Chapter 5

"Where do you think you're going?" Shigaraki asks menacingly.

Still hoping I can act my way out of this, I quirk my eyebrow, "Back to UA? I need some sleep." I attempt to pull my wrist away. I fail.

"No, you're coming with us."

I attempt to pull away my wrist again.

This sets Shigaraki off the edge, "Try to pull away again and I'll use my quirk on you." He threatens.

I scoff, unafraid. He doesn't know his quirk won't work on me. I challenge, "I'd like to see you try." I manage to escape his grip this time when I pull away.

He gives me a demented look. This guy's got a screw loose.

Immediately after I escape his grip I run. I'm outta here.

"Kurogiri!" I hear Shigaraki yell behind me.

As I run a few more steps, I suddenly see one of Kurogiri's portals appear in front of me. I'm running too fast to stop. I run through the portal and find I don't get teleported anywhere. This is unsurprising to me, but the villains behind me disagree.

I don't hear them chasing after me, so I look behind me quickly. They've disappeared?

Not watching where I'm going I run into the body of someone in front of me.

I look up to see Shigaraki. They must've used a portal.

Shigaraki grabs both my wrists this time. The rest of the villains surround me. More cautious this time.

"How the hell did you do that?" Shigaraki's eyes look into mine intensely.

I hesitate before responding, "I'm not telling you."

Slowly he places five fingers on me. Quickly taking one finger off. He didn't want to disintegrate me, just try to put me in my place. But much to his surprise I don't scream out in pain. His face collapses. He places five fingers on me again, longer this time. Nothing. He keeps his five fingers on me. Nothing happens.

He looks up at me shocked.

I take advantage of his surprise and punch his throat with full force. He bends over holding his throat. What? I know some self defense.

The rest of the battle ensues between me and the rest of the group. It takes no time for each of them to find that none of their quirks work on me. Shigaraki regains his breath then tackles my body onto the ground instantly.

"Kurogiri, get me something to tie her down with!" He commands. I struggle underneath him.

Kurogiri teleports somewhere and comes back with some rope. They tie me up and blindfold me. I feel one of them carry me in their arms. I squirm in their grip. They carry me for a long time. Toga complains how annoying it is that they can't teleport me back to base.

I feel a breeze across my face as I'm carried into a new environment.

The person carrying me sets me down on a chair. The group work together to tie me to it as I struggle against them.

Twice takes off my blindfold.

I fight against the ropes one last time, "Why'd you go through all this work to kidnap me?! I'm not even in the hero course!" I give up trying to escape my restraints.

I look around the room seeing I'm in a bar. This is their base. My eyes fall on blue ones. Dabi. I see him look at me a bit surprised. I look back to the group of jokers in front of me.

Shigaraki falters in his response, not really sure why he kidnapped me himself. "Because- Because you're from UA! That's a hero school!"

I glare at him, "So? I'm not a hero! Your fight is not with me."

He glares back, "Let's get to a more important question. How do our quirks not work on you?" Shigaraki can't help but be curious. All his trauma with not being able to touch anything with all his fingers, all his fears, directly go against this girl.

I don't want to answer this guy. I look around at all the villains' curious faces. Dabi listening in at the bar. Twice seems surprised. Toga stares at me with bulgy eyes. Kurogiri seems indifferent. Shigaraki stares at me with pure intrigue.

I look down at the ropes. I need to stop being stupid. I don't have a choice in this scenario, "I'm immune to quirks." I look back up.

They all analyze my face. They all turn to each other. That was all the confirmation they needed.

Twice reaches out and touches my shoulder, "I can't copy her." His hand retreats back to his side.

Toga pulls out a knife and slices my cheek. I squeak in pain. She puts the blood on the knife to her lips. Her face concentrates, then relaxes, "I can't transform into her." Her eyes stare at me with complete insanity.

Dabi walks up from his bar stool and places his arm on my hand, "My quirk doesn't work on her either."

Shigaraki chokes my neck with all five fingers, "Mine doesn't either." He lets go of me and I gasp for air. His gaze remains the most intense.

"Are you done?" I snide.

All the members glare at me.

"What are we going to do with her?" Toga's high pitched voice rings through my ears. Her eyes still look insane.

Shigaraki responds, "We'll use her as leverage against the heroes."

Fuck this not good, "So you're just going to keep me here?"

"Exactly," Shigaraki retorts.

I don't reply. The league gets bored of just watching me, so they scatter around the base. Shigaraki remains standing in front of me.

"What?" I look up at him confused.

His eyebrows furrow but he doesn't say anything.

So weird.

I sit there in their base tied to a chair for the rest of the night. Eventually I fall asleep.


I wake up to someone bursting through the door loudly. What the hell? I open my eyes and find I'm not in my bed. The memories of last night flash before me. I look to see All Might was the one who burst through the door.

All Might and a few other pro hero's fight the villains. Someone sneaks up behind me and desperately unties me. I turn my head to see Hawks. I don't know how to feel about going with him. I saw him with Dabi at McDonald's.

His red eyes meet mine when he finishes untying me. He feels my hesitation. A moment of nothing passes between us.

I snap out of it and rip out of the chair. I run towards the exit. I'm getting the fuck out of here.

I run out of the bar and onto the street. Daylight blinds my eyes. I must've been asleep the whole night. I check behind me to see if any of the villains are following. None.

I sprint in the downtown. I'm far enough away from the battle to see ordinary people walking down the street. I pass them. I sprint all the way back to UA. Holy fuck! Standing in the courtyard I bend over and catch my breath.

"Y/n!" I hear someone call out. Footsteps run towards me. I look up and see Midoriya. I stand back up, no longer panting. Midoriya grabs my shoulders, "You didn't come back last night! The hero's told us villains kidnapped you!"

"Yeah," I point backwards. "I literally just escaped."

He hugs me and I can't help but feel very uncomfortable. He senses this and pulls away, "I'm glad you're safe."

"Thanks Midoriya," I smile. "I'm going to head back to the dorms. I'm going to take a breather."

"Yes, you need that."

We both smile at each other then I head back to the dorms.

No one's in the dorms when I get there. Everyone's at school. Thank god. I rush up the elevator to my dorm. Once I get in my dorm I immediately shut the door. I flow down the door onto my knees. I hug myself and look up to the ceiling. I want to go back home. Things like this would never happen at home.

I feel tears stream down my face.


Yesterday I didn't step foot out of my dorm. Today I ran late to class. I sat through my morning classes but couldn't focus. Nezu calls me and tells me to come to his office just before lunch. I get up from my seat and head out the class, down the hall. I pass 1A's classroom and peek through the windows curiously. Midoriya's not there. The class is all listening to Aizawa. I pass the class and continue on my way to Nezu's Office.

Once I arrive at his office I see him sitting at his desk. Two chairs are placed in front of his desk. One's taken up by All Might. Standing beside All Might is Midoriya. I sit down on the vacant seat beside All Might.

"I'm guessing this is about the kidnapping yesterday?" I question and look at All Might and Nezu.

"Yes," Nezu confirms. "Midoriya has volunteered to accompany you to your job from now on."

"I don't want company, I'm good on my own."

"I think villains kidnapping you has established you're not," Nezu remarks.

"You can't take away my freedom just because you're scared."

"Stop fighting this y/n," All Might looks at me with pleading eyes. Begging internally to just let it slide, just this once.

I look at him baffled, "Clearly you don't know me." I turn back to Nezu and put my finger on his desk, "It's not my fault I got kidnapped. I'm grateful you came and saved me but I don't need a babysitter." I gesture to Midoriya.

Nezu analyzes me. He couldn't be more annoyed with my behaviour. He respects that I stick up for myself, but I've been a pain in his ass since I got here. "Y/n, this is non-negotiable. Midoriya's accompanying you. If you want to stay living here and finish school here, you're going to have to learn when to compromise."

I cross my arms. He got me there, "Fine."

He smiles sweetly, "Lovely." He turns to Midoriya. "Start accompanying y/n this weekend." He turns back to me, "That reminds me. No more working night shifts, and no more working on school nights."

I'm about to speak up again to protest but he interrupts me, "Compromise." His eyes bore into mine, as if to say 'another word from you and you're grounded'.

I contain my anger and storm out of the room, slamming the door behind me. As soon as I leave I punch the wall outside. Then I quickly shake my knuckles. That hurt.


As agreed Midoriya starts to follow me there and back everytime I go to work. During my shift he'll leave. I don't know where he goes and I honestly feel too annoyed to care. I haven't seen the League of Villains since the whole kidnapping incident a few weeks ago. I would've been traumatized if that happened in my world, but here in my hero academia this whole 'villains' thing feels like a joke. I'm beginning to feel the same way about heroes.

This shift however some of Midoriya's friends have also decided to accompany me to work. They cannot hold back on the prying. Yesterday night when I went to the bathroom to take a shower I accidently left my dorm room open. I forgot socks to change into so I quickly went back to my dorm, in the process catching Mina suspiciously passing my door. I'm almost certain she briefly went through my room, trying to find gossip on me? I'm honestly not sure what reason she has to be looking through my dorm. Anyway I have a theory she heard the elevator ding and quickly rushed out of my room pretending to be innocent.

I wait outside the 1A dorms for the group. Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka and Asui walk out the doors. I seriously can't believe this.
