Chapter 22

Shock horror, faith's finally written another chap for this! Lol enjoy ya filthy animals and merry Christmas :P

Alan's POV

Small talk, have I ever mentioned how much I hated small talk? I mean, a quick 'how's you?', 'how's work been?', 'what have you been up to?', is fine, exchanging such questions come as standard and are to be expected. However, when it get to the point you're asked 'how's the weather in Washington?', that is just a step too far. Sadly, that's exactly how it was with Austin while we sat eating dinner. Emotions where running pretty high between the two of us, the tension you could've cut with a blunt knife, there was a sense of uncertainty in the air, you could almost hear the thousands of questions running through mine and Austin's minds. And then, there was the sexual tension too, I couldn't deny it, I wanted him to rip off my clothes just as much as he said he did in his office.
Of course I didn't expect to get here and everything to be hunky dory, I guessed it might have been a bit...awkward at first, until we sat and outlined our relationship, but this was something else. I guess it wasn't aided by the fact Austin had now apologised twelve times for the brake down in his office, I could tell he was feeling embarrassed and quite possibly ashamed for it. After all it would've been the last thing you'd of ever expected to see come from Mr. Austin Robert Carlile, full time hot shot CEO and part time dominant in his free time. Not only that, he hasn't opened up, nor let anyone see him being even the slightest bit vulnerable since he was young, and yet, just forty minutes ago, that all crashed down, hitting like freight train. No doubt he was trying to adjust to that too, letting himself be an open book for the first time in who knows how long.

I knew we should probably discuss the outlines of our relationship right away, it might save some of the tension. However, at the same time, I just wanted to enjoy tonight with him, and worry about the details tomorrow, partly because I had no idea where on earth it would go if we came to a part we completely disagreed on. After all, the last time we disagreed didn't end so well.

"So, would you like to watch TV? Or go straight to bed?" Austin finally broke the silence that had been lingering in the air for the last five minutes, as he tidied up the utensils and plates.

"I'm pretty tired if I'm honest, working, then the flight, then, well, earlier, takes it out of a man." I let out a small, albeit force chuckle, trying to make it sound as light hearted as I could.

"Yeah, certainly does. Well, uh, if you'd like, you can take a shower and get ready in my bathroom, I'll shower and get ready in the guest one. Um, did you bring anything with you?"

"Oh yeah, Pete left it in the lounge as we weren't sure exactly how, you know, tonight was going to pan out, if I was going to be staying here or in what room."

"Oh, okay, well I'll go grab it for you and I'll show you to my room." Austin's whole body screamed awkward, the way he kept scratching the back of his head, licking his lips every thirty seconds, the way he barely made eye contact with me too.

"I know where your room is Aust."

"I know, I just...I want to show it to you properly, as I hope that I'll be...never mind." Austin turned to walk out the room, but thanks to my fast reflexes, I managed to jump from my seat at the table and grab his wrist to stop him.

"That you'll be what, Austin?"

"Doesn't matter, let's just go to bed."

"Austin Robert, don't do that. Don't just go to say something and just not...don't close up on me like that, that's not fair. If we're going to do this, you can't do that."

Austin let out a quite, but long sigh before he turned around to face me. "I know, it's's like I'm learning to walk again after being paralysed for so long. It doesn't help that I feel like...I-I feel like I don't deserve you, or this chance. Or that I'm scared I'm going to royally screw this up again. Or that I'm so scared that I'm going to loose you in someway. And that I'm still coming to terms to being...this me again. Right's all so...overwhelming. I've lost everyone I've ever loved or cared about in someway, I'm just-"

I'd heard enough, so I quickly reached up and placed my lips against his. "I'm here Austin, see..." I took his hand and placed his palm over my heart. "I'm here, I don't Intend on going anywhere, anytime soon. I meant when I said I'm not giving up on you. This, it isn't going to be easy, for either of us, but I believe in you, I believe in me, and most of all I believe in us...I need you to do the same, otherwise, this will never work."

"You're right, I know you are, I just...Alan I haven't even cared about anyone in so long, and I love you more then I've ever loved anyone, or anything, which makes it that much more terrifying for me."

"And I love you Austin, if I didn't, I wouldn't be here. You once said to me, I needed to trust you, well, now you need to trust me, can you do that?" Austin meekly nodded his head in reply. "Well then, I've meant everything I've said, so please, stop doubting me, my words, or yourself, we can do this."

"I'm sorry." Austin pulled me close to him, leaving a gentle, lingered kiss on my forehead.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, I just need you to trust me and believe in yourself, in us, okay?" I wrapped my arms around him tightly, squeezing a little in hope of giving him a little reassurance.

"Okay." I felt Austin nod against the top of my head.

I pulled away a little, enough to allow me to lock my lips to his once again. I left it, letting it linger, as his hands found a place, wrapping themselves in my hair.

After a moment, Austin's tongue cautiously ran across my bottom lip, as if he was worried it would be going to far. I parted my lips a little, enough to allow our tongues tangle together, me letting out a slight moan as my body suddenly covered in goosebumps, and a small fire ignited in the pit of my stomach.

"We should get some sleep." I breathed as we finally came up for air.

"In a minute." Austin replied, instantly pressing his lips against mine again. Only this time, the amount of want, need and passion doubled, I could almost taste Austin's desperation. I knew I had to brake this before it went too far, but as he always did, I was already hooked under his spell. My mind telling me no, but my body and my heart betraying me as Austin backed me up against the wall as his lips detached from mine, only to attach themselves to the skin on my neck. Another small moan escaped, reeling in this feeling that I missed, and craved, my hips involuntarily grinding against his.

"Aust...Aust, we-we should..."

"I-I need you so bad Alan, please. J-just tonight, I-I need to be close to you." Austin mumbled against my neck, before lifting his head to look at me. "I-I need to show you how much I love you, please."

I could see the tortured look in his eyes, as well as the want, the need, the desperation, even if I wanted too, I couldn't say no. "Just for tonight, b-but no play room."

"I wasn't even thinking that." Austin didn't miss a beat before crashing his lips back to mine. "Jump."

I did as I was told, jumping, instantly wrappings legs around his waist, as he caught me by my ass, without braking the kiss. I latched my arms around his neck for support as he walked us out of the dining room and towards his room.

Soon as we reached his room, he laid me gently down against his soft mattress and plush pillows, instantly crawling on top of me, as one hand and arm held him up so he didn't crush me, and the other hand snaked down my side, slipping underneath my t-shirt, his thumb rubbing circles on my hips.

My fingers clawed up his back, pulling his shirt up with them. Austin quickly got up on his knee's, discarding his tie, before unbuttoning the top half of his shirt and pulling it over his head, tossing it to one side. God how I missed seeing his bare, tattoo'd chest and his toned stomach, feeling his muscles flex and tense under my fingers.

Soon enough, both of our clothes where discarded and scattered on the floor around the bed.

"Are you sure? You can say no..." Austin panted above me, his forehead against mine.

"I sure, I need this too." It was true, I did, I didn't realise how much I needed this until we where laying here, exchanging heated, passionate, desperate kisses, marking each other's skin in light hickey's, hands searching, seeking, trying to feel every inch of skin.

Austin searched my eyes for a moment, before bringing his lips to mine as a hand reached out to his side table, feeling around the drawer searching, for what I was assuming, was lube.

Finally the drawer shut and he lifted him self up, opening the cap of the bottle to pour the liquid onto his fingers. He carefully placed the bottle down on the bed after closing the cap, moving back to where we was, between my legs.

My breath hitched as one of his fingers started teasing my entrance, circling slowly, barely touching, as his lips started sucking a fresh hickey against the soft spot on my neck.

"P-please." I pleaded, wriggling my hips. I felt Austin smirk against my collar bone as he slowly slid his finger inside me.

Austin made quick work of prepping me, both of us not wanting to bother or waste time with the task. Usually I didn't mind, after all, it was a must, but the lust, passion, heat and desperation to be close that filled the air was far more intense then I'd ever felt before.

"Ready?" I didn't bother using my words to reply, I just nodded my head, placing my hands against his upper back, feeling the muscles move and flex under my finger tips as he lifted one of my knee's, positioning himself.

I racked my nails down his back, causing Austin to growl quietly, as I moaned softly as I felt him enter me and his grip that held my thigh tightened.

Austin pressed his lips against mine once he bottomed out, stilling, allowing me to adjust.

"M-move, please." I begged, bucking my hips, in an attempt to encourage him.

"Still as needy as ever." Austin chuckled softly as he slowly pulled out, before slowly pushing back in, my back arching as my nails dug into the skin on his muscular shoulders.

His pace was slow, almost agonising, but filled with intense passion as our lips locked in a sweet kiss, every emotion being poured into it.

"God I've missed you." Austin breathed against my ear before latching his teeth into the lobe, gently tugging before his lips trailed down my neck. "F-Fuck, Alan."

"A-Aust, please." I moaned, begging.

"What baby? Tell me what you want." His voice was rough and husky, one of the tones he used before, which only turned me on more.

"F-Faster, I-I need you, f-fuck, to g-go, faster, oh god."

"You're the boss." Austin's thrusts sped up, but not so much to ruin the sweet, passionate mood, but enough to fill my need.

Austin's hand moved off my thigh, grabbing my hands, and pinning them above my head with one hand.

Austin adjusted his angle, making me moan loudly, almost screaming as he hit my prostrate. "Oh Jesus! Au-Aust!"

"Fuck, you feel s-so good. S-so tight. Tell me how good it feels."

"It feels, s-so, go-good, oh f-fuck, I've m-missed feeling y-you inside me. A-Aust, I need to come."

"Shhh, not yet kitten, h-hold on." Austin's thrusts started getting sloppy, his breath was heavy and ragged, I could tell he was close.

"A-Austin, please, f-fuck, come on Aust, c-come for me." My nailed racked up his back, leaving red lines in their wake.

"Oh J-Jesus!" Austin bit down on my neck as his hand wrapped around my member and started moving in time with his thrusts. "C-come."

Austin hit my prostate hard, and that was all I needed. I screamed Austin's name followed by a string of profanities as I reached my climax and released over both of us.

"F-fuck, kitten!" Austin growled as he reached his own high, his thrusts slowing down as we rode out our highs, Austin peppering kisses over my face. "God I love you."

"I l-love you too." I panted, my mind still hazy from my climax as Austin placed a tender kiss on my lips before he pulled out, flopping down next to me and pulling him into his arms. "Sleep kitten."

I let out a happy, content sigh, snuggling as close as I could as he kissed the top of my head and let sleep over come me.
