Quote #371

*The station has caught on fire and Gibson has just come out of the station.*

Miller: Jack!? Great goin'. God, Man! Why did you go in there? What... Everybody was scared out of their wits, man? Oooh.

Gibson, coughing: Everyone, okay? Uh, I have an announcement. Apparently, in captain school, they don't teach you how to operate a toaster oven. Because some smart, sexy captain left his cheese pita on oven instead of timing it for the toaster thing.

*Holds up a burned cheese pits with tongs while Sullivan slowly dies from embarrassment*

Miller: Wow. Okay. Well, I guess they don't teach how to operate a toaster oven in captain school.

Gibson: That's exactly what I said.

Warren: Hey, did you miss that day there, Robert?

Gibson: Were you absent?

Maya: Toaster Oven 101?

Gibson: You failed?

Sullivan: I am so sorry.

Miller: Hey! I know what'll impress everybody, I'll start a fire. Oh, man. Bad idea. Bad idea jeans.

Gibson: I have a song. Attention, everyone! That I want to sing. That I wrote especially for this occasion when I was up there among the flames. Ready?

Gibson, singing to Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire": Sullivan started the fire! It was always burning since the world's been turning!

Gibson and Miller singing: Sullivan started the fire! It was always burning—

Gibson: Everybody!

Miller, singing: ...since the world was turning.

Sullivan to the audience: I can't believe I started the fire.

*Gibson and Miller continue singing gibberish to "We Didn't Start the Fire"*

Gibson and Miller, singing: ... Marilyn Monroe! Sullivan started the fire!

Reference- The Office
