Chapter 25

"Oh Jesus fuck!" I cried out, as Austin slammed into me hard enough to nearly knock the wind out of me.

Austin quickly uncuffed my hands from the bed post, tossing them carelessly to one side, making a loud noise as I heard them hit the floor under us.

" mine." Austin smacked his hand against my ass, probably leaving a light pink mark in it's wake, as he continued to pound into me. "And so is this." his hand reached around, wrapping around my hard, throbbing member,

"f-fuck, Aust!" I moaned loudly as he slowly started pumping my attention deprived member. He hadn't touched me yet and it had been at least half hour since he brought me in here, so I was overly sensitive to his touch.

"You...are mine." Austin's voice was deep and firm, the way it was when his "dominant" side kicked in. His other hand moved from hip, to the base of my neck, gripping it with a tight enough hold to cause my breath to falter, but not tight enough to make breathing a struggle. Austin knew I'd grown to love that, as long as he didnt grip too tight, I did still like to intake oxygen.

"A-aust, so c-close." I panted, feeling myself climbing at lighting speed to the edge.

"No, you don't." Austin released both hands and pulled out, leaving me screaming in protest at the sudden denial, for what was now the third time so far. Three times now he'd brought me to the very brink, and just when I was about to fall, he stopped. This, was punishment, one of the things I agreed too of course. Because, as evil as it was to be denied when you where so close, when Austin would finally let Me have my release, the feeling was like no other. It was overwhelming and intense, every time caused me to see small stars.

Why was I being punished? Because Austin seemed convinced I was flirting back with that guy at work, and that I was leading him on. If I was, it was far from intentional, and I tried to explain to Austin, but he was too upset, there was no way to have a rational conversation with him at that point, he'd gotten himself too upset, he'd over thought the situation far too much, so I knew trying to dicuss it in a calm manner would've been a futile task, so I let him do his dominant thing. I didn't mind, in all honesty I hadn't seen him for a little over 2 weeks, and last time we had no nothing but no added kink sex, so I was dying for a bit Austin style sex.

"A-Austin, please!" I pleaded, trying to resist all urges to touch myself for a bit of release.

"fuck I love it when you beg baby." I could hear the smirk in his voice, my back was currently facing him, so I couldn't see it, but I could tell by his tone, there was a smirk creeping up on his beautiful, pink lips "beg for me Baby."

"A-aust, please, I n-need to come so bad. Please, I'm desperate, I-I can't hold on. Sir, pleaseee!"

"tell me you're mine." I felt Austin's breath against my neck, my skin was on fire, causing me to let out a low moan.

"I'm yours, always." I reassured him, I turned around, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "only yours."

"Lay down on the bed." his voice was a little softer now, his need to dominate and control subsiding, I nodded and laid down on the bed. Austin kneeled down between my legs, before moving them to hook them around his waist. He barely gave me time to catch my breath before he rammed back into me. "Fuck Alan."

My body was humming, my skin was burning as if it was on fire, my Hair stood on end, I was overwhelmed with pleasure. "A-Aust, I need to c-come."

"hold on baby." Austin breathed, burying his head in the crook of my neck. His breath was faltering, his thrust where hard, but sloppy, I knew he was close.

My hands gripped his muscular back, nails digging in forming small cresent indents in their wake, as I tried to stop myself from coming there on the spot as he hit my prostate over and over.

"come on Austin, come for me." I spoke through gritted teeth, but my words where enough, as he spilled into me, letting out a string of profanities along with my name.
He quickly wrapped his hand around my member once more, and whispered that sweet word I'd been longing for.

"come." and that was in, I screamed Austin's name loud, if his place wasn't so big, we would've disturbed a few neighbours without a doubt. We rode out our highs, before Austin collapsed next to me, and pulled me into his arms. "God I missed you."

"I missed you too." I panted, with a small smile on my face.

"I'm sorry I'm such a jealous jerk, I didn't mean to freak like that." I could hear the remorse in his voice, as his fingers slowly ran over my skin, checking for marks.

"you dont need to be sorry Aust, it's kinda cute, however you do need to realise, im not going anywhere." I manouvered so I could look at him. "no one is ever going to take me from you, and I'm certainly not going to leave you for someone. I know you're still worried that one day I'm going to wake up and realise you're not enough for me, but Austin, you need to trust me when I say you are more then enough. You deserve me, like I deserve you, and that's not going to change. I'm here, and I'm staying, haven't I proven that enough by now?"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry I'm just scared of loosing you." Austin looked at me,  guilt all over his face. "It's become my worst nightmare, loosing you."

"You won't, I'm not going anywhere." I placed a gentle, reassuring kiss on his lips,  "now let's quietly cuddle til we have to go visit Dr.Booth."

"Sounds like a plan." Austin gave a small smile, pressing his lips against my forehead before I snuggled back into his chest, listening to his breathing and calming heart Beat. This right here was the only place I wanted to be, I could only hope that eventually, Austin would realise and trust that.


"Okay, so, how have things been since our last session together?" Dr. Booth asked, crossing his legs as he relaxed in his chair.

"They've been great." Austin replied with a smile.

"Alan, would you agree?"

"I would." I nodded, "there was a minor hiccup but I believe we resolved that earlier today."

"what sort of, 'hiccup'?"

"Well just over a month ago, this guy started at my office. And, well be he made it no secret he was gay, and well it was clear he took somewhat of a shine to me. Austin had come to my office to say goodbye to me after a visit, and he saw how he flirted with me."

"I see, and how did that make you feel, Austin?"

"Jealous, like it would've probably made most people who saw someone else flirting with their partner."

"Was Alan flirting back?"

"No, he was being friendly but not flirting."

"Okay, so how did you handle the situation?"

"I may have got a little possessive, I walked over, placed my hands on Alan's shoulders and kissed him, to make a point to this guy that Alan was spoken for."

"Did you not trust that Alan has already told this guy he had a boyfriend?"

"I wasn't really thinking in that very moment. I was about to leave my boyfriend for at least two weeks, we couldn't share a proper goodbye as he couldn't get out of work, so obviously I was a little...disheartened, what loving partner wouldn't be. Then walking in, seeing this guy whom Alan hadn't mentioned to Me as of yet flirting with him...I went into Auto pilot, I wasn't really thinking."

"Okay, what happened after that?"

"I scolded him over the phone when he got home, I explained that how he reacted was inappropriate, especially in my work place, he accepted that and apologised. Unfortunately it did lead to Austin often questioning how much I had spoken to him, if I was hanging out with him, so on and so forth. I found it cute that he got jealous, in a way, because it showed me he cared, a little jealousy, dealt with in a mature manner Is healthy I think. It shows that you care about your partner and value your relationship."

"Yes, you're quite right, in a loving relationship, it is very common for partners to get jealous, and it a sign they care, because after all, if you don't care that some stranger is flirting and has a clear interest in your partner, then you seemly don't care if that person takes said partner away. It is how that jealousy is portrayed and dealt with. I believe Austin could've reacted better to the situation, dealt with the jealousy in a more mature manner, however we do have to bare in mind, Austin's past, and his life style as a dominant will factor into how he reacts to situations."

"Of course I realise that, which is why I haven't made a fuss."

"Okay, so how did this issue, which happened around a month ago, only become resolved today?"

"I...may or may not have accused Alan of flirting back and leading this guy on." Austin shifted uncomfortably in his chair, obviously still feeling a little guilty.

"And why did you do that?"

"Well, it had been about 6 hours since Alan landed and I picked him up, and he spent most of it messaging this guy. I caught a glimpse of a message which I now realise I took completely out of context. And-"

"one second Austin...Alan, knowing Austins demons, his past, his insecurities and his difficulty separating himself from the dominate persona of which he used as a coping mechanism for many years, and his, issues with this guy, why where you spending most of your first few hours with your partner messaging him, back and forth?"

"it started as work, I'd already explained to Austin that when I landed I would need to sort out some things for work, as I'm here for the whole week I obviously had to resign. I was behind when I left so I had to tie up loose ends so everything was organised for the next day and everyone knew what needed to be done. I was also emailing my boss and one of interns. After that was sorted, he proceeded to message me, I didn't want to be rude so figured I send a few friendly messages before ending the conversation. I tried to end the conversation many times but he kept brushing me off. I realised that there was no friendly way of ending the conversation, so I ignored them from there. He sent a further 4 messages over an hour, which is when Austin, somewhat, flipped."

"Okay, well, I fully trust that you, Alan, have made it very clear to this guy you are with Austin?"

"Of course, it's obvious, as one, Austin has come into the office before, two, there is pictures of us on my desk, and my computers desktop is a picture of us on the beach from a few months ago, and plus, I'm dating thee Austin Carlile, it's not exactly news in the office, people are always talking about it, asking how he is and trying to get me to see if Austin will pull strings and do favours for the paper. I've also told him face to face too naturally, when he first started, I didn't outright tell him, when we where getting aquainted, he asked if I had a girlfriend, I laughed and said I didn't have a girlfriend, but I had a boyfriend who I loved very much."

"Okay, and Alan, do you believe this guy would actually try anything, physically I mean?"

"No, when he first started, he did ask me on a date, which Austin is aware of, but I declined and restablished I was in a happy relationship, and he hasn't mentioned anything since...just the flirting."

"I do admit I over reacted to the whole situation Dr. Booth, we discussed the matter this morning, when we where both calm and in a clearer frame of mind. Alan ressured my worries and fears, and I promised to not over react again, which is a promise I'm going to keep. I realise that if I continue that kind of behavoir, I could end up pushing Alan away myself, which is the last thing I want to do."

"Well, I'm very pleased you acknowledged that Austin, that's a good step forward. You managed to come to that conclusion in yourself and realised that while it's perfectly normal for partners to get jealous, certain reactions can cause a riff to come between the two of you. You obviously need to realise, that you can trust Alan, I know, because of your past, giving someone one hundred percent of your trust is a terrifying thought, but I strongly believe that Alan has more then deserved nothing less, don't you?"

"Yes, and that is what I also realised. It's not that I don't trust Alan though, it's other people."

"Which is understandable, however, if you fully trust Alan, then you need not worry about other people, worrying about other people only makes it seem as if it's Alan you distrust, does that make sense?"

"It does, yeah." Austin nodded.

"Very well, now, time is nearly up, however there is something I'd like to discuss that Austin mentioned when I saw him last week, regarding you moving back to California Alan. How do you feel about that, since he asked you?"

"Well, of course I want too, I do miss living here and I would love to be close to Austin again, having to go so long without seeing him, it sucks. However, I'm just not sure if we're ready to live together just yet. As you know, so much has happened between the two of us, we've had so much to work through, and we've only really just learned how to walk within the relationship, I'm not certain if we're quite ready to run yet. I'm worried that moving too fast will cause everything to crash and burn, as there is still a few small kinks to work out."

"And Austin, how does that make you feel?"

"In all honesty, I'm a little torn in two, I certainly understand Alan's reservations, he's completely right in what he's saying, we've come so far, however with this whole guy at work thing, I do realise there is still a few small things we need to work on, or well, I need to work on. However, the other side of me is naturally upset that Alan is having such doubts about us, I mean, we've come so far and we haven't broken, so it's a little disheartening that he feels that there's a chance we could still brake."

"I don't believe that's what Alan is saying at all Austin, is that what you're meaning Alan?"

"No, of course not, I believe we're strong enough to get through anything, it's not that I think, if we move in together now, I think we'll's just a big leap Aust. We've not even been together a year yet, and look at all that's happened, we've been through so much, and it's been the hardest thing I've done to get through it all. Please, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change a second of it, and while working through all this with you has been the hardest thing I've's also the most rewarding thing I've ever done. I was always told, that the two people who had the most to gain, would have the biggest obsticles to overcome, and I firmly believe that, we are proof of that. But we've just finally made it through one storm, I don't want to go rushing into another before we've had time to breath and recover from the last. There's also my job, I've worked so hard to get where I am in my current place, finding the same position with a similar wage packet is going to be tough. And I know that you've offered to help, and even said because of how much you earn, I wouldn't need to work. But as I've already told you Aust, I want to work, I love doing what I do. I've never dreamt of being someone who stayed home while my partner worked, that's not the kind of person I am."

"If I may, offer a suggestion, a compromise of sorts?" Dr. Booth asked, both me and Austin nodded in agreement. "If Alan, you decide to move back here, initally, you have your own place? There are plenty of small apartments in the area you can get on a six month lease. That way, spending time together would be much easier, you would be able to see each other more, which I think would actually be benificial for the both of you where you are now. However, you would have your own space, which will give you plenty of time to get settled back into the area, make way in a new work place, form some new friendships outside of Austin, which in any relationship, it's very important to maintain your own lives and identity, basically give you plenty chance to make your own life here, before making the step to make a life here with Austin too. Would that be something you would take into consideration?"

"I would be happy with that." Austin nodded with a smile.

I thought for a moment, his suggestion was something that had crossed my mind since Austin had asked, and it would be ideal, I still worried about finding the right job and a place I could afford. "I would yes, but I would need time to try and find a good enough job which will pay well enough so I'm able to afford a place of my own, but it's certainly something I will happily look into and I think would be a great compromise while I get settled here again."

"Well then, I suggest that you both just relax and enjoy the rest of Alan's trip over here. Don't discuss the moving, or this guy, or any other worries, just enjoy the time together. Then, Alan, once you're home you can start looking at jobs in the area, apartments, so on and so forth. I may suggest, that while I completely understand why you don't want Austin helping, he is your partner, and you're a team, so don't be so quick to decline an offer of help. Austin obviously knows the area well, so it may be a good idea to allow Austin to help you look, as he knows the best area's, places, and local papers."

"Oh, it's not that I don't want him to help, it's just that I don't want to get the job just because I'm Austin Carlile's boyfriend, I want to get the job on my own, and I would like to pay for the apartment myself. However, if he was to point me in the right direction, send me some job ads, some apartment listings and even come view them with me, I won't say no at all."

"Perfectly understandable, your parents have done well to raise you with such a manner, I'm pleased to see that you have such a sense of independance and a strong desire to make things of your own, just remember you and Austin are a team now, and he's obviously very wealthy, and he wishes to share that with you, make his life, yours as well, so you need to be open to meet him in the middle. Let Austin feel that you want to share his life, and a part of that life is his wealth and his public recognition, but at the same time, without loosing your own sense of self and beliefs, which is something we can discuss next time I see you both, how does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me." I nodded with a smile.

"I agree, I would love to treat Alan once in a while, but he never lets me." Austin chuckled light heartedly. "It would be easier to bleed a stone then spoil him."

"Well, you both have such different backgrounds in the way of wealth and recognition so it's understandable why Alan would struggle to allow you to 'spoil' him, pay for things, etc, without feeling like he's compromising himself and what he believes, but as I said, it's something we can discuss next time. For now I'm afraid time is up, so go and enjoy the rest of your time together, you both deserve a relaxing few days."

We both stood up, thanking Dr. Booth and shaking his hand before we walked out the room and headed home. I couldn't deny what Dr. Booth had said, he was right, I was very stubborn when it came to Austin's offers of help, his offers to buy me things, help me get a new job here in California, or even just take me out for a fancy meal. It wasn't a lifestyle I was acustomed too, or even imagined I would ever know, I was very much set in the way I was raised. But he was right, Austin was a part of my life, and I wanted share it with him, and that meant taking on his wealth and public recognition too. I couldn't pick and choose what parts of him I wanted to share, and what parts I didn't, if we where going to stay together, I had to learn to accept every single part of him and his life. But that, for now was something to worry about another day.

A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long and it's not very exciting, I did type it out ages ago, but then wattpad failed to save it properly, it only saved half the chapter, and I got reallllly mad lol Then things have been so manic with my band, work, daughter and life in general, it's been difficult to find time to get it finished.

However, dasiy already has the next chapter written, so your wait for that one, I promise won't be so long and she'll post it up most likely after the weekend! Faith
