Chapter 23

Yo Faith here, damn Christmas brake was manic! I hope you all enjoyed your xmas and new years, and got lots of awesome prezzies! :D
Before I let you enjoy this new chapter, for those reading Pen Pals, I'm afraid I've decided to unpublish it for now, simply because I've spent days (weeks now actually) trying to figure out where to go with it and I'm just coming up with nothing, every idea I get, I hit a dead end, or I just can't put it into words that do enough justice, and it's really stressing me out (I have this thing, where I physically cannot have a fic, sat there unfinished with no updates for god knows how long lol). I may bring it back one day, I do have it all saved still, or I may hand it off to Daisy later on if I can't come up with anything by the time this fic is finished, but who knows.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the chap!

Alan's POV

"Alan..." A soft voice called soothingly in the distance. "Kitten, wake up." This time, the soft voice sounded closer, as I started stirring from probably what had been the best sleep I'd had in a while.

"Hmmm." Was about all I could muster up right now as I tried to will myself awake.

"Kitten, don't make me smack that cute little ass of yours." Austin's voice was now as clear as day, along with his sweet chuckle.

"Alright, alright." I grumbled, twisting myself so I was facing him and forcing my eyes open.

"That's more like it." Austin beamed brightly at me. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good, very...good." I yawned, allowing myself to stretch, before wrapping myself around Austin. I wasn't going to pass on the oppertunity for morning cuddles off of him, I was going to milk it for all it was worth. "You?"

"Best night's sleep I've had in a long time." Austin pressed a kiss against my forehead and smiled. "You know, I thought it would be weird, and uncomfortable, having someone in my bed, but turns out, best idea ever."

"Mmmm, sleeps always better with cuddles."

"I quite agree, especially when they're cuddles with you."

"Oh god, please don't tell me you're now going to turn into a complete cheese ball?"

"What?! Damn Ashby, can't win with you, you don't want my tough, emotionless, dominant side, now you do want my cute, cheeseball side? How you pain me so!"

"No, no, I can live with cheese, just wanted a warning that's all." I laughed, before tilting my head up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Do I not get a proper kiss?" Austin faked offence at me.

"No, we haven't been together long enough to get to the point we don't give a shit about morning breath."

"Fineeeeeeeee." Austin sighed, "I'll just have to wait. Hey, what would you say to me taking you out for dinner tonight? Think it's about time I took you on an actual date."

"I don't really have anything to wear to go out for dinner..."

"Oh uh, well, I still kind of have the few bits I got you from before, you know the smart/casual clothes and the suit I got you just incase we had to attend any dinners, functions or something, I, uh, I couldn't bring myself to let them go after you left."

"Is it going to be a suit job?"

"No, just a shirt, black jeans and the smart black shoe's will do, I know you don't like all the fancy pantsy stuff, so, I'm keeping it middle class. Although I can't promise you I won't take you out to a high class resturant one day."

"I'm sorry, but I don't see the need in paying a hundred dollars for a bowl of pasta." I chuckled. "Bit much if you ask me, just like I don't understand how you can spend thouands on a suit, when you can get a suit exactly the same for a couple hundred tops."

"Eh, when you got the money, you don't think about it really, not like I can take it with me when I die, so may as well splurge while I'm alive, knowing there will still be plenty of left to leave my loved ones when I'm gone."

"I guess, I wouldn't know what it's like to have money to waste, I mean we pretty much lived, and still live pay check to pay check, so I suppose I only see it from the point of view that I grew up with."

"Well I promise tonight will be completely middle class, no over priced bowls of pasta or anything, just me, you and something simple."

"Mmmkay, sounds good." I nodded.

"Alright, now that's sorted, you want to go shower? You can use my bathroom, I've already popped a towel and bits in there for you, and I'll attempt at making us some breakfast, think I can handle bacon and pancakes."

"You sure about that? I mean, ya know, there was that one time you set the fire alarms off cooking cheese on toast..."

"Hey, I did warn you I wasn't very good with the whole cooking thing, however, I have managed to improve my skills somewhat, so I think I'll be okay, anddd if it does go all wrong, there is a little diner about ten minutes away that does a mean fry up so that can be plan B."

I couldn't help but laugh with a little shake of my head. "Alright, sounds good. But uh Aust?"


"We, uh, we still need to, you at some point today."

"Yeah I know, I was thinking we could do that after dinner tonight, just enjoy the day together before we go getting into the heavy stuff and you go home tomorrow. I'm still not good with all this...opening up and you know how long it's been since I've been in a real relationship, so if it's okay, I'd like today to just be about us and not having to worry about any of that. At least then, if we can't reach something we're both happy and comfortable with, then we at have today. Also, I figured, after everything we've been through, maybe a day of just us, doing typical couple like things, might give us a bit more clarity on exactly what we want, how we want to progress and how we both feel."

I couldn't help but agree, everything had been a mess between us from day one, but especially since that day. It was all complicated, confusing, emotional, there was a lot of pain and tears. I knew how I felt about Austin, there was no denying that, and I knew what I wanted, but he was right, maybe a day of just us, dipping our toes into the water before diving in would help. "Okay, that sounds like a good plan to me."

"Good, my shower works the same way as the one in the room you slept in does, so go shower your stinky ass, and I'll see you downstairs." Austin smiled before placing a soft kiss just on the corner of my lips.

"What about showering your stinky ass?"

"I'll grab one after breakfast, or after you, before we go to the diner if I totally cock up breakfast."

"Well, you do a fine job of cocking me up so...After me it is." I snickered.

"Alan Anthony Ashby!"

"What? You left the goal wide open, so I took the shot and I scored that goal baby!"

"Oh you think you're so funny don't you?" Austin rolled his eyes and laughed. "Also, I love how much faith you have in me Kitten..."

"My faith in you, on the contary, is uncompromised...just my faith in your cooking skills."

"Yeah well, I'm going to go cook the best breakfast you've ever had and make you eat your words Ashby."

"We'll see sweetie." I chuckled, kissing his cheek, before willing myself to move from Austin's arms and pulling on my boxers.

"I'll see you downstairs." Austin smiled, before getting himself out of bed, slipping on some sweat pants and leaving the room, but not before leaving a small kiss on the top of my head.

I couldn't help but smile, last night, this morning, it felt right, it felt like this is exactly how it should be. No rules, no punishments, no drama, no fear, or worries, just...simple, enjoying the small, little things, like the cuddles, the silly chit chat, the joking around. It made me wish that this is how it had been from the start, because maybe if it had been, we wouldn't have gone through so much hurt, anger and pain. Although, as they always say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and maybe Austin and I had a few lessons to learn before we could find our feet.

I was sure the lesson's weren't over, we still had a way to go, I knew things wouldn't change over night, I knew this was going to take time and patiences, but, if it could carry on being how it was with him last night and this morning, then I was pretty sure things would be okay in the end, that we'd find our way.


"So uh, funny story..." Austin stood there, in the door way of is room, after I'd just finished getting dressed.

"Diner for breakfast?"

"Yeahhhh...Bacon, fine, crispy, but I like it cripsy anyway...but it turns out I can't cook pancakes for the damn life of me. Every single one ended up burnt, fell apart when I tried to flip it, and I think I managed to invent a couple of new shapes too..."

"Oh dear lord Aust. Look, you go shower, I'll go cook the pancakes, would be a shame to waste the bacon if that's come out okay."

"Yeah, but, the idea was I treated you to breakfast..."

"Well, you managed to pull off the bacon, so let's call it a team effort and we treated each other."

"Well I guess when you put it that way, I'm okay with that." Austin walked over to me and pressed his lips against mine. "I brushed my teeth in the guest bathroom before you say anything."

"I know, you taste all minty."

"So do you." Austin chuckled, before placing his lips back on mine, leaving it to linger for a small while. "No matter what...just know that I love you, okay?"

"I love you too Aust." I smiled, pecking his lips in a chaste kiss before tapping his backside. "Shower."

"Yes sir." Austin winked, along side his signature tongue between teeth grin. I rolled my eyes and snickered before running down stairs to the kitchen to finish the breakfast.

The entire time I cooked, a smile was plasted across my face, any doubt I had about this working had faded, those three words vanished any worries I had dwelling inside of me. I didn't doubt he meant them either, the look in his eyes, the way the words flowed from his lips, I knew he meant them. I could feel today was going to be a good day, and the start of something special. None of this may have been conventional, and I didn't doubt our relationship would be a little unconventional, but I was okay with that, because who want's to be normal anyway?

Sorry it's a little boring, it's kinda just a filler so we can tie on to the next part a bit smoother, plus, who doesn't like a bit of fluffy cashby? lol anyway, things will get intresting again in the next chap, we've had a rethink on how the rest of the story is gonna go so it drags a little less and you guys get what you where promised, so yeah, until next time ;)
