I'll Come Back 45

They landed and Kai said "I'm just saying it was big, but I've seen bigger."
"As big as your ego?" Jay said
Wu came out the door of the tea shop and said. "Ninja you need to find customers"
"No hello, how's it going glad to hear you saved the day--- again?" Jay said and he jumped off his dragon which disappeared.
"Yeah, Sensei, we're all a bit tired you mind if we handle this tomorrow?" Cole said and his dragon disappeared too
Kai's disappeared as well an Lloyd let Misty slide off before he jumped off and his dragon disappeared as well
"We all have a share if this business succeeds, how else do you expect me to be able to afford all your new uniforms. Which reminds me, your new ones arrived" Wu said and he opened a box.
"What do they look like now?" kai asked
"Sweet!" Jay cheered
"I bet they're off the hook!" Cole said
"huh?" Lloyd said as Wu pulled out a Te shirt
"uh, those do not appear to be ninja uniforms, They resemble work attire." Zane said
"Probably because they are." Misty said
"Very observant Zane." Wu said "We must focus on furthering brand awareness, and here are the flyers, I want each of you to pass out in the city."
"If I have to pass all these out, I may be the one passed out." Jay complained
"Aren't we going to look a little dorky on our power dragons with these things on?" Kai said
"When we not?" Misty muttered
"You won't be flying anything. We're selling tea, not magic besides, you all have been relying a little too heavily on your Elemental powers lately real power comes from the inside." Wu said
"It would be our honor Sensei," Lloyd said
Lloyd was called to the museum,
"Go on, I'll take your share!" Cole said
"Thank's I owe you one!" Lloyd said
"Aren't you going to kiss your mother good-bye?" Misako said
"Mom, we've talked about this, I'll catch you on the way back." Lloyd said everyone laughed, but Misty hurried after Lloyd.
He was about to summon his dragon until Misty said "Wait, Lloyd!" she said and she grabbed his shoulder, Lloyd stopped and said "What's wrong?"
"I can't shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen to you." Misty said
lucky for them they were somewhere the others couldn't see them.
"It's just a quick trip to check up what happened." Lloyd assured her
"No... I'm serious Lloyd, I feel like you might be in danger if you go. Please let me go with you." Misty said
"They asked for just me though," Lloyd said
"Exactly it's strange for them to ask for only one ninja."
"I assure you nothing is going to happen to me Misty, and beside even if there was a slight chance of something bad happening I couldn't forgive myself if you got hurt."
"But..." Misty began to say
Lloyd then kissed her on the side of the face and said "I promise I'll come back." and he gently let go of Misty's hand and summoned his dragon and flew off before Misty had the chance to recover.
"Are you ready to go? Misty" Kai voice said
Misty jumped and saw the other ninja behind her. "You didn't um see what happened did you?" She asked
They looked confused and at the same time said "No"
"Oh, yeah I'm ready to go if you are." Misty said
and they began to walk back to the city.

Authors Note: This picture was made by me and the username is my username for Quotev.com
