Phil, and Wilbur?

I'll have to check that out later.

"Alright, I think I might get in a call with some people, we'll see what happens-" a ping interrupts me, meaning someones in my call, "-alright then. Hello!" I say, looking over and seeing who it is.

"Hello," Dream says, in the usual tune. I chuckle at the repetition, then hop around in-game. "What's up," he asks, and I jump towards L'Manberg.

It's already been partially rebuilt, even though the explosion was a little over a week ago. The floors aren't rebuilt, but instead are built up out of wood, with small houses and chairs littering the sides. I raise my eyebrows in impression.

"I'm just hanging around, what are you doing?" I ask him.

"Well I'm at the XP farm right now, so I'm just getting my items in check," he says. I quirk a brow.

"Like... The discs?" I ask, chuckling.

"Well, not discs, because I only have one, but I also don't even bother taking my disc out of my ender chest," he says blatantly. His voice is low, just a bit hoarse. He probably woke up later than I did just as I expected.

"Alright, meet me in L'Manberg," I say, and he inhales through his teeth.

"I don't think I'm gonna do that," Dream says.

"Oh come on, we're on the same team," I say. "We're like the... How would you say it..." I start, looking for the term. "Oh! Like, 'chaos lovers'." Dream gasps at my words. I furrow my brows, not understanding what he got hung up on.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Uh- nothing important," he says. I narrow my eyes at him, but start heading to the spider spawner anyways.

I hope over, jumping down into the small hole of the ground. I punch his character, making him spin around, look at me, then return to killing the spiders.

"Dream, let's do some q&a," I say jumping up and down the enchantment table and bookshelves. He takes a deep breath, jumping and hitting the spiders again.

"Sure, why not," he says. He returns to the small blue stone, stretching while his character stands.

"It's gonna be romantic questions," I say in a sing-song voice, and Dream laughs, his voice distant from the mic.

"Alright," he says, chuckling as he comes back up to his mic. "Fine, you can ask me romantic questions. But only if I get to ask you them too."

"Ooh, okay. I need to think, gimme a second," I say, jumping around the granite lined walls. "Oh! Easy, how many girlfriends have you had," I say. He thinks for a moment, then answers.

"Like, three or four," he says. "You?"

"One, and you already know how that turned out," I say, chuckling at the awkwardness of the topic. He manages to laugh with me, bringing light to the mood. "Alright, if I was some random chick at the bar, what would be your pick-up line?"

"I don't pick up chicks at the bar," he says, mocking my words, and I scoff.

"Alright, well pretend you do. What would you say to me?" I ask, suspicion rising as to what his cheesy answer might be.

"Are you a thief? Because you stole my heart," he says, then starts laughing wildly. My character goes limp, and I rest my head in my hands, full of disappointment.

"What do you think? Bang or Nah?" He asks, laughing again, and he ends up throwing himself into a wheezing fit. I can't help but chuckle along with him, returning my hands to my keyboard and mouse.

"Oh my god, that was so pathetic," I say, still smiling.

"Oh come on," he says, defending himself.

"It was so bad. It was so so bad."

"You asked, I provided," he says, and I roll my eyes playfully with amusement.

"Like seriously, that sounds like you took it off of Reddit when you were 13," I say, and he chuckles.

"Not true," he starts. "I was 14," he says, and I erupt into laughter again. "Alright, it's my turn to ask. What was the... Most romantic kiss you've ever had," he asks me. I have to cringe for a moment, slightly regretting doing this on stream.

But on stream, I can also make Dream flustered. And that happens pretty easily.

"Uh, it was with a guy that I liked. Like, a lot. And we had to pull over the car and when we were looking a the view, we kissed. It was nice," I say, and Dreams silence lets me know that I did make him blush.

"Who was it with?" He asks, and I can hear how the tone in his voice has changed. He's still his outgoing self, but he's just quieter and closer to his mic.

"Oh, you wouldn't know him," I say, joking, and we both chuckle. "Me, my turn," I say, heading to the spider spawner and hitting them with Dream. I switch my pickaxe into my offhand, watching as the durability increases while I gain XP.

"Uh, oh! Excuse my language, but --" I whisper for the next part "-- what's your favorite sex position?" I slap my hand over my mouth right after, regretting speaking.

"Oh, you know what it is," he says, his voice lowering. I blush wildly but try not to sound it.

"And how would I know that?"

"Do you really want me to say it on stream? Live?" He asks, and I erupt into laughter again in an attempt to hide my blush and embarrassment. He follows after, giving a small chuckle.

"That was so out of pocket," I say, giggling.

"To be fair, so was your question," Dream says, and I huff another small laugh.


We stay on for another hour before he leaves, and I go to talk to Wilbur. He's technically dead, so I don't really understand what he's doing back on the server.

"Hello?" I say, acting as a question. He was just in a call with Phil, who is getting himself acquainted on the smp and getting himself materials. He left now, so it's just Wilbur and me.

"Hello!" Wilbur says, voice weak. My eyes widen and I tilt my head in confusion.

"Um, Wilbur where are you?" I ask.

"Who's Wilbur?" He asks. I click tab again and look at his character, seeing that Wilbur's original tan skin has been replaced with a light, cool tone, almost like a blue.

"Well, who are you?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. "And where are you?"

"I'm Ghostbur, and I'm in L'Manberg right now," he says.

Ghostbur. That explains the complexion, and the weakness in his voice. When people say character development, I surely didn't expect this.

"Alright, interesting. I'm Staar. And, what do you remember, Ghostbur?" I ask, interested.

"Well, I remember I was president, with my friend, Tommy! And then we went to the woods, and we made a very cozy cave. And then..." He trails off. "And then, I don't remember what happens next. All I know is that now I'm Ghostbur!" He says, his voice filled with happiness.

Wow. I didn't expect Wilbur to go from all "My unfinished symphony!" to "I made a cozy cave home!"

"Cool," I say, approaching L'manberg. From far away it looks nice but walking up and down the paths of the floors you can see its beauty up close.

"Here! Have some blue!" Ghostbur says and crouches while throwing me some blue dye. I pick it up, putting it in my offhand just as he has. Also, to pay my respects, I take my armor off, putting it in my inventory.

"You know, blue takes all of the sadness out of your body," Ghostbur says. I grow confused.

"Well, how does it work?"

"When you use it at first it's clear, but then when you put it in your offhand it becomes blue because it takes all of the sadness out of your body," Ghostbur explains. I nod my head in understanding, in real life, and in-game.

"So why do you hand it out?" I ask.

He whispers the next part, breaking character. "I haven't planned that part yet, avoid that question," he says, and I chuckle as he gets back into character. "Anyway, do you have a home?" He asks, returning his voice to be weak.

"No, actually, I have the community house, but not much else," I say.

"Well let's build you one!" He says, and I smile with the suggestion. "What's your favorite type of wood?"

"Spruce or dark oak," I reply, following Ghostbur as we leave the grounds of L'Manberg.

"Fantastic! Let's go build you a house," he says.


About another hour later and we've finished my house. It's near the woods by Tommy's house. It's close to everything, but still far enough away to not explode when the next war breaks out.

I end the stream a bit later, saying goodbye to Ghostbur and thanking my chat for any donations and subscriptions.

I stretch, standing up out of my chair.

I head to the kitchen, seeing that George and Sapnap are up and about. They ruffle around in the cabinets, and a pot is shaking on the stovetop, the water inside it boiling aggressively.

"Sapnap! I told you to watch the water!" George whisper shouts. He's facing the wall, crouched over, and cutting something that I assume is supposed to be a salad.

"I did!" Sapnap whisper shouts back. "I did, and I knew it was boiling!"

"Well, you didn't think of turning the stove off and preventing the water from spilling?" George says, reaching over and twisting the nob of the stove. It only brings the fire up higher, and the pot starts rattling. "Shit!" He curses under his breath.

"Jesus Christ, you guys need to learn life skills," I say, running over and twisting the knob over, turning the fire off.

"When did you end streaming?!" Sapnap asks, now in a normal volume.

"Just now, what the hell are you guys trying to do?" I ask them, spinning around and seeing a bag of spaghetti on the island.

"Well we were trying to make dinner, but Sapnap screwed it up!" George yells, cutting down on a tomato.

"Alright stop freaking out, it's not going to help you. Try dicing them, then tell me when you're done." I turn to Sapnap, who has uneven pieces of bread scattered around a cutting board. "Even hand, straight down, c'mon Sap. It's bread, just cut," I say, and we both chuckle.

"I'm trying!" He yells playfully.

"Macaroni is simple. Just pour it in," I say, opening the bag and pouring the food in.

George takes a deep breath, and I look over to see him still cutting everything incorrectly.

"Move," I say, giving him a hip bump and moving him out of my way. I cut half of one, showing him the shape. "Yeah?"

"Got it," he says, moving me over.

About 15 minutes later, and we've still made no progress. We've probably gone backward, if I'm really being honest. The macaroni is stale, but soft at the same time. The salad is oversalted, and the proportions are so wrong.

"Alright, you guys can't cook. Good to know," I say, and Sapnap gasps dramatically.

"Y/n!" He scolds.

"Did I lie?" Silence. "That's what I thought. I'm gonna order something, you guys wait," I say, whipping out my phone. I scroll through my options, later seeing that there aren't any places that will deliver. I'll have to go somewhere and pick it up.

"I'm gonna go get our dinner, you guys wait here," I say, pocketing my phone. George and Sapnap nod, and I head to the bathroom before I leave.

My period is slowly coming to an end, which means thanksgiving will become bearable. My family has never been really big on thanksgiving, and George is British, so I doubt thanksgiving will be a big deal between us three with Dream visiting his family.

I leave the building, hopping into my car, and heading to the restaurant.


I arrive early, and our order is nearly done. For some reason, all of the laughter weakened my bladder, and I need to pee again. I enter the bathroom of the restaurant.

My period is finally over, which is a relief.

I exit the bathroom, taking my phone out of my pocket. My fingers move faster than my thoughts, taking me to my text messages.

"Order for y/n?" The worker comes out, making me lift my gaze from the screen. I shoot the worker a smile, walking over to the counter.

My fingers select a contact, type, and sent. I take the brown paper bag and look down at the same time, checking if I approve the text. I read it in my mind, and decide Dream isn't an idiot enough not to understand it.

I head into the car, blasting music and turning my phone to do not disturb.

dream angst coming bEwArE



peepeepoopoo <3

peepeepoopoo <3:
its over


"WHAT?" I yell loudly. My stomach turns as I read the text, over and over and over again. It's over. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Did I mess something up?

I stand up from my desk, running my hand through my hair. Anxiety wells up deep in my stomach, filling my body and my thoughts.

"What? What's wrong?" Tommy asks, on the other side of the call. I take a deep breath, leaning back over and unmuting.

"Hey Tommy, sorry, I gotta go," I say. Tommy exhales and forgives me, to which I close out of my tabs, furrowing my brows as I look over it.

My eyes start straining, my head pounding from the closeness of the screen. I haven't even noticed but my phone's only a few inches from my face, coming from me concentrating.

It's over.

I huff a laugh, trying to lighten my own mood when I look back at the horrible memories I associate with the words. They've been said so many times, even when I wasn't even official with someone. When I thought that I had something special with someone, but they didn't feel the same way.

Surely that can't be the same with y/n, right? We had something different, and she's ought to feel it too. Then why is she ending it? Why is she ending what we have?

I stand up from my bed, running another hand through my hair as I pace around my room. The calls aren't going through, only making my stomach turn more.

I bite the inside of my lip, and my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest.

I can't tell if the wetness in my eyes is coming from the words, or from the brightness of the screen in the dark room. I decide it's a bit of both, and leave it at that.

I sit back down on my bed, tangling my fingers into my hair. Surely she doesn't mean it like that, right? Surely she means something else-

The sound of the front door opening and closing makes me spring up from my spot on my bed.

"I'm home," she drags out, happy emotion in her voice. Sapnap and George give a small 'hey'.

"Jesus, what's up with Dream? I have so many missed calls from him," y/n says, and I hear her set down the bag of food on the counters.

"I don't know, last I checked he was on Tommy's stream," Sapnap says. I sigh, approaching my door. Y/n beats me to it, entering the room and flicking on the switch. She closes the door behind her, then turns around to face me.

"Oh my god-" she says, looking at my appearance. "Are you okay?"

Before she can continue my questioning, I envelop her in a hug. She doesn't pull away, which sparks a bit of hope in me. I trust that her good mood means one thing, and that we're okay.

We both inhale with the contact, and it reassures me to a certain extent. I feel some of the doubt in my stomach melt away, but I'm still a bit tense. We leave the hug, and she keeps her hands on my shoulders, holding me to face her.

"What's wrong?" She asks, her eyes scanning my face with worry.

"What the hell was your text?" I ask her, my sadness slowly melting away and dissolving into something close to anger.

"What do you mean?" She asks, clueless. I take a deep breath, leaning my head backward.

"Just read it out loud, alright? You'll see why I was freaking the hell out," I say. She looks at me strangely, a skeptical look in her eyes. She pulls her phone out of her pocket, brows furrowed.

"It's over. Oh." Her brows raise with her words, and I stare at her blankly. My teeth press together, clenching my jaw. She slowly looks up from her phone, her expression a mix between cringing and guilt. "I'm so sorry, I should have been more clear about it," she apologizes. My expression melts and I lift a hand up, rubbing my face.

"Are we okay?" I ask, my voice nearly cracking. I take a deep breath.

"Yes, yes we're fine-" she starts. "We're not fine, we're fantastic, alright? You're fantastic," she says. I take another deep breath, falling backward onto my bed.

"Good. C'mere," I say, laying with open arms. She set down her phone then falls next to me, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"Please don't do that again, alright?" I feel bad for scolding her. "It's just, like, scary. I can't read your mind, like you can't read mine." She nods her head in response, showing she's listening. "Just, be more articulate, don't give shady ass texts," I say, forming a small chuckle.

"Alright. That was my fault, I'm sorry. I'll try to be more- what's the word- vocal," she says. "I think that's the right word," she trails. She shakes her head back to reality, then looks up at me. "I'm sorry."

I lean down, pressing a kiss to her lips. It's nothing fancy, just showing my forgiveness and she shows her apology.

My shoulders relax, and my head stops spinning. The reassurance floods over me, and the anxiety washes away.

Goddamnit. One break up spook and I'm freaking the fuck out.

I look down at her, seeing her fiddling with the hem of my shirt intently. Even through all of her imperfections and insecurities, she seems perfect. Maybe even more than that.

Yet again, I take another deep breath, settling into my thoughts.

I love this girl more than I thought I did.

that's the end of the chapter! i hope you enjoyed ;) if you liked it then vote, comment, you know all that jazz. i hope you guys caught onto dreams contacts, since george is "the left booty cheek" sapnaps is "the right booty cheek" and staar's is "peepeepoopoo" I FIND MYSELF TOO FUNNY PLEASE- fluff coming beginning of next chapter  i love you all MUAH xoxo author

Words: 5214
