Stepping outside of the bathroom after cleaning up, I didn't see him. He wasn't outside. I rushed outside, quickly stepping into the rain, and standing in the empty parking lot. Did he really leave me? Was it the awkward situation we just had? My hand grabbed onto my hoodie and pulled it over my head as I felt shy and alone.

Well, this was weird to say but I already missed his presence with me. Taking steps to the curb once again, I looked for Kevin but nothing. He must've had to leave instantly, but without a goodbye?

"(Y/N)!" A voice echoed, and I looked behind to see him existing the shop. "Where are you going?" He said, holding two cups in one arm. "Did you think I left?"

"Uh... yeah." I started, digging my face into my jacket. "You said you were gonna wait in the rain and when I came back, you were completely gone."

"No-no-no," he shook his head and started to come close. "I just wanted to get us hot chocolae..." He looked down to his arm as the umbrella. "I didn't mean to worry you." He spoke softer as he came closer. He looked down to me and smiled again.

I looked away, covering my face. Why can he make me blush this much? This was unfair! "It was my fault to jump to conclusions."

"It's okay, you just didn't see me." Kevin said. "Now that I know you panicked when you don't have my attention, I won't leave again." He mocked me. I punched him in the arm, only for him to laugh. "Don't worry, I like to get attention too..." His words dragged on. "But take your hot drink, you got wet so we gotta get you all warmed up right?" Kevin smiled, as I pulled the drink from out of his arm.

"Right," my eyes looked elsewhere. "Thank you for the drink." I thanked him.

"You owe me."

"How much?"

"Just a favor." Kevin wanted a favor instead of money, which was better unless it was something to big.

Surprised at it, I agreed. "Fine..." My hands felt warm as we started walking down the street again. His hot breaths puffed out into the air with a cloud a fog following it. I took a sip, finally humming to the warm liquid sliding down my throat. "This is so good."

"I agree." He smiled, drinking it too. "Its good, just not as much as you."

Silence as we both said nothing to another. Feeling it add onto the atmosphere, I bit my lip. I had to say something. "You're too cute." He suddenly looked away as the same as I did. Haha! I got him. "And you're so sweet." I added, he seemed to shy faster than I did. "Kevin?" My voice didn't grab his attention. My hand grabbed his forearm and that got his attention for sure. He looked to me with red stained on his face. "You're so handsome." I mumbled.

Practically steam came out of him as he was over heated with embarrassment. My giggles made it worse for him.
