01. "Hartvig Nissen"

" Dear diary.

I'm Isak Valtersen, and it's 15.8.2016. I moved to Oslo, Norway with my parents a week ago. And yes, i know that it's kinda gay to have a diary. My mom said that it's good to have one, so here i am.
I'll start high school tomorrow on Hartvig Nissen, and i'm kinda excited.

- Isak. "

I walked towards Hartvig Nissen, my new school. It was pretty cool from the outside, i hope the students are cool too.
I was little bit scared, because i didn't know if anyone would like me. That's fine, i don't need any friends. Maybe i was meant to be alone. Forever.

"Isak Valtersen, i guess", the principal said when i walked into his room.
He seemed to be pretty nice.

"Yes, that's me", i answered.

He probably knew i was nervous, he saw it.

"Great, welcome to Nissen!" he said.

I nodded and smiled in response.

"So, let's see what's your first class", he said and looked for my timetable (or schedule) from his papers.

"Oh, it's biology! I'll walk you there, if that's ok?" he asked and handed me my timetable.

"Yeah, of course. I wouldn't find it on my own anyways!" i said and got up from the table.

He walked me to my first class, and wished me luck "to the first day".
I'll probably do social suicide anyways when i even try to talk.
I took deep breath, and decided that i was as ready as it's possible to be, and walked in.

"Umm... I'm sorry to interrupt." i said quietly to the teacher and looked towards the floor.

"Oh, that's totally ok!" she said.

She was maybe fifty years old, and she had short, brown hair.
Don't introduce me to the whole class, please.

"Well, guys. This is Isak, your new schoolmate. Just be nice to him, ok?" she introcuded me quickly.
I knew it, i fucking knew it.

"Sana! You don't have a partner yet, so Isak will be." she said and pointed towards a girl who had a black scarf around her head. She was a muslim.

I walked to my place, and sat down. It was awkward, because neither of us said anything, at first.

"So, you're Sana, right?" i asked but i didn't turn to look at her.

"Isn't it obvious already?" she answered with question.

She had very white skin, but she had a lots of makeup too. She looked kinda bitchy, but i knew that she was smart.

"Nice scarf by the way", i said without thinking about it.

After i said that i realized that it was very disrespectful towards her and her religion. But of course i didn't get a chance to apologize.

"It's not a scarf, idiot." she said and stared at me.

"Oh, then what it is?" i asked and finally turned to face her.

"It's a Hijab." she answered.

Like i would know that it was a Hijab? I'm not a muslim or a woman.

"Ok, anyways. You don't have to be rude or anything", i said and smiled.


After i finished my first class, i had a short break. I went to find my locker, so i could put my books in it. I had physics next, and i didn't want to be late on my first day.
Gladly, Sana had physics too, so we walked to class together. There was a lot of different "groups" of boys and girls.

"Who are these guys?" i asked from Sana as we sat down to free places.

"Well, those boys in front of teachers table are Yousef, Even and my brother Elias. Many people say that they're "the hottest trio of the school". They're actually dorks, even though they are two years older than us." Sana said.

"Two years older? How is that possible?" i was curious.

"Nissen is a whole blend, if asked from me." she laughed.

I stared at the boys, and they were all actually handsome, but just not in that way. They sat on their places like they owned the whole school, and maybe they did.

"Those are The Pepsi Max - girls. That's their squad name or something like that. They're pretty, and popular and..."

"Basic", i completed her sentence.

While smiling she looked at me as a sign that i wasn't wrong. Finally i did something right.

"And the last one, but not the least. The Jerks. Jonas, Mahdi, and Magnus. All they do is talk about girls and having sex with them." she explained.

"Great!" i said sarcastically.

Then our teacher came to the room, and the class could begin.


After school i went to home, and saw my mom in the kitchen.

"Hi!" she greeted me happily and kissed me to my forehead quickly.

"How was your day? Did you make any new friends?" she had a lots of questions.

"It was great, and yeah, i actually made couple of new friends", i said even though i had only met Sana, and i couldn't even call her my friend. She was just nice to me.

"Good! You know we are very proud of you with your dad, right?" she asked.
I nodded and went to my room.

I spent hours looking through Facebook - profiles. I tried to find the people Sana told me about. I found everyone else expect The Pepsi Max - girls, because i didn't know their names. I wasn't even really interested.

When my dad came home, i closed the door of my room. He probably wanted to talk, but i didn't.
My dad was a lawyer, so he was at work a lot. He was always busy, somehow.

But when he's at home, all he ever does is drink whiskey and fight with mom. I was wondering why they didn't get a divorce if they were both unhappy, because that's just not how relationships work. But that wasn't my problem, even though it disturbs me sometimes.

"Dear diary,

Who am i to judge my own parents??
I have never been in a relationship with anyone, and i have no idea what it's like to be in one. I would like to get to know, tho.
Maybe it's about money or that they simply just love each other so much that they can't get a divorce even though it's unhealthy for them to be together. Or maybe they're still together because they don't want to hurt me.

Well, anyways. I made today a new friend. Her name is Sana, and she's a muslim. She's pretty cool. I can't wait to meet other people. Like "The Jerks" who Sana introduced me today, i would like to get to know them better.
I don't know why am i still writing so i should go now, byeeeee.

- Isak, 16.8.2016"
