013. "Are you into boys?"

WARNING! this chapter contains family violence and some strong and offensive language. (i'm so sorry)

Even was still asleep at 7 pm when i left his house. Her mom arrived, but i only told her that Even was really tired so he went to sleep. I know that i didn't tell her about the cutting, but Even appreciates it. He can tell her if he wants to.

"Where were you?" Mom asked me as i closed the door and went to living room.

"At Even's. I forgot to tell you, sorry." I apologized.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head and left the room without saying a word. I still had homework to do for tomorrow's schoolday. I was so tired, mentally. All i wanted to do was sleep.

As soon as i got to lay down onto my bed, my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number, but i still decided to answer. Glad i did.

"Hallå?" I answered to the call.

"Oh, hi. You answered quickly. This is Even's mom." A woman said to the phone.

I was a little bit shocked. Maybe Even had told her about his cutting. I kind of hoped he would have. Even really needed support.

"Yeah, right." I said and tried to sound like a human being.

"I just wanted to thank you, for helping Even. It's great that you stand by his side with things like this." Even's mom said.

"Sure, always."

We didn't talk a lot more and ended the call. It was just awkward and in some way stressful.

I heard our front door open, so i assumed that dad had came from work.
They would start fighting soon with mom, so i put my earphones on and listened to music.

In my opinion, i had a great taste in music. I listened James Arthur and Little Mix, but mostly Queen.

Queen had been a big part of my life always. I listened to their music already when i was a little kid, from the days that i remember i did.

(in loving memory of Freddie Mercury <3)

My calm moment was interrupted, as mt dad rushed to my room, mom following.

"What?" I stood up and turned to watch them.

Dad leaned closer to me, so close that our faces almost touched. I tried to back up, but he took a hold of my left hand.
I was confused, but i knew what it was.

"Tell me the truth. Are you into boys?" He spitted out the words.

We were there in silence for a while. I didn't know what to say to him.
I looked at mom who stood behind dad. She looked scared.

"I don't want to label myself, dad." I let it out.

I didn't see the next thing coming. He let go of my hand, and then punched me straight to my face.

I fell to the floor, holding my nose that was bleeding with my other hand. Everything blurred in my eyes, mostly because of the tears that filled them. I saw dad walking out of my room, and mom walking to help me.

"I'm so sorry, Isak." She said and hugged me quickly before getting up.

She walked out of my room, but came back few seconds after with some soft paper.
She helped me to get up, and walked me to our bathroom.
We washed my face that was covered with blood, and tried to make the bleeding stop. After that we held some cold thing against my nose, so it wouldn't hurt so much.

"Thank you" I said to mom weakly.

She just smiled, and kissed my forehead.

As the bleeding had somehow stopped, we walked to our living room together, just to see that dad had left. We didn't know where he had went, but it was probably better. I felt tense in air every time he was at home.

"I didn't know that dad has issues with people like me. He's a lawyer and all, shouldn't he be more woke or something?" I said to mom.

"Probably. But i'm so sorry that i let this happen'." She answered without looking at me.

"It's not your fault."

"We're possibly getting divorced. We've been having problems anyways with him for a long time now." Mom said.

I heard coldness in her voice. Maybe she had finally realized who dad really was.

"What kind of problems? And please, talk to me. I'm not a ten-years old anymore!" I suggested.

Mom took a deep breath.

"Well, lately i found out that he has been cheating on me. For a while now. And him hitting you was something that i don't approve." She explained.

I was shocked. I knew that dad wasn't at home really never, but i honestly thought that they were work things. Clearly they weren't, he was doing someone else.

"You should have gotten a divorce sooner. I wish i would've known." I said.

Mom just nodded.

This whole situation was making me sad. For me, but mostly because of mom. I felt so bad for her. But i couldn't do anything else than support her and be there for her.

I went to my room to do my homework and to clear my mind. My nose was sore and swollen but i could handle that.
There were two big, purple bruises on my left cheek and nose. They will wake up a lot of questions at school, and some people will probably get worried, too.

My phone began to ring. It was Even.
I was happy to see his name on my phone's screen.

"Hi, you're awake?" I answered to the call right away.

"Hardly, but yeah. What are you doing?" Even asked.

It was great to hear his voice. I was wishing i could've seen him too.

"Homework, so shitty." I said and i heard Even laughing.

"You're such a great student, Isak!" He answered.

"I am? What about you, huh?"

"I'm the king of Hartvig Nissen so obviously i have good numbers. I also play football in school's team, fun fact." Even explained.

I was in shock, once again.

"Wait, are you serious?" I asked.

"Not about the numbers, but yes. I play football in team with Elias and Yousef." He said.

"Wow, you always know how to surprise me." A smile creeped onto my face.

"I know. How else do you think i would be so hot?" Even laughed.

"Facts", i agreed.

"I should go now. Can we see at the bus stop tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sure, i'll see you then."

"And, by the way. How are you feeling? If you need anything from store i can bring it to you or-"

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Even said.
I couldn't hear if he was lying or not.

"Okay, then." I gave up.

We said our goodbyes and ended the call. I didn't tell him about dad hitting me. He probably has a lot in his mind without me causing more.

I was also a little bit worried about my parents getting divorce. I mean, where would mom and i go? We don't have house or apartment. Or maybe, dad would move away.

I hated to be unsure about everything. We moved to Oslo almost month ago, and i never thought it would go to this. I had fallen in love with boy, and my parents are getting a divorce. Great, Isak. Nice start.

I finished my homework, and went to kitchen to grab some food. It was already 11PM, and mom had already went to sleep. I was going to be very tired tomorrow, i knew it already.

The bruises in my face looked awful, and i couldn't hide them. There was no way.

"Dear diary,

Today, i got beaten up by my own dad, and Even cut himself again. And i thought this couldn't get any worse. Apparently i was wrong.

I talked with Sana today, and she made me realize that sometimes i have to forgive people, because at the end of the day we're all humans, and we make mistakes. It would be pretty boring if we wouldn't make them. So big shoutout to Sana.

Mom and dad are also getting divorce. Mom told me that dad had cheated on him. Awful. But mom has never talked to me about things that has been going on in her life, like she would want to shut me out of it and save me from all the shit.

This day was absolute shit.

-Isak, 2.9.2016."
