Entering the apartment, my laugh was muffled and I stuffed my face into his chest because of his stupid jokes. He held onto my waist as we shut the door close. I went to my counter and jumped onto it as Kevin came in, standing next to me.

"You are not disgusting!" I remembered what he said perfectly at the right time.

"I was joking!" Kevin started. "Your landlord was a fecker!"

"He does that all the time, it makes sure the apartment complex stays a little bit more quiet. It kind of prevents from people from being obnoxious and inviting people in for just sex, y'know?"

"I can understand." Kevin set his hand on mine. "I hope you didn't invite me here for that did you?"

"What?!" I started, pulling away from him and scooting in the opposite direction. "No, no, no..." My voice cracked as I was worried. "Did you think that?"

"No!" He said, as I got off the counter. I moved to the kitchen widow, looking out. "I just wanted to invite you in because you were mostly going to get wet. I didn't I want to be mean, so I'm inviting you in tip the rain stops." My laugh was soft as he came behind me. "You don't have to stay, if you don't want." I told him.

"I... I do want to stay."

I turn to him, I have to say something sweet. "I want you to stay too." My body turns to him. "I enjoy your company a lot."

"Thats a terrible mistake, really."

Our silence appeared to be super blink, as we didn't know what to say to each other. I felt myself wanting to make a move on him but not knowing the response that he was going to give, I wasn't so sure that I should. My hands went to the side of his arms, slowly sliding down and grabbing at his hands. He didn't say anything, only just towered over me and looked me in the eyes.

I felt to blush appear over my face, as I start pulling him in closer. Am I really about to do this? Should I be doing this? It was too late to answer myself, as I already found myself standing on my tiptoes and trying to lean in. He started to bend down just for me, as we enjoy each other we felt the breath of ourselves on each other. It was weird to feel it, I don't know if I should try to do something now. I can't close the gap because of my height, and he was the only one allowing me to do this. I sent a hesitation, but he just looked me in the eyes before finally closing the gap and us both closing our eyes.

My lips dragged down to his chin, as I placed a last one on him as we tested the waters. He didn't say anything, but the sounds of the rain wasn't hitting the widow, the skies cleared.

Looking back to him, his eyes reflected the blue sky.

Kevin smiled as I couldn't hold back anymore, I grabbed onto his neck and pulled him in for a full on kiss. He pulled away slowly, setting his hands on my hips as he relaxed. "You kiss better than any mirror."

"Fecking loser."

"Could you do me a favor?" Kevin asked, making my head gilt. "Kiss me again?"
