
Speedrunner v 4 hunters chapter again

These are mostly my own events, some of the small parts of the conversation were taken from one of the manhunt (4 hunters) videos though :) enjoy




Los Angeles, California



The day passes, and now it's time to record the manhunt on the next day. The hunters all get in a call before Dream joins us, discussing strategies, and starting to plan a bit.

"Alright, obviously Staar and Sap should chase Dream since they're arguably the best here at PVP," George says. We're all in a discord call on our own, speaking to each other. Dream isn't in the call yet, but it seems fair that we can brainstorm since he can just think about strategies.

"Alright, so can you and Bad try to find a village off the start, or, get us iron and food and stuff," I ask.

"Yeah I'll get a village or look for any world spawns, Bad, you can get iron," George says. "The hay bales from the village should be enough food, for now, we can always get more when Dream is doing his own preparations."

"Awesome," I say, and a ping rings from my monitor. "He just dmed me, he's finished and ready for us," I say, and earn a few chuckles from Sapnap over my words.

We all move into the call, and I open up Minecraft while the boys make small talk. I enter the world that Dream's given us, not moving from my spawn point as I wait for the others to join.

We all get the compasses, then get in our usual position of the (now four) of us surrounding Dream.

We wait patiently, and I keep my eyes locked on the screen, staring at his green, bald face. He looks around, making eye contact with each of us for a few moments before reaching me.

"Hello?" I ask as he stares at me, waiting for him to run.

"Hello," he says, his voice rising in tune. A few moments pass, and then he punches me backward and starts sprinting in the opposite direction.

"Go go go!" George yells, and I start sprint jumping to catch up with them all. Sapnap is a few blocks in front of me, and Dream is a few blocks in front of him. George and Bad are joining us for now, but still look for the building to raid before they peel off of the group.

They find a village in the distance, turning to the left and raiding it.

"Leave me alone!" Dream yells.

"Never!" I yell, and he jumps into a river that lays at the side of a large mountain. He swims through it easily, and I struggle for a moment, losing my time. Sapnap trails behind me but jumps in, getting closer to Dream.

Dream's parkour skills help him here, allowing him to navigate faster than Sapnap and I. He reaches the top of the mountain first, and I can hear the distant sounds of him collecting wood.

"Go go go! He's right there!" Sapnap yells, coming over the side of the cliff and I follow shortly after. I see a small, random hole in the grey ground, but don't have enough time to think about it before I continue running after Dream.

Sapnap stays behind, getting wood and crafting wooden tools for us.

"Staar, c'mere! I've got tools!" Sapnap exclaims, and I stop for a moment, allowing him to drop me an ex. I smile as I see it appear in my inventory, raising my brows in success as I see Dream's hand empty, meaning he doesn't have a weapon.

"C'mere Dream!~" I yell, my voice sounding in the same tune as it always does when anyone says the line.

I see the end of the small spruce forest coming to an end, so I click a single berry bush on the ground, getting two from the bush.

I see Dream do the same in front of me, then sprinting towards the very top of the mountain. It hooks over, leaving a tall drop before the ground. I grin at the opportunity, but I know Dream also sees it as an escape.

"See you later," Dream says, jumping off of the side of the cliff. I follow after him, jumping off the edge.

"Staar no!" Sapnap yells, unaware of my bush. Dream doesn't notice it either, because he exclaims in success as he sees my character fall from the hill.

I click the ground, stopping my fall and only taking half a heart from the spikes of the bush. Dreams character turns back around, violently running away.

"WHAT?!" He yells, and we continue our sprint. Sapnap doesn't follow, and I assume he's back with George and Bad. They haven't been speaking yet, and I'm silent with concentration.

I gain on him, only a few blocks away. I come closer and closer, then swing.

Dreams character jerks, turning red for a moment as he takes damage.

"Come here, Dream! There's nowhere to go!" I yell, swinging at him again.

"No, actually, but I think there's somewhere for you to go," Dream says, turning around. In his hands is a stone ax.

He swings at me, taking away my health as I scream in surprise.

"NO NO NO NO NO!" I yell, running away. All of the running's reduced my hunger, and a few more bars and I won't be able to run anymore. On top of that, I'm not healing anymore. One more swing and I'm over, which means I have to make the most out of my final moments.

I spin around, hitting Dream and jumping through him before he has a chance to react. He spins around and faces me again, but I dodge his swing as I run behind a tree trunk.

I miss, giving him a second to hit me. It works and my character dies, making me rest my head in my hands as the red light from my screen reflects onto me.

"Staar!" Bad yells, and I take a deep breath.

"I know. I didn't have much though, so he's probably low," I say, respawning. Dream chuckles and I press my lips together, retracing our previous steps. I see the boys, and start hopping towards them.

I see Sapnap standing on top of a surface cave, attacking and killing animals for food. He has a flint and steel, meaning the furnaces are probably filled with the iron that George and Bad are bringing up from the mines.

They emerge, more iron ore in their hands.

I open the furnaces, taking the items that already lay in there, ready.

It's enough iron to start us off, and I take it out to craft it. I make shields and chest plates for us all, and then take the rest out of the furnace to make the rest of our armor.

"Guys, take your armor," I say, entering my inventory and dragging the items out of the popup. They take them, equipping them as soon as possible.

GeorgeNotFound has made the advancement [Suit up]

Sapnap has made the advancement [Suit up]

BadBoyHalo has made the advancement [Suit up]

Staar has made the advancement [Suit up]

"Well shit," Dream says, reading the achievement. I hear a faint click on his end, growing a bit confused at what he's doing.

Dream has made the advancement [Aquired Hardware]

Dream has made the advancement [Suit up]

"Perfect," I say sarcastically. We continue, using the compasses to track down Dream. We seem to be pretty far, which makes sense. He would want to put as much distance between himself and us as possible, and finding a lava pool is either going to help him a lot or not at all.

"He's right there!" Bad yells, even though we're hundreds of blocks away. I know that he's just trying to freak Dream out, and by the small gasp that's heard from Dream, I can see that the attempt succeeded.

"You're so annoying," Dream chuckles.

"I bet you looked around," Sapnap teases, and Dream scoffs.

"No, I didn't," he says, trying to salvage his pride.

"You definitely did," George adds on, and the wood around us slowly transitions from dark oak to a birch.

"Oh my god, that's him!" I yell a few minutes later, even though we're still in the stupid birch biome. The trees slowly start to scatter as we transfer into a plains biome, tall grass and flowers littering the area. There's also a few bees floating around, particles falling off of their bodies.

I can see a desert to the right of us, and a mountain to the left of us. The sun is setting behind the mountain, starting to plunge the world into darkness. There's going to be mobs soon as well, which means the rush to the nether is like never before.

We run towards the desert, and I spot something moving in the far background. I squint, hitting c to zoom into the object.

A green character, jumping up and down. He has an iron chest plate on, and a shield drapes over his left side. I take a deep breath, hoping we've fooled him enough times that he'll think this is another joke.

"There he is!" I yell, punching into the distance towards him. The grass below me slowly starts to turn to sand, dead bushes now replacing flowers and grass.

"Yeah right, I'm not falling for that for the third time," Dream scoffs. He follows the light, soon finding a lava pool. He doesn't gasp, trying to conceal his location, even though we already have eyes on him.

Dream has made the advancement [Hot stuff]

Dream laughs loudly. "See you in hell, losers," he says, continuing his placing.

I roll my eyes at his remark, but a can't help a mischievous grin form on my face. We approach him, close enough for him to see. He stops for a moment, looking straight at us.

"What is that- OH! WHAT THE HELL?" He exclaims, rushing his portal.

"Oh Dream!~" Bad calls out as we approach him, getting closer and closer by the second.

"Oh- what the hell? Why don't I have a flint and steel?" Dream asks himself, jumping away from his portal and heading out of the desert. He sprints to our right, but I cut the corner and get within a few dozens of blocks of him. He inhales through his teeth, running.

"C'mon Dream, your cooperation would make this so much easier," I fake whine, and he just chuckles, continuing to run away from the four of us. We're all chasing him, occasionally stopping to eat.

"Screw this," he says, spinning around unexpectedly. He hits me once, and the amount of hearts he takes away jars me. I then see the color of his ax, seeing it's white. Iron. One to match mine.

"Oh, you-" I say, but cut myself off before hitting him as well. Instead of hitting him, the ax collides with his shield.

We continue fighting, going back and forth, blocking our shields, running, eating. Bad and Sapnap try to join but find no good time to. Bad hits Dream once, but then gets hit back, making him yelp and run away. Sapnap jumps around, defending me as mobs attack me. He leaves the ones around Dream.

"Oh my god, these stupid zombies!" George yells out. "Guys help- HELP!" He yells, the amount of concern in his voice rising. He yells loudly, and I can see him out of the corner of my screen running away from about 10 zombies. I chuckle, seeing Bad trail behind him and try to save him.

"I'm gonna go save him," Sapnap says, leaving me along with the mobs and with Dream. He sprints away, and I watch as a zombie comes from behind me. It disregards me, only aiming to hurt Dream.

"What the- why do they want me?!" Dream exclaims, confused.

"Hang on- GEORGE!" Sapnap yells, and my eyes trail to the grey box in the corner of my screen.

GeorgeNotFound was slain by a Zombie

"What the hell!" I exclaim, turning, and eating food to regain my health. Dream hits me while I'm eating, and I start to grow impatient.

"There were so many of them! What was I supposed to do?" He asks, and I know he's respawned hundreds, possibly thousands of blocks away.

I look down to my health; 3 hearts. One swing will kill me, and I already know it's coming by the durability left on my shield.

Not having much of a choice, I take a quick peek at my coordinates before I die.

You died!

[Respawn] [Title screen]

I bring my hands off of my keyboard and mouse and clench my fist for a moment, my nails digging into my palms before I respawn.

George is only a few blocks away, and I try my best to ignore the scolding coming from Sapnap and Bad.

"Staar, you too?" Sapnap yells, and I already know that Dream is probably entering the portal as we speak.

"Shut up Sapnap, no one was there to help me after you met to go save George!" I exclaimed, running over and giving George a small punch before breaking down a tree.

Dream has made the advancement [We need to go deeper]

I chuckle a small scoff. "That's what she said," I say, making the joke I always repeat whenever the achievement fills my screen.

"Oh my god, shut up," Dream says with a chuckle. It's easy to hear the smile that's formed on my face from my stupid repeating joke.

George and I slowly return, getting our iron armor and stone tools by the time we meet back up with Bad and Sapnap.

They've already set up furnaces, crafting tables, and a bed by the portal, and are just waiting for us to return. We approach them, and I hop into the nether portal as soon as I get there.

"Shi- don't go through, don't go through!" I yell, and thankfully no one does. I look down, seeing that all of the blocks around the portal are gone, leaving a pit which leads into lava.

Somehow I don't manage to hear as a ghast shoot a fire ball, but the explosion to the right of me is loud and clear. A loud sound of glass breaking rings out, destroying the portal.

"Fuck," I whisper under my breath.

"LANGUAGE!" Bad yells, scolding me for my "foul" word.

"What," George asks, voice flat as he waits.

"Portal's broken. Ghast," I say, and Sapnap groans.

"It's okay though, if I just position this right-" I say, and another fireball comes through. It explodes right in front of me, and the explosion sends me backwards.

Good news: The portal is lit again.

Bad news: I'm falling into lava.

I open my inventory in an instant, grabbing the one enderpearl I picked up when I accidently looked an enderman in the eyes. My heart skips a beat as I throw the pearl, seeing ground in the distance.

My toes touch lava for a quick moment before I hit a wall, plummeting again. Dream laughs loudly, seeing what's happening, and I don't even know where he is. I panic for a moment, placing down an oak log on the wall, stopping my fall and getting off of it quickly in fear it'll burn.

I look up, seeing Dream running towards me.

"YOU GUYS CAN COME THROUGH NOW!" I yell, hoping the Hunters are still awake.

"Great, finally-" Sapnap starts, but he's cut off by my scream as Dream hits me.

"HELP HELP HELP! BLUE BIOME-" I say quickly, climbing up vines and trying to get away from Dream.

"It's across a lava ocean!" George complains.

"Figure it out!" I yell, blocking a hit from Dream. He laughs loudly, climbing up the same vines and appearing on a tree next to me. I run, jumping from tree top to tree top. The blue blocks flash before my eyes, and I change my perspectives to see behind me, watching Dream.

I take a deep breath.

I change my perspective, about to jump from one tree to another, but stop pressing my key. I fall, landing on a warped vine underneath of me and looking up to see Dream jumping to the tree.

"What- where did you go! I looked away for ONE SECOND!" Dream yells, then jumps down from the trees about 20 blocks away from me. He gasps loudly as our Minecraft characters make eye contact.

We stand in shock for a moment, before I spin around and sprint in the opposite direction. I use the distance between us to catch up on my hunger bars, regaining the health I lost to fall damage and to him.

"C'mere Staar!" He yells from behind me, and a scared whimper somehow escapes my lips. I climb up a hill of netherrack, placing blocks behind me to make the journey for him harder.

He struggles, and I stare at an endermen, seeking for a way out.

It activates loudly, it's jaw hanging low as it teleports around me and hits me, but I block it with my shield. I jump and attack it a few times, and it dies.

No pearl.

I curse under my breath, running around the biome. I've seemingly lost Dream. I stare at another enderman, thankful for the new nether update where they spawn here.

I jump, hit, kill. Pearl.

I'm about to continue, looking for ways to buff myself and make this harder for Dream. The other three hunters have seemed to be having conversations, but the sound of my heart beating and Dreams psychopathic yelling drowned them out.

As I'm breaking a block behind me, I hear someone eating.

I spin around and Dream walks towards me, slowed down.

My eyes widen at the sight, and I cringe at my horrible positioning. Against a wall, with low trees having their hanging leaves around me.

Dream approaches and I hold my shield up, blocking the first attack. I back up but don't move, half forgetting that the wall was there to limit me.

"Ooo, Dream, you have me pinned against a wall," I say in a flirty voice.

"WHAT? WH- WHAT?" Dream yells in confusion, a mix of laughter in his words. I can hear him sit back in his chair, straigtening his back at my comment.

I take the moment, hitting him backward and sprinting away.

"Wha- NO! Get back here!" Dream yells, chasing me down. His ax hits me, but only boosts me forward.

I look around, surveying my options while still running. I see Dream's original bridge, meaning we've somehow circled back around, meaning the floating ground in the distance is the same one where the portal is. I switch to my enderpearl, angling it and throwing, hoping for the best.

"Buh bye," I say to Dream. He grows confused as I stop running, facing him, back to the lava. "I'll see you later." I jump backward, heading into the lava.

Two and a half hearts are taken once I hit the ground on the opposite end of the ocean of lava. I look over, using my optifine to zoom in on his green character crouching over the edge, looking down. I chuckle to myself, turning around. I see a bridge, deciding to follow it.

"Where are you guys," I ask, heading in the opposite direction as Dream.

BadBoyHalo has made the advancement [A Terrible Fortress]

Sapnap has made the advancement [A Terrible Fortress]

GeorgeNotFound has made the advancement [A Terrible Fortress]

"Oh, I think you know where we are," Sapnap says, and the grin on his face is apparent.

"Well, how do I get to you."

"Just follow the yellow brick road," Bad says. His voice is happy, but tinted with mischief. I heard Dream mutter a curse under his breath, and a smile appears on my face from the small victory.


After finding and trapping the nether fortress, the achievement in the corner of the screen tells me Dream has already found another one.

Dream has made the advancement [Into Fire]

"Well great, he's found another one," Sapnap says.

"Inchresting," George says, his accent half-butchering the word. Dream just gives a small laugh in response.

A few minutes later, and he's probably out of the fortress.

We've been making our way back to the portal, trying to make sure we get there first. It's a long journey back, but we're almost there already. Sapnap stops to do some trading, and I stay behind to gather gold for him.

Sapnap has made the advancement [Oh shiny]

Dream has made the advancement [Oh shiny]

"Oh?" I ask, interested at the timing.

"Trading, I see," George says from the overworld. Him and bad are back there, down in a cave and getting us diamonds. They already claimed to have gotten 'plenty,' but I call bluff.

After Sapnap trades a bit and get's pearls, we decide it's time to finish the other half of the journey back. We sprint jump there, having to stop and eat occasionally. We also get caught up with piglins and magma cubes often, slowing us down more than originally expected.

"You are horrible! You deserve the acts of punishment!" Dream says, and we all infer he's talking to the piglin he's been trading with. He doesn't have enough pearls yet. Good.

"Oo, Dream's gonna punish the piglins," Sapnap says suspiciously. The joke is enough to make everyone uncomfortably laugh.

"Yeah, I'm gonna punish you if you don't shut the hell up," Dream says with a laugh. My brow quirks.

"Oh? And how would you do that?" I ask him. He stops laughing for a moment, taking it into consideration.

"I actually don't kn-" Dream starts, but I interrupt him.

"Oh! Before you explain, I want you to know that I actually learn best when it's a hands on experience," I say, smiling as I speak. Dream wheezes and everyone laughs, except for Bad, who yells the usual "language!"

"What- what is wrong with you today?" Dream asks. He's still baffled by my comment, but his wheezes have turned into scattered laughs now.

"Dream-" I start, but have to contain myself to continue the bit and not start laughing uncontrollably. "Dream, talk to me once we're done filming, okay? I think you have something you need to teach m-"

My sentence is cut off with more laughter, along with a wheeze from Dream. His reaction sends me into hysterics, since he technically didn't disagree.


We're out of the nether quicker than expected. We enter the nether portal, on our way back to the overworld.

A broken bed and empty furnaces are what greet us.

"Are you joking! Bad, George! He was f- he was here already!" I yell, placing down a crafting bench and making a spare ender eye.

"Well that's fine, we have the compasses," George says, and I watch his character emerge from the cave. He holds a diamond chestplate in his hands, and I smile widely.

"Here," Bad says, tossing me one.

"Thank you," I say, putting it on.

BadBoyHalo has made achievement [Cover Me With Diamonds]

Sapnap has made achievement [Cover Me With Diamonds]

GeorgeNotFound has made achievement [Cover Me With Diamonds]

Staar has made achievement [Cover Me With Diamonds]

"How ironic," Dream says. I furrow my brows at the words, but my jaw drops at the corner of my screen.

Dream has made the achievement [Cover Me With Diamonds]

I know that it only means he has one piece of armor on, and it could even be boots, but it's still a bit intimidating. Getting any amount of diamonds probably means he's been out of the nether for a while.


Dream has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

"NO!" I yell, acting. I've been digging downwards, and have just hit a mossy stone brick. My compas also points forwards, meaning he's right here.

I place water on the block below me, letting Bad, George, and Sapnap fall down and land safely. I mine the block beneath us, plummeting into the stronghold.

Staar has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

GeorgeNotFound has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

Sapnap has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

BadBoyHalo has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

"Oh Dream!~" We all say at the same time, making us laugh. Dream just takes a deep breath, searching the stronghold. He hasn't been here much longer than any of us, but he could have dug down closer to the portal room.

We search the area, and I open a chest on the floor below us. It's still full of loot, meaning Dream probably hasn't opened it. Maybe he's deeper down than we thought.

A few minutes later, no one has spoken, and Dream taken the time to break the silence.

"Well, I'll see you guys later," he says.

Dream has made the advancement [The End?]

I curse under my breath.

"I think I found it!" Sapnap exclaims, and I look around for his nametag. I see its just below me, so I dig down, landing inside the portal room.

I place down a bed, clicking it immediately. I also put down a chest, then throw all of my useless items into it. I see George, Sapnap and Bad enter the room out of the corner of my eye.

The sound of a tripwire and TNT hissing fill my headphones.

"What the-" I say, but the sound of the TNT below us exploding interrupts me. We all die. "FUCK!" I yell.

I'm fine, I've respawned where I just placed my bed. Thankfully, it was just outside the reach of the explosion. I'm worried about Bad, Sapnap, and George, who have spawned at the very beginning, with nothing.

"This isn't good," George says. I can hear Sapnap facepalm, and I chuckle as I pick up my stuff. Dream laughs loudly, thinking he's beat us. The kill message said all four of us have died. It doesn't say who respawned where.

I grab my stuff, putting it back on.

"Get here as fast as possible," I say, then give them the coordinates. They make their way over, wasteing no time. Dream has no reaction to my words, meaning he's probably not listening.

I jump into the portal.

Staar has made the advancement [The End?]

"HOW?!" Dream exclaims, and I hear the distant sound of an end crystal exploding.

"Never under estimate a woman!" I scold, joking.

"What? It has nothing to do with how you're a girl," Dream says, and I laugh.

I appear on the surface, the contrast between the yellow enstone and the black void and mobs hurting my eye for a moment before they adjust.

"Oh Dream~" I whisper, leaning into my mic.

"Don't- don't say it like that," he says. I can practically see blush forming on his cheeks.

"Like what?"

"Like, like that."

"Dream, I don't understand how you communicate," I say, acting clueless. I spot him on top of a tower, then he jumps down, mlg-ing. He runs to the next tower, facing downward.

"Where are you?" He asks me.

"You'll find out soon enough," I say. I take a spare enderpearl from the ground, seeing how Dream has placed a bucket of water for Endermen to die on.


I throw it, landing next to him.

"What-" I mock, then punch him off of his short tower.

"OH-" He yells, startled. He whips out his ax, getting ready to attack. He shields first, and I copy his movements.

"Alright- Staar, we're at the stronghold!" Bad exclaims, and a smile forms on my face.

"Okay, my stone and wooden tools should be in the chest, same with my old armor-" I say, trying to instruct the boys. They struggle deciding who gets what, but I'm too busy shielding off Dream to split the goods.

I unshield, jumping over Dream and hitting him in the back just before he spins around. He spins around, holding his shield, then sprints away. It means I at least got some damage done.

"Oh. My. God," Dream says, continuing to run. He's leading me to the middle, near where the water is with the scattered pearls.

I pearl in front of him, grabbing them all before he even arrives.

My hearts are taken, and not by the pearl. I look down and see purple particles all over the ground surrounding me.

"Shi- oot!" I yell, correcting myself for the sake of monetization. Dream laughs loudly at my predicament, but the next ball the dragon throws is at Dream. It's now my turn to laugh.

GeorgeNotFound has made the advancement [The End?]

Sapnap has made the advancement [The End?]

BadBoyHalo has made the advancement [The End?]

"We're here, bitches!" Sapnap exclaims, and George laughs loudly. I see them appear at the surface, holding shields, stone axes, and wearing iron pants.

A sight for sore eyes.

"Language!" Bad scolds, and I laugh. I run over to them, Dream still on my tail. I throw them some pearls, hoping it'll help them if Dream starts attacking them.

Dream follows short behind me, but quickly peels off to bow down another tower. I take the time to eat food, regainging my health meanwhile Sapnap fights off some endermen.

Bad and George run towards Dream, and it's honestly a bit sad to look at.

They hit him with their axes, then shield up and back away wearily.

"C'MON! You have nothing to lose!" I yell, running towards them.

"But he's intimidating!" Bad yells back, and I take a deep breath, arriving at Dreams side and hitting him.

Dream spins around, hitting me once, then jumps over me, hitting me again. The combo must have done more than I thought, because one blast from the ender dragon and I died.

"NOO!" I yell, spawning back at the stronghold. Dream has my stuff, or at least I think he does.

"Oh, we're back baby!" George exclaims, and it ignites a bit of hope in me. I jump back into the portal, seeing that the rest of his iron gear is complete.

I smile, running towards them. Sapnap follows, and Bad is killed within an instant. I'm not too upset about it, because frankly, he had nothing important.

Same with Sapnap, but now George seems to be a bit more valuable. He sees it too, and I watch him run away from Dream and eat a steak.

I hit Dream, but fail with my minimal armor. Three good hits from him is enough to kill, so on the third one I block my shield, hitting him again.

He spins around unexpectedly, hitting George and somehow one-shotting him with his low health. He must have not had enough food to heal all the way.

Now that George is dead, Dream has all the armor, leaving him with Sapnap, who has pants on, and me, who has nothing on.

Another opportunity.

"Ooh, Dream, look, I have nothing on-" I say, trying to make my voice should flirtatious again. Instead of finishing the sentence, I'm cut off by Dream blowing a raspberry and laughing loudly.

"That's not working this time," he says, hitting Sapnap. I turn around, watching it happen.

"So it worked the other times?" I ask, my brows raising.

"STAAR, A LITTLE HELP HERE?!" Sapnap yells out, and I laugh at my forgetfulness.

"Do not touch Sapnap!" I yell, jumping in front of Sapnap and taking a hit for him. He eats in the meantime, and I die with the contact.

I respawn back, heading into the portal again. There's no reason for me to go; I have nothing. The only thing driving me to go in is content and funny bits. And also not letting Dream win and feed his ego more.

Sapnap was slain by Dream

"Sapnap!" George scolds.

"I HAD PANTS AND A STONE AX, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM ME?!" Sapnap yells back, and it's enough to shut George up.

"Guys, there's no more crystals left," Bad points out, and my fingers tense for a moment.

"The dragon is coming down!" George yells, watching the large mob desend. I watch in awe, but get distracted as a small green character with iron armor jumps below it in the distance. I suck my teeth, sprinting over and trying to get to Dream before anyone else can.

Bad manages to get a few punches in, but it's not enough for Dream to die. The dragons breath harms George as well, bringing them both down.

"It's almost there! YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" Dream yells as the dragon lifts, flying away from the pedastol. I laugh loudly, but to my dismay, Dream pearls on top of one of the pillars.

I follow him, getting to the middle to get a pearl and following him.

He has a crossbow in his hands when I arrive at the tower, and he's on the opposite end. He shoots, and the small purple bar at the top of my screen decreases with the shot.

"No no no-" I say, running over.

One punch sends him over the edge.

To my dismay (again) he mlg's, surviving the fall, leaving me stranded on top.

"Shit," I mutter under my breath. If I fall here, I'm dying again, and I don't want that to happen. My only other option is to use my last pearl and teleport down.

Something is better than nothing.

I'm on half health now, both of the teleportations taking up 2 1/2 hearts each. I can only imagine what Dream is on, his eating and shielding not really helping me with my judgement.

He pearls to the center as the dragon comes back down again, and one bed explosion kills it.

"YESSS!" Dream yells out, and I groan loudly. Sapnap lets out a loud "noo", filling the call with his bad quality mic. We all groan loudly, yelling "no" as the achievement shows and the dragon explodes.

Dream has made the advancement [Free the End]

wow another long chapter, vote, comment, i dont wanna make you read anymore lol ily MUAH xoxo author

Words: 5688
