Chapter 4

Once I get into the cafeteria, I get in line for food. I feel a tap from behind me. I look over and see Shinsou.

As we wait in the line together he says, "So you're immune to quirks."

"Yep," I reply.

"That's cool," he says, his monotone voice cracking a bit. We move up the line.

"I guess," I grab a food tray and start to put food on it. "It really isn't special."

He doesn't reply. We go through the entire line of food.

I feel people's gaze on me. I turn to look and catch a couple of the 1A students staring at me. Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya and Yaoyorozu. Must be because they recognize me. They all immediately turn away when I catch their stares.

I hear Shinso behind me start to say something behind me.

"Y/n!" Mina calls out to me, "Come eat with us!"

I look behind me to ask Shinso to repeat himself, but find that he's disappeared. Odd.

I turn back to Mina's table. Bakugo, Mina, Sero, Kaminari and Kirishima all sit together. I look back to the table that had a couple of stares my way. Midoriya, Ochako, Todoroki, Ida, Yaoyorozu and Jiro sit at that table. They all pretend they hadn't been staring at me.

I walk towards Mina's table, "Hey Mina!" I sit down at the empty seat beside Bakugo.

Bakugo stiffens. He glares at Mina. Why does this guy hate me? I decide to ignore him. On the opposing side sits Mina, Kaminari and Sero. Kirishima is sitting beside Bakugo on the opposite side.

"So y/n, how was your first day in General Studies going?" Kaminari asks me, smiling teasingly.

"Going good so far."

That's the last question I'm asked before the group goes back into their usual shenanigans.

I can't help but feel a bit awkward.

Once lunch ends I take my empty tray back to the stack of dirty trays.

Todoroki comes up beside me and puts his tray in right after mine. I turn my head and look at him briefly before returning to class. His cheeks were pinkish but it might've been in my head.

The rest of the day flies by. I saw Shinso back in his seat when I came to class. I didn't feel his gaze on me for the rest of the day.

I get back to the 1A dorm and quickly take the elevator up to my room. My shift is going to be soon! Once I get to my dorm I hurry and change into my McDonald's uniform. I've figured out the subway system so I'll take the train there. I rush back downstairs. Some of class 1A is in the common area.

Midoriya spots me rushing out, "Hey y/n. Where are you going?"

I feel the eyes of the Bakusquad, Todoroki and a few others on me.

I glance at Midoriya, "Work."

"Oh really? Where do you-" Before he can even ask the question, I'm gone.

The group all just stares at each other.

Bakugo answers Midoriya with a snarky response, "Isn't obvious where she works. She's wearing a McDonald's uniform."


I rush on the subway to get to work. I feel someone watching me on the subway. I notice a person with a black hood overtop of their head, hiding their face. They're a ways away. That's probably who was staring at me. I choose to not confront the person for now.

I get off at my stop and run the rest of the way to my work. I make it just in time to clock in for my shift. I stand at the till taking orders. Right now is a busy time since students are just getting off school. It usually remains pretty busy until seven because some people get dinner here. I clock out at nine and head back to the subway.

Back on the subway it's deserted. No one's here at this time on a school night. I notice again the same person with a black hood over their head is sitting across from me. A lot closer than the last time I spotted them. They're sitting on their phone. Head tilted just right so as to not look suspicious but also not show their face. I've decided what I'm going to do about this.

When the train gets to my stop I get out of my seat. The mystery person in front of me remains seated. The doors to the subway open. I don't get off, instead I step forward and pull the person's hood off quickly. Then I quickly step back as I embrace myself for who it's going to be. A random person? A villain? A UA student?

Confusion colours my face, "Midnight?"

Her face looks up at me with shock. The doors to the train close and I realize I missed my stop. Shit, guess I'm getting off at the next one.

I look back to Midnight, "Why've you been following me?"

"I felt a need to," Midnight replies. "Y/n you don't have anyone looking after you here, doesn't that scare you? No sixteen year old should be off on their own at this time of night."

"It's only nine," I roll my eyes.

"Nine fifteen," She corrects me. "Your shift ends at nine but you're out here till nine fifteen. Plus it is a big deal since it's nine fifteen on a school night. No one's out at nine fifteen on a school night. It's also dark outside.

"I don't know what it was like back in your world y/n but here things work differently. There's villains out at night who won't hesitate to harm you."

"There were murderers and rapists back in my world," I tell her. "They weren't called 'villains' but they were still people who fit your category of that."

Midnight looks at me with surprise.

I continue, "I'm not as helpless as you think. I know what I'm doing."

She raises her arms in front of herself defensively, "Well then forgive me for caring too much!"

Silence overtakes us. I sit back down across from her.

"I'm sorry for following you," Midnight apologizes after calming down. "I won't do it again. I just care about my students, and you're so vulnerable y/n. It scares me."

"Well I appreciate you apologizing. If you do follow me again, I'll tell Nezu," I pause. "What makes you think I'm vulnerable?"

"You're a foreigner from a different world and you don't have anyone you know here."

"I'm meeting new people. Plus this place is getting less foreign. I'm planning on doing some more research on the history later."

She looks at me, clearly unconvinced. She doesn't reply. She turns her head away from me, "I won't follow you anymore. If you ever feel unsafe walking alone, let me know."

"I will," She turns her head back to me. "I do appreciate you caring."

She smiles. Worry is still prominent in her eyes, but I think she'll back off now.

Once the subway stops, I get off. Midnight stays on the train. I guess I'll be walking extra today.

I walk through the dark neighborhood back to UA. Nothing happens for the rest of the walk back. Once I get back I notice all the lights in the UA dorms are off. Everyone's already asleep. I catch the time on the clock on the wall of the common area, it's now nine forty.

I get some food from the cupboard. When I turn around I see Todoroki sitting on the island chair. I drop my food.

"Shit!" I pick up my food that fell on the floor. When I stand back up, I put my food on the table between us. "Have you been here this whole time?"

"Yes," Todoroki replies blankly.

"What are you still doing up?" I start to eat standing across from him.

"Couldn't sleep."

I hum.

"You work late," Todoroki comments.

"Yeah, it is what it is." I shrug.

"Y'know it's strange." He looks at me warily, "You just randomly show up here, out of the blue. The school doesn't randomly accept people at random." He folds his hands together, "But as far as I'm aware you're quirkless." His eyes bore into me, "Then you join the 1A dorms, why not the 1C dorms? Then you have a job at McDonald's where you stay out all night working."

"You have quite the file on me," I joke.

He doesn't reply, continuing to analyze me. I shift at the stare.

I pull myself together, "I don't owe you an explanation, Todoroki. We're not friends."

He looks a bit surprised. As if he was just expecting me to spill my whole deal. I guess, typically in anime that's what happens. However, not back where I'm from.

"I guess you don't. I was just stating my observations," He gets up from his seat looking down.

"Sure you were," I say doubtfully. He looks back up at me with his monotone expression. I still feel him trying to analyze me. Figure me out. I've definitely piqued his curiosity. Me not giving him the answer he expected made it more so.

He walks to the elevator and I can only assume goes back to his dorm. I finish eating. Then I head up the elevator back to my dorm.


Soon, I get stuck in a pattern. Becoming accustomed to a new life. Going to school on the weekdays. Working the rest of the time. Sometimes I go out with Mina since she seems to enjoy my company. There's a distance between me and the others. I think it's because they don't feel they know me, and I suppose they're not wrong. Everything about my situation is abnormal. When they tried to ask questions on the first day we met I shut them down immediately. The class hasn't asked questions since. Other than when Todoroki cornered me that one night.

Shinso hasn't tried to talk to me either. Not since that one interaction in the cafeteria. Actually no one in class 1C has tried talking to me. I'm not complaining, I have no interest in them. I'm just there to finish off High School.

Midnight has left me alone, like she promised.

Sometimes I do get a bit lonely though. I've tried to confide in some of the teachers but they don't relate to my situation at all. It makes it hard to connect with them.

It's been two months since I arrived here.

Currently I'm on my way back from a shift at work. This time I changed back into my UA uniform at work. I'm walking downtown at three am. Tonight I was forced to walk back since the trains aren't open from midnight to five am. I haven't seen anyone in sight. The only lights on are the street lights.

Suddenly a group of the villains from the anime show up in front of me. It looks to be Shigaraki, Toga, Twice and Kurogiri. They appeared from one of Kurogiri's portals.

"Well, well, well," Shigaraki smiles wickedly. "What's a UA student doing out so late at night?"

I look down to my blazer and navy skirt. I picked the worst night to be in this. I pretend to not recognize them. I sigh, "Getting off from a late shift."

I continue to walk, brushing past them. Hoping they won't follow me.

I feel a hand grab my wrist. Four fingers. Wishful thinking.
