(Author's note - I have a feeling that call me kevin is going to do a youtube video on fanfiction one day... so this is for him, Kevin if you read this I was lonely and looked for your community for help and to gain friends. It worked, for a while. But your discord had so much drama and I was bullied by one your real friend and a mod there to the point I was so depressed. I hate your discord it's toxic and I refuse to interact with the community ever. But I love your content so I still watch it :] I even made your reddit banner! I appreciate you helping me when I'm sad but your community is toxic)

Remaining dry in this weather seemed rather hard when you just got out of work from an shop that sells games, the parking lot wasn't that huge anyways but the downfall was what annoyed me so got damn much here. I clutched into my new PlayStation game, well re-sold video game; over my head. I didn't went to catch a cold right now because that'll be horrible to do in this depressing weather.

Pulling out my car keys I unlocked my car and dove inside of it. Quickly putting my game on the dashboard and letting it hit the windshield. Well, not soaked, but certainly not dry right now. I took my keys and inserted them into the hole to turn and hear it rumble.

Then rumble...

Then rumble again...

A loud shot sound happened, and I felt the car suddenly shift around as if I moved it. What happened? Looking to the signals for my car, I saw that it was, well, it wasn't gonna start and it being too rainy to call for help; I slammed my forehead onto the wheel. This was the second time this month. It didn't bresk down just didn't start last time. This wasn't a panic, but it was frustrating as I had to walk home in this weather.

My upset attitude didn't help so I closed my eyes and leaned back into my car seat. The loud silence wasn't helping because the pitty patter of the rain hit the good of my now smoking car I assumed. Can't believe I have to walk home, such bullshit. My eyes opened as I took a huge intake of breath.

Grabbing at the car door, it creaked opened and I stepped out of it. Slamming it, my anger wasn't helping this. Locking up, I adjusted my cotton coat around my body holding onto my heat for even a small time. It was gonna get soaked soon, but I ignored that and walked to the road, pulling out my phone and soon releasing that maybe, just maybe using my phone for music non-stop would let it die so fast.

Mistakes left and right.

So I truly had to walk in the rain. Alone and cold. My feet turned to the direction as I took my first step and walked along the wet sidewalk. It was so cold it was visually noticeable from a mile away that you could see that I was shaking and shivering with every step I took along the concrete. It was not the ideal thing, but it was my only way. I made it to a crosswalk where no one was at, but it wasn't my time to walk just yet. I decided to wait for the sign for me to go. It was only 10 seconds left anyways, so I wait, clutching onto my arms for warmth but as it fled my body to escape and retreat.

"FECK!" I shouted to myself.

Suddenly the rain stopped and I looked up not to sew the clouds part away, but an umbrella. My eyes shifted to the person holding it as he smiled to me. His smiled warmed me up right away...
