022. "Isak has a great ass."

"Dear diary,

Here i am, again. Writing this stupid little thing. I wrote yesterday AND today. Should i say that i'm kinda proud of myself?

Apparently, Even didn't cheat on me. But why the fuck he couldn't tell me what he wanted to, yesterday when we we're walking to school? Did him and Elias lie to me about the whole cheating stuff? Or is it something else? Does he have another stupid secret?

But on the other hand, i can't ask him. I don't want to ruin everything that we have completely because i have some stupid trust issues.

And i'm glad that i met Even, but why did i have to fall in love with his stupid pretty face, stupid not-so ordinary eyes, amazing body and his beautiful mind.

Fuck, this is hard.

-Isak, 21.10.2016"

"You guys put up the most epic fight of the year, huh?" Eskild said when we were watching a movie in the living room.

Or better, everyone else was watching a boring movie that Eskild himself choose, while he was on his phone.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I saw a video on Instagram. Pretty cool."

I rolled my eyes and looked at Even, trying to get him to help me with the situation. I was sitting on his lap comfortably. Honestly the best place to be in.

"Peole are so dramatic these days, jesus." Even added.

"Yeah, and social media don't always show every single thing that actually happened."

"Eskild, you're a grown man and-"

"I got it! Thank you." Eskild interrupted Noora.

We had only watched half of the movie, when Even told everyone that we were going to our room. To sleep.

I was going to have a big chemistry test tomorrow so i really had to get some rest. I couldn't worry about anything or have anything distracting stuff in my mind or i wouldn't pass the test.
And then my mom would kill me. Or i would kill myself before that happens. Either way.

"Are you stressing the test?" Even asked as we were laying in our bed.

"Yeah, a little."

"Okay, a little isn't enough. A lot. I'm going to die." I said dramatically.

He just laughed at me, which made me even more nervous.

"You have studied two days straight, you'll be fine."

It was true. I hated chemistry, which makes the subject even less interesting. I had paid no attention to the teaching in class, and now i was screwed.

"Well, it's easy for you. You're the most popular person in our school, you have perfect grades even though our teachers hate you, and you play football and that makes your position obviously better because you are your coach's only hope."

Then i started to hear some random noise, and it sounded like it was coming from our ceiling. Maybe rats?

"What's that sound?" I asked from Even and turned to look at him.

"It's the sound of you overthinking. Calm the fuck down, Isak." He rolled his eyes.

I hit him with a pillow, and he laughed. God, his laugh was so, so beautiful. Was it healthy that i got a thing for someone's laugh and voice?

"Is it ever going to get boring with you?" I asked from him.

"Life could never be boring with me, Isak." He leaned in to kiss me.

We just kissed for a couple of minutes, so lazily, that i fell asleep. Before that, i heard his heartbeat against my ear. His breathing calmed me down in a extraordinary way.


Even and i walked together to school, once again. I tried to ask him about how his friends had taken the news of us being together, but in his words: "They have said absolutely nothing."

But i guess they all took it pretty well. At least Elias had been okay with it when we were together at Sana's and his house.

"Maybe he doesn't want to wait for you anymore."

Magnus, Jonas, Mahdi and i were sitting in our school's canteen, eating. I had missed spending time with them, even though they were fucking idiots sometimes.

"What do you mean?" I asked from Magnus.

This was going to be a fight. Without anyone hitting each other, of course.

"He wants sex. That tight ass of yours, you know." He almost yelled.

I spat out the water i was drinking, loudly. Many people turned to look at me, and it was the most awkward thing ever. I was sure i was going to die in that moment.

"That's right, Isak has a great ass." Magnus made the situation even worse by yelling that.

And everyone in the canteen heard that. They absolutely did. And it was horrible.

"He totally has." I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me.

Then Even put his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I was taken by surprise, because he didn't like to do that stuff in public. But i understood because after all, i had outed him in front of everyone. I was happy that he made his move to me in public anyways.

"Oh, wow." I said when he took a seat next to me.

"We were just talking about you, Even!" Magnus started.

"Oh wha-"

"No. Don't say anything." I didn't know which one of them i was saying it, but probably both.

Magnus just nodded and continued on eating. I hadn't noticed that Even had been staring at me this whole time.

"What are you staring at?" I finally turned to look at him.

He blinked. "What? Staring at art isn't legal anymore?"

It was the most shitty pick-up line ever, but i felt my face turning red and heating up. God, why was i like this?

"Then you should've choosen arts in the beginning of the school year, if you like it so much." I fired back.

"That was a good one" Mahdi said and high-fived with me.

I smiled to Even, and took his hand in mine under the table.

"So, are you walking with me to home?" I asked from him.

"No. Football practice. We have a game tomorrow."

Oh, how could i have forgotten that stupid game?

"Yeah, right." I nodded.

I finished eating my sandwich, and we left the canteen. Even and i were still holding hands, and it didn't seem to disturb him in any way.

I had my chemistry's test next. Even wished me and Jonas good luck, before heading to his class.

"I'm going to fail this shit." I said to Jonas when we sat down onto our usual places.

"You're not. You are prepared, i didn't open the chemistry's book once."

I rolled my eyes when the teacher gave us the test. I took a deep breath before looking at the questions. I had never seen them in my entire life.

"What the hell is this shit?" I questioned the test loudly.

"Valtersen, be quiet."

I began to answer to the questions, knowing that i wouldn't pass the test even if i tried. It was whatever. And that's why i was probably the first to finish the test and leave the class. Jonas following right behind me.

"We're pretty good at this, huh?" He said to me as we walked to our lockers.

"Yeah, the best fucking one's ever." I smiled to him.

A short chapter, i knowww. But my cat died today and other shitty stuff has been happening lately so i didn't know how to write anything that's even close to good :))
